• 3 years ago
Lifehack recently offered readers some tips for staying energized throughout the workweek. .
They asked entrepreneurs what morning routine keeps them motivated and driven to make the day successful.
1. First thing, stimulate your mind: This could be journaling, quiet self-reflection, solving a puzzle or even watching the news. Stimulating your brain first thing in the morning can help you process
thoughts constructively and efficiently.
2. Next, stimulate your body: This could be a walk around your neighborhood, an early gym class or home routine. Lifehack recommends taking advantage of any chance to move your body and get that boost of energy.
3. Clear out clutter and make a plan: The morning is a great chance to declutter, get caught up and feel prepared for the day ahead. Try to clear your slate of smaller tasks, like feeding a pet or clearing your inbox, right away. This frees up the rest of the day for you to stay focused and effectively make the most of your time. Be sure to schedule time to recharge and assess what you have accomplished
and what still needs to be done.

Developing a productive morning routine can help you to dynamically manage your time and make the most of your workday.
