• 4 years ago
A slowed down rendition of Michael Costantini's song "Dream On".

It's been a fun experience taking songs and coming up with different versions of them. This time I'm doing that but with my own song! It's always a great success and hang with this band.

Lots more to come so stay tuned!


Michael Costantini - Guitar, Vocals, Production
Mike Ferfolia - Bass
Don Pham - Drums

The worlds feeling lost and divided
from believing all we hear and what we fear
and what it costs we can't deny it
making rivers out of tears, our fates unclear
so I tune out what's on the screen
and hear the cosmic beat
soon we will be

Moving on from this time and place
let the sun shine upon our sheltered faces
and dream on, come on and dream on

We all will say our grace
as the world joins hands after being away
we can dream on, come on and dream on

Get back on our feet, no more hiding
We can finally find our stride and clear our minds
out on the streets love is flying there're people you will find
who've come out on the other side

Moving on from this time and place
let the sun shine upon our sheltered faces
and dream on, come on and dream on

We all will say our grace
as the world joins hands after being away
we can dream on, come on and dream on
