Why Every Business Needs a Customer Loyalty Program?

  • 4 years ago
A decade ago, people based their purchase decisions mainly on how much value they got for their money. This in turn gave rise to the traditional spend-and-get model of loyalty programs. Slowly but surely… customer experience became more important. A Microsoft report states that 96% of customers think customer service is important in their choice of loyalty to a brand.

Customer Experience Breeds Loyalty
Omni-Channel Loyalty Programs
Receipt Scanning Technology
Rewards Programs Are Differentiators
Wholesalers, Retailers, E-Commerce
Data Science Driven Loyalty

Loyalty Programs will not only help you maintain and move forward during the current COVID-19 crisis, but they will help you achieve long-term growth. According to a 2018 US Retail CX Trends Report, 77% of consumers say they stayed loyal to specific brands for 10 years or more. With endless research to back up the claims of loyalty programs driving short-term and long-term growth, a loyalty program should be a part of every business’ strategy.

Visit https://zinrelo.com/why-every-business-needs-customer-loyalty-program.html for more information.
