24min | Animation, Family, Short | TV Series (1992–1995)
An animated series, telling the story of many beloved Beatrix Potter characters.
Stars: Niamh Cusack, Enn Reitel, Sheila Steafel
An animated series, telling the story of many beloved Beatrix Potter characters.
Stars: Niamh Cusack, Enn Reitel, Sheila Steafel
Short filmTranscript
02:57Yes, hunk-a-munker, I must send Winifred my news stories.
03:03I'm sure she'll be curious to know who frightened the cook so.
03:07And what you naughty mice were doing upstairs in the nursery.
03:20Once upon a time, there was a very beautiful doll's house.
03:25It belonged to two dolls, called Lucinda and Jane.
03:33One morning, they went out for a drive in a doll's perambulator.
03:38There was no one left in the nursery, and all was very quiet.
03:50Be careful, hunk-a-munker.
03:51Oh, come on, Tom Thumb, there's no one about.
03:53Let's go and see what we can find.
03:57There's no one at home.
03:59Let's have a look inside.
04:07Oh, look, Tom.
04:09What a beautiful dinner.
04:11Yes, it's all ready.
04:13And for us.
04:15Oh, yum, yum, yum.
04:17What shall we try first?
04:19Oh, it looks so delicious.
04:25It's not boiled enough.
04:27Look, it's hard.
04:29You have a try, hunk-a-munker.
04:33It's harder than the hams at the cheese mongers.
04:38Leave it alone, it's no use.
04:40You try some of the fish.
04:45Oh, it's so good.
04:47Leave it alone, it's no use.
04:49You try some of the fish.
04:56I'll deal with you, you, you, you ham.
05:06It's no good, you can't eat it.
05:08No, it's not for eating.
05:10Let's smash it all up.
05:12Oh, yes, let's.
05:15What a trick.
05:27It won't break.
05:29Let's burn it on the fire.
05:39It won't burn.
05:42There's no sugar here.
05:46While Tom Thumb was up the chimney,
05:48hunk-a-munker had another disappointment.
06:12Then those naughty mice
06:14set to work to do all the mischief they could.
06:20That, and that, and that.
06:23Out, out, out.
06:25Tom, I have an idea.
06:28This would be a nice bed for us.
06:32Let's take this bolster back to our place.
06:35What? The bolster?
06:37I've always wanted a feather bed.
06:39Oh, yes.
06:41Come along, Tom.
06:52I hope this will be worth all this work.
06:58Oh, you'll see.
07:01Oh, it's no good, hunk-a-munker.
07:03It just won't go in.
07:05Oh, yes, it will.
07:07We'll pull it through.
07:14Come on.
07:21Oh, that's lovely.
07:23Now we just have to pull it through.
07:27There. Oh, that's lovely.
07:30Now let's go back and see what else will be useful.
07:47This will be fine for my babies.
07:59I can't get it in.
08:01Oh, Father. Oh, well, leave it.
08:08Oh, what's this?
08:10Ah, da-da-da.
08:12Oh, hey, hey, hey.
08:14Ah, da-da-da.
08:16Ah, da-da-da.
08:18Oh, what's this?
08:20Ah, da-da-da.
08:22Oh, hey, hey, hey.
08:24Ah, da-da-da.
08:26Ah, da-da-da.
08:28Ah, da-da-da.
08:30Ah, da-da-da.
08:52Oh, no! What's happened here?
08:55What a sight met the eyes of Jane and Lucinda.
08:59Nurse, what has happened?
09:01Oh, it must be mice.
09:04I shall get a doll dressed as a policeman.
09:07I will set a mousetrap.
09:09And that should keep them out of the doll's house.
09:12The birdcage was rescued from behind the coal box,
09:15but Hunkamunka had got the cradle and some of Lucinda's clothes.
09:21And those two bad mice were not the only ones causing trouble.
09:25Ah! Oh, dear!
09:27Quick, Hunkamunka, the kitchen!
09:29What is it?
09:33Ah! Ah!
09:35There's some more viscera!
09:37Ah, who's that?
09:39Call the guards!
09:44But, but, but...
09:46Who in the world is this?
09:49I'm Timmy Willie.
09:51You're Tim...
09:53Well, you're very welcome, I'm sure.
09:56I'm Johnny Townmouse.
09:58Let me introduce you to my friends.
10:00Oh, thank you.
10:10Thank you very much.
10:14I suppose in your travels you haven't been in a trap?
10:19What is a trap?
10:21Oh, obviously not. Never mind.
10:23Splendid piece of stilton!
10:25What? Mmm!
10:40I'm so sorry.
10:44Never mind, never mind.
10:46The plates don't belong to us.
10:48They come from the doll's house upstairs.
10:50You're not from around these parts, are you?
10:54Well, no.
10:56You see, I was born in the country in a beautiful garden.
11:00I came here by mistake.
11:03It was a hamper, the vegetable hamper.
11:06I saw it by the gate and I climbed in.
11:09It was full of lovely vegetables.
11:13And then I fell fast asleep.
11:44Thank you, my man.
11:46And here's sixpence for you.
11:52So much to do.
11:54Oh, so much to do.
12:01Then there was all that awful screaming and I fell in here.
12:06And you're most welcome.
12:09You're most welcome.
12:11Now, why don't those youngsters come back with our desserts?
12:17Ha-ha! Jelly! Just the thing.
12:19What's the joke, you two?
12:21Oh, it's that silly cat chasing us.
12:23That's all.
12:26Cat? A cat?
12:28Oh, I don't feel very well.
12:30Do try some jelly, Timothy William.
12:34No? Well, then, um...
12:37Would you rather go to bed?
12:39Yes, I would.
12:41I will show you a most comfortable sofa pillow. Come along.
12:44Goodnight, Timothy William. Goodnight, Timothy William.
12:47Goodnight. Goodnight.
12:52It is the best bed and I keep it exclusively for visitors.
12:56Have a good night's sleep and I hope you feel better in the morning.
13:01Goodnight, Timmy.
13:29What are you doing?
13:31It's these mice!
13:33Oh, what are we going to do?
13:35Oh, what a mess!
14:04Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
14:07I wish I was home.
14:09Johnny Townmouse and his friends are all very kind but...
14:13Oh, dear.
14:15Oh, dear, oh, dear.
14:18It was the same the following nights until one morning.
14:23What is the matter, Timothy William? Are you ill?
14:26Every day you seem to be getting a little thinner.
14:29Aren't we feeding you well enough?
14:31Oh, no. No, it's...
14:34It's just that I'm not feeling so well.
14:37And I do so miss my home in the peaceful sunny bank.
14:41All this excitement isn't good for me.
14:44Oh. Where is your home, Timmy?
14:47In my garden with the most beautiful flowers
14:50where I sit and listen to my friends the birds.
14:53Is that all? It sounds like...
14:56It sounds like... Well, it sounds rather a dull place.
15:00Oh, no. Not at all.
15:03Even when it rains, I sit in my little soundy burrow
15:07peeping out of the throttles on the lawn
15:09and talk to my friend Cock Robin.
15:11And when the sun comes out, you should see my garden.
15:15There's no noise except for the birds and the bees.
15:18Oh, no. Here comes that cat again.
15:20Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
15:29Yes. Well, I must confess, I am a little disappointed.
15:33We have endeavoured to entertain you, Timothy William.
15:36Oh, yes. Yes. You've been most kind.
15:40But, oh, I do feel so ill.
15:43Well, it may be that your teeth and digestion
15:45are unaccustomed to our food.
15:47Perhaps it might be wiser for you to return the way you came,
15:50in the hamper. Oh?
15:52To your own home in the country.
15:55Oh. Why, of course.
15:57For that matter, we could have sent you back last week.
16:00Did you not know the hamper goes back empty on Saturdays?
16:12Oh, thank you. Goodbye, Tom Thumb and all of you.
16:15I have that hamper of mine. Goodbye, Timothy William.
16:18Goodbye. Goodbye.
16:20Goodbye, Timothy William. Goodbye.
16:22Goodbye. Goodbye.
16:24Goodbye, Timothy William.
16:26Goodbye, Johnny Townmouse.
16:28Do try and visit me in the country one day, won't you?
16:31I'm coming!
16:34Oh, dearie me.
16:36Oh, dearie me.
16:51Ah, come over you lovely.
16:55Oh, it's so good to be back.
17:02It's so good to be back. It's so good to be back.
17:08It's so good to be back. It's so good to be back.
17:11GC 712
17:18Timmy Willie settled happily again to his life in the garden.
17:45Sometimes on Saturdays he went and looked at the hamper lying by the gate, but he knew
17:51better than to get into it again.
17:59The winter passed and the sun came out again.
18:03Timmy had nearly forgotten his visit to town, when who should appear?
18:09Hello, Timothy William!
18:10Oh, Johnny!
18:11What a surprise!
18:12I thought I would pay you a return visit.
18:17Yes, yes, and you've come at the best of times.
18:21We can sit in the sun and have herb pudding.
18:25It is a little damp.
18:26There you are, Johnny.
18:27Try some of this.
18:28How's Tom Thumb and all our friends, eh?
18:32The reason I've come to visit is because the family have gone to the seaside for Easter,
18:37and Cook is spring cleaning with special instructions to clear us all out.
18:42There are now four kittens.
18:43Oh, no!
18:44And the cat has killed the canary.
18:46Oh, my goodness!
18:48They say we did it.
18:50But I know better.
18:51As for Tom Thumb, well, he told the small mice all about a trap that the nurse had set
18:56for them.
18:57And Hunkamunka has become quite good friends with the policeman doll, although he never
19:03says anything and always looks quite stern.
19:06Well, it all sounds very exciting.
19:12What is that fearful noise?
19:14Oh, that?
19:15It's only a cow.
19:16They're quite harmless, unless they happen to lie down on you.
19:21Come along.
19:22Let's get some milk.
19:25It does seem such a long time ago that I went to town.
19:29That seems ages, really.
19:31It really is a most fearful journey.
19:33Oh, it's terrible.
19:35Well, I haven't been comfortable.
19:40What's wrong with your friend, Timmy, will he?
19:41Well, he's not used to the country yet.
19:44How's that?
19:45Where's he from, then?
19:46He's from the town.
19:47Come on.
19:48I see.
19:49Oh, well.
19:50Must be off.
19:53Goodbye, Cockrobin.
19:54Come along, Johnny.
19:55We haven't got all day.
19:56What manner of creature has come sneaking up on our dinner, dear?
20:00Barely got myself a coffee.
20:03Whatever is that fearful racket?
20:07Oh, that?
20:08That can't be a lawnmower.
20:15Now, if you just wait here, I will go and get the milk.
20:25What's that?
20:30Who's that?
20:31Oh, thank goodness you're back.
20:34That seemed to take forever.
20:36Now, let's get some grass clippings.
20:39For your bed.
20:40This way, Johnny.
20:48Hold the milk.
20:49I'll be back shortly.
20:54Oh, I hope you won't be long.
21:03Oh, dear me.
21:04My tail is getting all wet.
21:08Just look at my jacket.
21:13What could he be up to?
21:16Oh, I wish he would hurry up.
21:19Oh, it's only a spring shower, Johnny.
21:21The milk's getting wet.
21:23Here, take this leaf.
21:24Hold it over your head.
21:27Like this.
21:28Oh, the rain will brighten up the flowers.
21:30Come along, Johnny.
21:43There you are now.
21:46Now, Johnny, I'm sure you'd better settle in the country, eh?
21:49Don't you think?
21:53We'll see.
21:55I can't go back anyway.
21:57The hamper is stopped while the family is at the seaside.
22:06I'm sure you will never want to live in town again.
22:11But he did.
22:12He went back in the very next hamper of vegetables.
22:16He said it was too quiet.
22:25Johnny got back safely to his townhouse and his old friends.
22:29And Tom Thumb paid for everything he broke.
22:32He found a crooked sixpence under the hearth rug.
22:35And on Christmas Eve, he and Hunkamunka
22:38stuffed it into one of the stockings of Lucinda and Jane.
22:43And very early every morning, before anybody is awake,
22:46Hunkamunka comes with her broom and dustpan
22:49to sweep the dolly's house.
22:51As for Timmy Willie, well, he stayed in the country
22:54and he never went to town again.
22:56One place suits one person.
22:58Another place suits another person.
23:00For my part, I prefer to live in the country.
23:04Like Timmy Willie.
23:40♪ The rain has moved on
23:44♪ And left a new day
23:48♪ Nothing seems to move, everything is still
23:54♪ It's just a perfect day
24:04♪ The shadows and light
24:08♪ That move with the wind
24:12♪ Hidden violets, rose-fleshed with summer spray
24:18♪ Just another perfect day
24:32♪ On the wild and misty inside
24:37♪ Fear is nature's warning
24:41♪ Hunger here is never far away
24:50♪ And all of this world
24:54♪ Is for children who play
24:58♪ Days that never end always should remain
25:04♪ Another perfect day