• 5 years ago
139b, 189lb, 230.50lb, 255.75lb, 280.75lb, 303.25lb

Pullover & Push is the grandfather of the bench Press given to us by World Champion Wrestler AND Weightlifter George Hackenschmidt.
Started out with the original style of pulling over from a dead start with the bar at the crown of the head. Man, this is so hard but, I got a PR of 255.75lb...WOW!! Wasn't expecting that. I moved on to a dead stop start from arm's length and got a massive 28lb PR on the Pullover with 303lb. I didn't get the Push because the grip was too narrow. The 280.75lb was a narrow grip Push PR!! Praise the Lord!! I certainly did much better than expected! Next time I'm going to use a wider grip and see what happens on the Push. God Bless!!