First, think. ⠀
Second, dream. ⠀
Third, believe. ⠀
And finally...⠀
W.Disney ⠀
A very special thanks to @dimash_k_iranian_fans for her very structured account and all the gold pieces you can find on it. ⠀
Many thanks for your help ❤️⠀
Sources: ⠀
Most of them (without watermark) can be found at @dimash_k_iranian_fans
Clip segments with watermark in upper left, in the original from @dimash48taihou
#themaninmyhead #DiSquishie#kudaibergenovdimash #kudaibergendimash #dimashdears #dimash #Димаш #迪瑪希 #دیماش⠀
#디마쉬 #ディマシュ #ዲማሽ #Ντιμάς#димашкудайбергенов#kudaibergenov #dq#ДимашКудайберген
Second, dream. ⠀
Third, believe. ⠀
And finally...⠀
W.Disney ⠀
A very special thanks to @dimash_k_iranian_fans for her very structured account and all the gold pieces you can find on it. ⠀
Many thanks for your help ❤️⠀
Sources: ⠀
Most of them (without watermark) can be found at @dimash_k_iranian_fans
Clip segments with watermark in upper left, in the original from @dimash48taihou
#themaninmyhead #DiSquishie#kudaibergenovdimash #kudaibergendimash #dimashdears #dimash #Димаш #迪瑪希 #دیماش⠀
#디마쉬 #ディマシュ #ዲማሽ #Ντιμάς#димашкудайбергенов#kudaibergenov #dq#ДимашКудайберген