Dal mondo reale a quello virtuale. Partecipa al Giro d'Italia da casa. La nuova tecnologia che unisce video reali e simulazione 3D ti farà vivere un'esperienza unica. Prepara il tuo smart trainer, apri BKOOL... e pedala! Iscriviti adesso su https://bit.ly/3BA5Wa7
From the real to the virtual world. Ride the Giro d'Italia right at home. Next-generation technologies, merging real videos and 3D simulation, will offer you a unique experience. Set up your smart trainer, launch BKOOL and... ride! Register now on https://bit.ly/3BA5Wa7
From the real to the virtual world. Ride the Giro d'Italia right at home. Next-generation technologies, merging real videos and 3D simulation, will offer you a unique experience. Set up your smart trainer, launch BKOOL and... ride! Register now on https://bit.ly/3BA5Wa7