Meet the parents turned pornstars who decided to film their 'realistic' sex life and share it online - and now rake in £35k a month and say their kids don't mind. Jess Miller, 33, and her husband, Mike, 34, started uploading videos of themselves having sex on Pornhub and Only Fans to earn extra cash and help cover their mortgage repayments. The couple, who have been together for 10 years have been adult stars for four years and still love what they do and say they never get bored of having sex with each other in front of a camera.They rake in a whopping £35,000 per month selling the sexy snaps and saucy videos and have built up a following of 900,000 loyal fans who subscribe to their work.Jess, a former semi-permanent make-up artist, from Southend, Essex, said: "It never gets boring for us."I doesn't really feel like were pornstars - as we're just doing what we normally would but filming it."A lot of people who watch us say it’s nice to see real love. “We put a camera in the room and people can see what it’s really like when we have sex."Mike, a former personal trainer, said: "I get to have sex with my wife every day and love life and get paid for it."It's great and made us stronger as a couple."