Clutch Cargo - E27: The Swamp Swindlers
4min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1959– )
While in the Florida swamp lands looking for rare turtle eggs Clutch, Spinner and Paddlefoot run into some men trying to claim the oil in the area.
Creator: Clark Haas
Stars: Richard Cotting, Hal Smith, Margaret Kerry
4min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (1959– )
While in the Florida swamp lands looking for rare turtle eggs Clutch, Spinner and Paddlefoot run into some men trying to claim the oil in the area.
Creator: Clark Haas
Stars: Richard Cotting, Hal Smith, Margaret Kerry
Short filmTranscript
00:00Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Babblebutt in another exciting adventure, Swamp Swindlers.
00:17As our story opens, we find Clutch and company skimming along the Florida swamps.
00:22This sure is fun, Clutch.
00:23What a way to travel.
00:27A swamp buggy is the fastest and best way to travel these swamps, Spinner.
00:33Down here in Florida, they even have races with swamp buggies.
00:36That'd be keen.
00:37We have to be careful, though.
00:39There's stumps and rocks and sandbars just below the water.
00:42If we hit one at high speed, we'd rip the bottom right out of our buggy.
00:54I wonder what they're up to.
00:55I don't know, but if they interfere with our plans, they'll be sorry they ever came here.
01:07This should be an interesting assignment, Spinner.
01:10The museum expects us to find at least one rare turtle egg.
01:14Where do we look?
01:15Turtles lay their eggs in the sand and cover them up.
01:19The hot sun hatches them.
01:21This is the turtle egg season, and we might find some rare ones.
01:36Oh, this buggy's going to stop, Clutch.
01:39What do you think is wrong?
01:41Just out of gas.
01:42That's why we carry extra gas below deck.
01:45We'll land on that sandbar.
01:48Hold on, you two.
01:52All ashore.
01:54May Paddlefoot and I do some exploring while we're here?
01:57Okay, but come when I call you, it won't take me long.
02:00And keep out of trouble.
02:02We won't go far.
02:03Come on, Paddlefoot.
02:09Clutch, come here quick.
02:10Paddlefoot's found something.
02:12Good boy, Paddlefoot.
02:14I think you found a rare turtle egg.
02:16What is it?
02:17Look, a rare turtle egg.
02:21That's not a turtle egg.
02:23That's a gator egg.
02:25You mean an alligator egg?
02:28And look out.
02:29Here's the gator that owns it.
02:33Watch out for that tail.
02:34Stay back, Spinner.
02:46Give me that stick.
02:48Now to prop her mouth open so she can't bite.
02:53Okay, boys.
03:01Look, Clutch.
03:02An old shack.
03:03Suppose somebody lived there?
03:06Could be.
03:08Let's find out.
03:12Sure looks deserted.
03:14Golly, it looks spooky.
03:19I'll just knock.
03:21You think we should, Clutch?
03:32Who could have fired that gun?
03:34Were Clutch and Spinner hit?
03:36Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode
03:39with Clutch Cargo.
03:49Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot
03:54in another exciting adventure, Swamp Swindlers.
03:58You'll remember last time Clutch and company
04:00were skimming along the Florida swamps
04:02in search of rare turtle eggs.
04:05They stopped to fill their empty gas tank
04:07and discovered an old shack.
04:09On closer investigation...
04:13Clutch, are you all right?
04:15I'm okay, Spinner.
04:17A girl.
04:18Right, mister.
04:19Lily Lou's the name.
04:21Best gold-earned shot in the swamp.
04:24I thought you might be Cotton Mountain that Mr. Greenback
04:27coming for to get our land.
04:29I'm Clutch Cargo and this is Spinner and Paddlefoot.
04:32And I can assure you we're not here to take your land.
04:34We're looking for rare turtle eggs.
04:36Well, I apologize for trying to blast you
04:39with this here handgun, but I'm alone.
04:42And this here's the only protection I've got.
04:44You live alone here in the swamp?
04:46No, my papi lives here too.
04:49But I ain't seen her hiding her hair in for two days.
04:52Where'd he go?
04:53He took the dugout canoe and started for the land office.
04:56Why is this Mr. Cottonmouth and Mr. Greenback
04:59trying to take your land?
05:00Don't rightly know.
05:02Guess the land's worth something.
05:04But the spring's gone bad.
05:06Started to turn black last week.
05:08Could I look at it?
05:09This sounds interesting.
05:12I'd go with you.
05:13Only I gotta keep an eye on the house.
05:15Meanwhile, as Clutch and company start toward the spring,
05:18Ambrose J. Greenback and his henchman Cottonmouth
05:21lurk in the bushes a few yards away.
05:23This may be our chance to drive our land claim
05:26steaks in the ground.
05:27You tied Papi Skeeter up real good?
05:29Sure, Ambrose.
05:30He won't bother us.
05:32Good work.
05:35Look out.
05:36Here comes somebody.
05:42My foot, Clutch!
05:43What the...
05:44I'll say you did.
05:46And did you get black?
05:50No wonder.
05:51You fell into a pool of oil.
05:54It's bubbling right up out of the spring.
05:58Gee willikins!
06:01Let's get back and tell Lily Lou what she has here.
06:05Now we're not the only ones who know about the oil on this land.
06:08Let's get back to Papi Skeeter.
06:10We'll force him to sign this property over to us.
06:15Meanwhile, Clutch and company inform Lily Lou
06:18of the valuable oil on their property.
06:20Then start in search of Papi Skeeter.
06:24Keep your eyes open for a dugout canoe spinner.
06:27We'll go along this bank and then come back along the other.
06:32Make sure the buggy is hidden, Cottonmouth.
06:35I'll check Papi.
06:37Looks like we're going to have to force you
06:40to sign over your property.
06:42You ain't going to have no luck, my friend.
06:45I can't ride.
06:47Ambrose, quick.
06:48Here comes that feller and kid we saw.
06:53Papi Skeeter!
06:55We'll cook their goose.
06:57They're looking for Papi.
06:58They'll come past this side of the swamp on the way back.
07:01You mean...
07:03Climb the tree and light the dynamite fuse.
07:05When those meddlers go by,
07:07drop the dynamite in their boat and...
07:10No sign of Mr. Papi's dugout on this side of the swamp.
07:13We'll turn around and head back on the other side.
07:22Here they come.
07:23Ready, Cottonmouth?
07:26Ready, Ambrose.
07:31That shooting whale's in the swimming pool.
07:34That shooting whale's in the swimming pool.
07:44Will Clutch and Company be blown to bits?
07:46Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode
07:49with Clutch Cargo.
07:53Clutch Cargo
08:01Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Pabbleboot
08:05in another exciting adventure, Swamp Swindlers.
08:09You remember last time Clutch and Company met Lily Lou,
08:13Papi's daughter, who told them about Ambrose and Cottonmouth
08:17trying to stake a claim on Papi's oil land.
08:20Papi had disappeared, too, while in search of him.
08:23Here they come. Ready, Cottonmouth?
08:25Ready, Ambrose.
08:31Hersh is that pooch.
08:33Clutch, stop the swamp buggy.
08:35Paddlefoot's overboard.
08:37Time to get going. Run, Ambrose.
08:39Well, I'll be.
08:41Look, Paddlefoot's got something in his mouth.
08:44It's dynamite.
08:46Paddlefoot jumped overboard to put out the fuse.
08:49Clutch, an alligator.
08:51Oh, hurry, Paddlefoot.
08:59Boy, that was close.
09:02Good old Paddlefoot. He saved our lives.
09:05Where do you suppose the dynamite came from, Clutch?
09:08Looks like someone's trying to get us.
09:10My guess is it was dropped from one of those trees.
09:20We've drifted ashore. Let's investigate.
09:23You go ahead, Clutch. I'll follow.
09:31I don't see any one of the trees.
09:45They probably ran.
09:49Oh, but one?
09:54Yeah, I see what you mean.
09:56That must be Pappy Skeeter, Lily's father.
10:01Take it easy, old fellow. We'll have you loose in a jiffy.
10:07So this is why you didn't return home.
10:09You guessed it.
10:11Them two vermin caught me and tied me up.
10:14Thought they could make me sign my land over to them.
10:17But I fooled them.
10:19Your daughter mentioned Mr. Greenback and Cottonmouth.
10:22That's who it was. Ambrose J. Greenback.
10:25And he's no good help for Cottonmouth.
10:28Know where they are now?
10:30Went that-a-way running.
10:33Probably headed for your house.
10:35We'd better give your daughter a hand.
10:37Bless her little heart.
10:39I had to leave her all alone.
10:42She's okay, Mr. Pappy, long as she's got that gun.
10:45Our swamp buggy's right over here.
10:51Curses. Those two meddlers are muddling things up.
10:54Yeah, if it's anything I hate, it's a couple of muddling meddlers.
10:57We'll have to work fast. We'll head them off.
11:00With a gasoline fire.
11:02I hear their engine.
11:04Wow, what a shock when they round that bend.
11:16And so, Pappy, all that oil on your land makes it very valuable.
11:20Greenback will stop at nothing to get it.
11:23Well, they ain't gonna get it.
11:25That land was given to me.
11:27Did you file a legal claim on it?
11:29Yuck, no. I've been putting it off for 20 years.
11:33My claim stakes are in the ground.
11:36But somebody pulled them out.
11:38Never got around to putting them back in.
11:40We'll drive your stakes back in.
11:43It's right across our path, too.
11:45I can't stop. And I can't turn.
11:48Can Clutch and company avoid being burned?
11:51Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
12:12Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Pavel Butz
12:17in another exciting adventure, Swamp Swindlers.
12:21You remember last time Clutch and company escaped being blown to bits by Pavel Butz's quick thinking
12:27later as they headed back for Pappy Shack.
12:29Clutch, fire!
12:31And I can't stop. And I can't turn.
12:33Hold on. We're going through.
12:39Everybody okay?
12:40Yep. Okay.
12:42I never saw a fire on water before.
12:45How do you suppose it started?
12:47That was no accident, Spinner.
12:49Greenback was trying to stop us.
12:52Meanwhile, Ambrose J. Greenback and Cottonmouth landed on a sandbar near Pappy Skeeter's cabin.
12:58Now's our chance. If that fire hasn't burned them, it'll sure slow them down.
13:03Right, Ambrose. Shall we sneak up and drive in our claim stake?
13:07That's the idea. Only watch out for that maiden with the gun.
13:11She's a sure shot.
13:15Shucks. Do I have to hold the stake again?
13:19Be quiet.
13:20I'm being quiet.
13:26She's trying to blow my brains out.
13:28I heard a gun blast.
13:30Lily Lou must be shooting at them crooks again.
13:33We'll soon know. Just a couple of minutes from your place.
13:36Curse this. She did it again.
13:38Let's get out of here.
13:40We gotta have a sneakier plan.
13:43I've got a swell sneaky plan.
13:45We'll use those alligator suits I made.
13:47Yeah. Let's go back to our shack and get them.
13:54There's my little darlin' now.
13:56Just a-waitin'.
13:58They found you, Pappy.
13:59Oh, joy.
14:01I see you're still okay, Lily Lou.
14:04Yep. Had a visit from them two a while ago.
14:07But I got rid of them.
14:08What about those rare turtle eggs we came to find, Clutch?
14:11I'm sure we'll find them, Splinter.
14:13Right now, this is more important.
14:15Pappy Skeeter's got to file that claim.
14:17Get your bonnet, girl.
14:19We're going to town.
14:21Me? Goin' to town?
14:23You'll have to come in and set a spell till I get printed up.
14:30We'll sneak up to Pappy Skeeter's,
14:32stake our claim, then head for the land office.
14:35We'll hide our buggy in here.
14:37Remember, act like a real gator.
14:39Let me hear you growl.
14:43Not bad.
14:45Now get goin' and crawl in your stomach like a real gator.
14:48Hurry up, girl.
14:50Them crooks is liable to come back and get their stake in our ground.
14:54Splinter and Paddlefoot are keeping a lookout.
14:57Look, Paddlefoot.
14:59There are three alligators comin' ashore.
15:01Three alligators?
15:03Oh, one of them must be for real.
15:05Cotton, have you got the hammer?
15:07Hit the stake with a hammer, you idiot.
15:11Did you say something, Ambrose?
15:13Huh? What?
15:15Isn't that you, Cottonmouth?
15:17I'm over here.
15:19Then who's... Oh, no!
15:23Isn't that funny, Paddlefoot?
15:27He's gone, Ambrose.
15:30What did you say the alligators were doing?
15:33They're running on their hind legs now.
15:36Those alligators are funny.
15:38I'll bet it's Greenback and Cottonmouth.
15:40Come on, now into town to file our claim.
15:43It was them, all right.
15:45Here's their claim stake.
15:47Listen, isn't that a motor?
15:50That's a swamp over there, all right.
15:52The one that belongs to Greenback.
15:54We've got to beat them to the claim office.
15:56Come on.
15:58Will Ambrose and Cottonmouth succeed in reaching the claims office first?
16:02Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
16:16Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot
16:20in another exciting adventure, Swamp Swindlers.
16:24You remember last time Clutch and company rushed back to Pappy Shack
16:28to help Lily Lou, who had already had a visit from Ambrose and Cottonmouth.
16:32Now they must get Pappy to the claims office first.
16:35As they start out, Spinner hears a motor.
16:38That's a swamp over there, all right.
16:40Tell by the sound.
16:44Now we've got it made.
16:46Not yet, Ambrose. Here they come.
16:51Full speed, Ambrose.
16:55Boy, look at us go.
17:13Looks like we're gaining on them.
17:25They're gaining on us.
17:27Pull up around the next bend and we'll stretch that gator fence across the channel.
17:39They went around that bend, Clutch.
17:42That'll stop them. Let's go.
17:45We're coming to the bend. Hold on.
17:48Oh, no. A fence.
17:52Hang on. We'll try a ski jump.
18:00Oh, no.
18:02Hooray, we made it.
18:04Best go-durn driver ever seen.
18:07And handsome, too.
18:10Curses. They made it.
18:12It's okay. We're almost there.
18:14Pull up to that dock. We're here.
18:21There's the town.
18:23And those crooks are running down the street.
18:25Quick, lady. Which way to the claims office?
18:30There it is, Ambrose.
18:32Hold on. We're going up on the beach.
18:34Sir, we want to file a claim.
18:43You're just in time, Skeeter.
18:45There's two alligators in there trying to file a claim on your land.
18:48We'll see about that.
18:50Boy, this I want to see.
18:52Look. Clutch is dragging them out.
18:55What are you going to do with them, Clutch?
18:57I know just the place for them.
19:00That'll hold them.
19:02That's where we keep all stray gators.
19:04Not kind, sir. We were only pulling.
19:07Please, sir, let us out.
19:09It's just our way of having a little fun, sir.
19:11Sir. Sir. Sir.
19:15The land's all mine, Clutch.
19:18You and Spinner and Paddlefoot and Lily Lou.
19:21Say, where is Lily Lou?
19:23Right here.
19:24I got me a store-bought dress, hat, and a new shotgun.
19:29Well, you deserve them, Lily Lou.
19:31Clutch, look what Paddlefoot's got.
19:36Why, it's a rare turtle egg.
19:38Where'd you get that boy?
19:40Well, we pick up a few of them eggs when I come to town.
19:44Happy loves them for breakfast.
19:46Well, I'll be...
19:49You see, Spinner, you never lose anything by helping somebody.
19:53And sometimes you even gain.
19:56And so ends the story of Clutch Cargo
20:00and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot and Swamp Swindlers.
20:05Be sure to tune in for the next exciting adventure with Clutch Cargo.