• 5 years ago
Clutch Cargo - E24: Cliff Dwellers
4min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1959– )

After crash landing in the desert,Clutch and company stumble upon the village of a lost Indian tribe.

Creator: Clark Haas
Stars: Richard Cotting, Hal Smith, Margaret Kerry
00:00Clutch Cargo, with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot, in another exciting adventure, Cliff Dwellers.
00:13Clutch and company are just returning from their last adventure.
00:19This used to be mighty wild country in the days of the old west.
00:22I'd sure hate to have to make a forced landing around here.
00:27Oh, I shouldn't have spoken.
00:30That engine's going to quit.
00:32Brace yourselves for a crash landing, that's all we can do.
00:35Hold on, Paddlefoot. We're gonna hit hard.
00:39Clutch! Clutch!
00:42Over to the right, just in between those rocks, it looks like a road.
00:46You're right, Spinner. Looks plenty rough, but it'll have to do.
00:50Hang on, here we go.
00:56Ooh, that was a rough one, all right.
01:03This road we landed on is made of cobblestone, Spinner.
01:07Where would there be a road like this way out here, Clutch?
01:10Some old Indian civilization must have built it.
01:16Well, I've got to check the engine, find out what's wrong.
01:20The carburetor float was stuck. Stopped the gas from getting through.
01:24Are we gonna take off now?
01:26Afraid not, Spinner. The landing gear got broken when we landed.
01:29It'd never stand the strain of a takeoff.
01:31We're going to have to find something to repair it with.
01:34Maybe this road leads to a town or something.
01:36One way to find out, Spinner. Come on.
01:39Clutch! Look! There's a kind of city over there.
01:44That's an old Indian cliff-dwelling village, Spinner.
01:48I wonder if anyone's there.
01:50Look at how the road goes to it.
01:52Guess it's the only way to get across this canyon.
01:55Gosh! Isn't that something, Clutch?
01:58Yeah. It's a natural bridge formed out of sandstone.
02:02Looks awful thin at the top.
02:05Do you think it's safe to cross it?
02:07Hope so, Spinner. We've got the chances.
02:11Clutch and Spinner start across the slender bridge.
02:17Run, Spinner! The bridge is giving way!
02:20Clutch! Wait! There's Paddlefoot!
02:23There he is, back on the other side. He's afraid.
02:26Paddlefoot! Paddlefoot! Quick!
02:29Come on! Run for your lives!
02:38There he goes. Hey, we're lucky, aren't we?
02:42Wow! Oh, there's Paddlefoot!
02:45There he is. He just made it, too.
02:48You stick close to us from now on, Paddlefoot.
02:50How will we get back to the plane, Clutch?
02:53I don't know, Spinner. But we'll have to keep on to that village now.
02:57By golly, Spinner, we've stumbled onto a village of a lost Indian tribe.
03:02Look over there, Clutch. Is it a cave?
03:06No. That's a door to a cliff house, Spinner.
03:10They built their houses right into the rock.
03:13No telling how old it is. Looks completely deserted.
03:17Gee, I hope nothing bad happened to all the people.
03:25Fire or floods or disease.
03:28Anyway, there's no one here now.
03:32What the?
03:36Is that arrow just a warning for Clutch and company?
03:40Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
03:47Clutch Cargo
03:55Clutch Cargo, with his pal Spinner and Paddlefoot,
03:59in another exciting adventure, Cliff Dwellers.
04:05Last time, Clutch and company developed major trouble
04:08and were forced to land on the site of an ancient Indian cliff-dwelling village.
04:12They had started to investigate when suddenly...
04:15I hope nothing bad happened to all the people.
04:18Maybe fire or floods or disease.
04:21Anyway, there's no one here now.
04:32What the?
04:34Get behind the rock, Spinner. Hurry!
04:37From the angle of that arrow, it was shot from one of those cliff houses.
04:40I thought this place was deserted, but I'm wrong.
04:43Somebody doesn't want us here.
04:45Gee, maybe there's a whole tribe of them here.
04:49But I don't see any movement up there.
04:52Come on, Spinner. I'm curious now.
04:55We're going to explore those cliff houses.
04:58With great caution, Clutch and Spinner make their way to an ancient ladder.
05:04Easy does it, Spinner.
05:06Be as quiet as you can.
05:08At the top, they find a door at the end of a balcony.
05:13Do you think that's where the arrow came from, Clutch?
05:16I wouldn't be surprised, Spinner.
05:18Stick close. We'll have a look.
05:21Look. Someone's been hurt.
05:23Is he an Indian?
05:25An Indian chief, Spinner.
05:27I don't think he's badly hurt. Just stunned.
05:30There we are, fella.
05:31Take it easy. Everything's going to be all right.
05:34Something hit me on head.
05:36Whoever did it hit you pretty hard.
05:38Did you get a good look at him?
05:40Sure me got good look.
05:42He's got paint stripes on face, headdress with cow horns.
05:46Let's go after him. We'll help you.
05:49You are good friends.
05:51We go down and look.
05:53Maybe we find trail.
05:55Down in the courtyard, Spinner finds a clue.
05:59Clutch, look. Footprints.
06:02This white man's shoes.
06:05Bad witch doctor wear white man's shoes.
06:07By golly, you're right.
06:10A pale face witch doctor.
06:13Now what would a white man want here?
06:15Him want ancient treasure that is buried here.
06:19He tell him the spirits of the dead guard treasure.
06:23No one know where it is.
06:25Spirits no want anyone find it.
06:28Golly, Clutch.
06:30A hidden treasure and ghost.
06:34Clutch, Clutch.
06:36Clutch, you clutch cargo?
06:39That's right.
06:40Me hear about you from princess granddaughter.
06:44She tell me about your adventure log book.
06:47Me chief running horse.
06:49Much pleased meet you.
06:51Do you live here alone, chief?
06:53Yes, tribe go away.
06:55Land no good for food now.
06:57Me and princess granddaughter all alone.
07:00Where's your granddaughter now?
07:02Oh, me forget.
07:04She was down here when bad witch doctor come.
07:07Sure hope she's all right.
07:08Clutch, I think I hear something.
07:13You did hear something, Spinner.
07:15It's the chief's granddaughter.
07:17There, Clutch.
07:18At the top of that high cliff.
07:20It's coming from there.
07:26Will the Indian princess be thrown from the cliff?
07:29Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
07:46Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot in another exciting adventure, Cliff Dwellers.
07:53Last time, Clutch and company found chief running horse unconscious.
07:58And his princess granddaughter held captive by the bad witch doctor.
08:03As they began to hunt for the princess.
08:05Clutch, I think I hear something.
08:11You did hear something, Spinner.
08:13It's the chief's granddaughter.
08:15At the top of that high cliff.
08:17It's coming from there.
08:20Come on, Spinner.
08:21Not a moment to lose.
08:23But how?
08:24How we gonna get way up there?
08:26Trail easy to follow.
08:28It go up around back of cliff.
08:30But it rough.
08:31Take horses.
08:32Indian ponies fast as lightning.
08:35Indian ponies?
08:38Clutch and company start out along the trail.
08:44Sorry, Clutch.
08:45I hope we get there in time to save the chief's granddaughter.
08:48I hope so too, Spinner.
08:49We just have to hope for the best.
08:51Meanwhile, the bad witch doctor has climbed to the top of the cliff by a secret route.
08:57Why'd you let the girl holler like that?
09:00Gee, boss, I couldn't help it.
09:02She just run away from me before I knew it she was hollering.
09:05That's the trouble with hired help these days.
09:08Can't depend on them for anything.
09:10Anyway, this witch doctor rig worked fine.
09:13Scared the old chief, but good.
09:16Gee, boss, that's great.
09:18Wish that could have seen it.
09:20You, you've been a big help.
09:22Do you know who that guy is down below?
09:24Clutch Cargo.
09:26I ran up against him one time.
09:28And I've been trying to forget it ever since.
09:31Now look what you've done.
09:32He's on his way up here.
09:34Well, boss, I wouldn't have had it happen for nothing in the wild.
09:37But now that it has, what do we do?
09:39Get rid of the girl.
09:41We'll tie her in the cave and let Cargo look for her.
09:44We'll go back down and get the old man.
09:47We'll make him tell us where the treasure is.
09:49And my name ain't Switchblade.
09:51Please, please, kind sir.
09:53Don't harm my grandfather.
09:55That'll be enough out of you.
09:57Come on, Tuffy.
09:58Into the cave.
09:59Cargo will be here any minute.
10:01And we want him to find her.
10:03Not much farther, spinner.
10:05I think we're almost there.
10:06Well, I guess you ain't gonna take no walk.
10:09And something tells me you ain't gonna holler out to warn Cargo Nina.
10:13You said it, boss.
10:16There's the girl's headdress on the ground in front of the cave where Cargo can't miss it.
10:21They'll go into the cave looking for the girl.
10:24And then, do you know what, Tuffy?
10:26What, boss?
10:27See that big boulder?
10:29Yeah, boss.
10:30It's just waiting to roll down and block the entrance.
10:33Once they go in there, they'll never get out.
10:36They're always a good way, huh, boss?
10:39Right, Tuffy.
10:40I think I hear them now.
10:42Get behind the boulder, and when I holler, push.
10:45I hope we're not too late to save the princess.
10:51Oh, boy, here they come.
10:53There's the top of the cliff.
10:55But, golly, I don't see anybody around.
10:58That's what I expected.
10:59They're gone.
11:00They've been here all right.
11:02Look at the tracks.
11:03You're right.
11:05We can never follow them.
11:06The tracks are in this little bit of dirt.
11:08The rest is solid rock.
11:09Can't they put prints on rock?
11:11Clutch, look.
11:13There's a cave.
11:14Do you think she's in there?
11:16And look, there's her hat right outside.
11:19Quiet, Spinner.
11:20And be careful.
11:22You too, Battlefoot.
11:24We'll see what's inside here.
11:26Do you think it's OK for us to go in?
11:37Clutch, we're trapped.
11:40Will Clutch and company and the princess get out alive?
11:43Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
11:58Clutch Cargo with his pals, Spinner and Battlefoot,
12:02in another exciting adventure, Cliff Dwellers.
12:06Last time, Clutch and company started from the top of the cliff to find the princess.
12:11When they arrived, the bad witch doctor,
12:14who really is Switchblade, a criminal,
12:17and Tubby, his helper, pushed a rock off the cliff.
12:24How are we going to get out?
12:26The entrance is closed up by a rock.
12:28It's solid rock.
12:30I can't budge it.
12:31You suppose those men did it?
12:34Must be at least two of them.
12:37They want to get us out of the way so they can force the chief to tell them where the treasure is.
12:41But he doesn't know, does he?
12:44But they don't seem to believe him.
12:49What's that?
12:52It's coming from over there in the corner.
12:54Clutch, it's the chief's granddaughter.
12:59Take it easy.
13:00You'll be all right.
13:01OK, Tubby.
13:03They're in there for keeps.
13:04Now we'll go down and deal with the old man.
13:07Say, boss, how about that story about the ghost getting after anybody who tries to steal the treasure?
13:13You don't believe that stuff, do you?
13:15Well, I, uh, guess not, Switch.
13:20Come on.
13:21Let's get going.
13:22We'll take their horses and ride down in style.
13:25You know any way out of this place?
13:27I was never in here before.
13:29The opening's jammed up tight.
13:31There's only that shaft in the roof that's letting the light in.
13:34But it's much too high to reach.
13:36Clutch, look at Paddlefoot.
13:39Perhaps your little dog has found something.
13:41Clutch, I can feel air coming through this crack in the rock.
13:45Maybe a hole in the wall.
13:47Maybe I can loosen this door.
13:49Just give me a little.
13:52Look out.
13:53Stand back, all of you.
14:02Golly, look at that.
14:04A whole piece of the wall, Sally.
14:06Maybe it's the way out of this cave.
14:08We'll see where it leads to anyway.
14:10Good boy, Paddlefoot.
14:11You found it.
14:14Look at that!
14:16Sure never expected to find anything like this here.
14:19Has your grandfather seen this?
14:21I don't think so.
14:22But in our tribe, stories of a great secret meeting place have been passed down from father to son.
14:27Sure is kind of spooky here.
14:30You know, I think we're going to have some fun with the old chief, boss.
14:34Then we'll pile the treasure in the truck and be on our way.
14:37In spite of the spooks, eh, boss?
14:40Yeah, we'll make that old man talk, all right.
14:43Those are the masks of the dead,
14:45and the spears they use in the happy hunting grounds in the sky.
14:48Don't be scared, Paddlefoot.
14:51It's not really too spooky.
14:56Look at that!
15:00Look at the eye!
15:02Must be some kind of light behind it.
15:05But there couldn't be after all these years.
15:08Wait a minute.
15:09So that's the answer.
15:11There's a window back there.
15:12I'll lift you up on my shoulders, spinner.
15:14Maybe you'll be able to see outside.
15:17Up we go!
15:19I can see down in the courtyard where we were with the chief.
15:23They've got the chief tied to a post!
15:26Oh, my poor grandfather.
15:28We've got to get down there some way.
15:30But how, Clutch?
15:32I don't know, spinner. We're trapped.
15:34Oh, we must find a way.
15:36We've got to save him.
15:38Can Clutch and company save Chief Running Horse?
15:41Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
15:46Clutch Cargo with his pals, Spinner and Paddlefoot, in another exciting adventure, Cliff Dwellers.
15:53You remember last time Clutch and company reached the top of the cliff to find the princess and the bad men gone.
16:00Inside a cave, they found the princess, but could find no way out.
16:06They've got the chief tied to a post!
16:09Oh, my poor grandfather.
16:11We've got to get down there some way.
16:13But how, Clutch?
16:15I don't know, spinner. We're trapped.
16:17Oh, those awful men.
16:19They'll do something terrible to my grandfather.
16:21We've got to find a way out.
16:24Oh, oh, oh, oh.
16:26Oh, oh, oh, oh.
16:28Oh, oh, oh, oh.
16:30Oh, oh, oh, oh.
16:32Oh, oh, oh, oh.
16:35That shield, princess.
16:37What kind is it?
16:39That is an old shield of escape.
16:41A shield of escape.
16:45I wonder.
16:46Hand me one of those spears, princess.
16:48What are you going to do?
16:50I'm going to see if I can pry this shield away from the wall.
16:52Stand back. It's heavy.
16:54Clutch pries at the edge of the shield and gets a hold.
17:00You did it, Clutch.
17:02I found the secret stairs.
17:04That's the way out, all right.
17:06Oh, oh.
17:08Now, everybody grab a mask, a blanket, and a spear, and hurry.
17:11But me tell you, me not know where treasure is.
17:15So you won't talk, eh?
17:17Go to the truck and get my full whipped coffee.
17:19Okay, boss.
17:21Okay. Everyone all set?
17:23Yes, sir, Clutch.
17:25Now what do we do?
17:27We all head for the courtyard where they've got the chief.
17:29We've got to make them think we're Indian spirits. Got that?
17:32You bet, Clutch.
17:34Then we do Indian war hoops, huh?
17:36Right. The spookier, the better.
17:38Now, let's put on the masks.
17:40Boy, I can hardly wait to see their faces.
17:43I know what you mean, Spinner.
17:45But you should see yours.
17:47Okay. We've given you your chance.
17:50Now, if me knew, me would tell you.
17:53I'm going to give you just one more chance to tell where the treasure is.
18:00Wait, boss. What was that?
18:02What was what?
18:07Just the wind whistling through them old empty buildings.
18:10Maybe so, boss, but it's blowing something this way. Lookie.
18:19I'll tell you. Indian spirits.
18:21Zowie, you're right. Let me out of here.
18:23Me too.
18:25Get out of my way. I'm going fast.
18:30Get it started. Hurry.
18:32I'm hurrying as fast as I can.
18:35Here it comes.
18:39Oh, you've got it reversed.
18:41I can't help it. It won't go forward.
18:44And I can't stop it.
18:48Well, I'll be.
18:50Look. The treasure.
18:53And they found it by accident.
18:55Look. Buried treasure.
18:58Buried treasure.
19:00Shut up, kid. It ain't funny.
19:02I know those two. They're both wanted for robbery.
19:05Me fix them good. Me take them to sheriff.
19:09We was only kidding all the time.
19:12We were? Golly, I didn't know that.
19:15Shut up, you idiot.
19:17Well, chief, you've got your granddaughter back.
19:19And a million dollar treasure too.
19:22I don't know how to thank you, Clutch and Spinner.
19:25Me use money for restoring Cliff Village.
19:28And don't forget Paddlefoot.
19:30Without him, we'd still be in that cave.
19:34And so ends the story of Clutch Cargo and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot and the Cliff Dwellers.
19:41Be sure to tune in for the next exciting adventure with Clutch Cargo.
