26min | Western, TV Series | Episode aired 3 December 1957
Travis goes after escaped con Cain Devers, a bank robber and counterfeiter who is using his counterfeit plates as part of a plot to destroy his father and younger brother.
Director: Reg Browne
Writers: Tom Hubbard, Samuel Roeca
Stars: Tristram Coffin, Kelo Henderson, Steve Conte
Travis goes after escaped con Cain Devers, a bank robber and counterfeiter who is using his counterfeit plates as part of a plot to destroy his father and younger brother.
Director: Reg Browne
Writers: Tom Hubbard, Samuel Roeca
Stars: Tristram Coffin, Kelo Henderson, Steve Conte
Short filmTranscript
00:00Saddle up! Saddle up! Saddle up! Saddle up! Saddle up!
00:08This is the story of 26 men who rode the Arizona Territory.
00:16High is the glory of 26 men whose courage helped to build the Territory.
00:2426 men who saddled up and then rode out to answer duty's call.
00:3126 men who lived to write again and fight for the rights and the liberty of all.
00:39This is the story of 26 men enforcing law within the Territory.
00:46Praise be the glory of 26 men who rode the Arizona Territory.
00:53Ride on! Ride on! Ride on!
01:0426 men carefully chosen for their courage and ability formed the Arizona Rangers.
01:09Fame and public acclaim was not their objective.
01:12This is perhaps why the story of these 26 men has never been told until now.
01:17Wednesday, July 17th, 1903.
01:21At 1209 hours, a wounded inmate was found in the prison print shop.
01:25He had been knifed in the upper region of his abdomen.
01:28The prisoner was identified as Eric Wagner, serving from 5 to 10 years for counterfeiting.
01:32At 1213 hours, Wagner died without naming his killer.
01:36Wagner's death became page one of Arizona Rangers case file 3394.
01:41Same date, Ranger Clint Travis was assigned to the case.
01:54Conducting an investigation at the prison,
01:57Ranger Travis established a motive for the brutal killing of Eric Wagner.
02:00A counterfeiter of wide notoriety,
02:03Wagner had somehow managed to engrave a set of counterfeit plates while working in the prison print shop.
02:08A search was made for the plates, but they were not found.
02:11Identity of the killer was still unknown.
02:21Saturday, July 20th, 1903.
02:24Kane G. Devers was released from prison after serving 8 years for armed robbery with intent to kill.
02:31Can I match?
02:34I won't be able to meet you for a couple of days.
02:37You're not thinking of keeping those plates for yourself, are you, Hatch?
02:40Well, I can't take a chance on leaving here as long as the Rangers are around.
02:43Don't cross me, Hatch.
02:45Same thing that happened to Wagner can happen to you.
02:52Kane! Over here!
02:54Howdy, Kane.
02:57Got your letter.
02:58Thanks for coming and bringing the horse.
03:01You look real good, boy. Real good.
03:04We'll talk later.
03:05Right now, let's get out of here. I've had 8 years of it.
03:08And I've got a lot of ground to cover to make up for it.
03:29I need that money to buy the counterfeit plates from Hatch.
03:32They're mine. I had Wagner make them.
03:34About the only place I know you get money like that would be from your father.
03:38Mark Devers, he wouldn't give me the right time of day.
03:41Mark Devers always gave a man another chance.
03:44Now, you being his son...
03:46Forget it. I don't need him.
03:48Remember how we used to take a bang in the old days?
03:51The way your father taught us?
03:53Sure do.
03:55Sure do.
03:57We're going to take the Yuma bank.
03:59Sounds like a batch of fun.
04:01Ain't robbed a bank in a coon's age.
04:03You ride on into Yuma and set it up.
04:05I'll meet you over there tomorrow afternoon.
04:07What name you be traveling under?
04:09Gordon. Mike Gordon.
04:12Tomorrow afternoon, Yuma.
04:17Kind of funny, isn't it? Counterfeit plates being made in prison.
04:21Isn't there some regulation against that, Captain?
04:24I'll laugh your way through this file on Cain Devers, the discharged prisoner.
04:29Mark Devers was his father.
04:31Doesn't mean anything to me.
04:32Mark was top gun in this territory ten years ago.
04:35Took a lot of banks and quite a few railroads.
04:37What happened to him?
04:38No one seems to know.
04:39There's still a standing reward of 10,000 for him.
04:42Any pictures of Mark?
04:44Forget it.
04:45Rangers can't accept rewards.
04:49I wouldn't put anything past Cain Devers.
04:51Pick up his trail and I have a hunch you'll find those plates.
04:54Start back at the prison.
04:56Might be an old timer who knew Mark Devers.
04:58It's a start anyway.
04:59And a good ranger would use the prison grapevine.
05:01If he could get in on it.
05:03I'm in on it.
05:04That's how I found out about those plates.
05:06I'll keep in touch.
05:09Oh, Travis.
05:12Wagner was a real artist.
05:14He had to be to make those plates in prison.
05:16But there's another kind of artist on this case.
05:18Who's that?
05:20The man who killed Wagner and got those plates.
05:23Watch your step.
05:50You men looking for Mike Gordon?
06:07We're looking for a job, mister.
06:09You better get in line.
06:10I don't look for jobs.
06:11I give them.
06:12I am Mike Gordon.
06:13My name's Frank Buelow.
06:14I understand you're hiring cowhands, Mr. Gordon.
06:17I start a trail drive in the morning.
06:19I pay top wages.
06:20Fair enough.
06:21When do you pay?
06:22The end of the drive.
06:23Nothing doing.
06:25Half of it now and half when the job's done.
06:28Well, you men feel the same way about it?
06:31Sure they do.
06:33They're just too ornery to speak up.
06:36Well, I'll have to go to the bank and make a withdrawal for it.
06:40Like to come along?
06:41I'd be more than happy to.
06:43Don't be bashful, boys.
06:44Let's take a look at the color of the man's money.
06:46You men might as well come along, too.
07:00You men can wait over there.
07:07What can I do for you?
07:08I'd like to make a withdrawal.
07:13Do as I say.
07:14Otherwise, my men will kill everyone in here.
07:17Put all your money in there.
07:27Now, make your feet grow to the floor for the next five minutes.
07:31Holler, and you'll be dead.
07:45You go with me to get some supplies.
07:47The rest of you men wait outside.
08:03No satisfying bank holdup in a croon's age.
08:06It's just like the old days.
08:08Stop talking, Papa.
08:09Let's ride.
08:26It's a holdup!
08:37Sure would have liked to have seen the faces on them cowpokes
08:40when they found out they were part of a holdup.
08:43Too bad you and your old man busted up.
08:45You made an unholy pair.
08:47Shut up.
08:48I'm counting.
08:49Of course, there never was anybody like Mike Devers.
08:51Never will be.
08:52You talk too much.
08:54I saw Mark a couple of years back.
08:57At a rodeo.
08:58Your kid brother was with him.
08:59That's the reason Mark was there.
09:01To see him ride.
09:02That kid sure has grown.
09:05And Mark sure thinks the world of him.
09:08By the sunrises, his head's in Todd.
09:13Anything wrong, Kay?
09:16There's not enough money here for one, Pop.
09:19Let alone two.
09:23I don't like the ugly suggestion in your voice, son.
09:26Sorry, Pop.
09:27That's the way it is.
09:29I need the money.
09:31Got a date down the trail.
09:33And then to Tucson.
09:35I guess Mark had figured you right.
09:37Cedro's no good.
09:42Said you talk too much.
10:13Over here, Cain!
10:24I believe in getting to business.
10:26Have you got the plates?
10:27I have.
10:28I managed to scrape up a little less than $2,000.
10:31You know, I've been thinking, Cain.
10:34Talk on the prison grapevine is there's a man below the border
10:37who'll pay one American dollar for four good counterfeits.
10:40Why don't you say what you mean?
10:41I've got more money for the plates.
10:43I took a big risk getting them out of prison for you.
10:46You're taking a bigger risk now.
10:49Knowing you and knowing that you killed Wagner,
10:51I thought of that, too.
10:53That's why I brought a friend.
10:55That's an old trick.
10:56How do I know there's anyone up there?
10:59You don't.
11:02How much?
11:05Where can I get that kind of money?
11:07That's your problem.
11:10Where's the next meeting place?
11:13Where in Tucson?
11:15You get the money.
11:16I'll pass the word.
11:18Oh, and, Cain, at the next meeting,
11:20leave your gun behind.
11:22Guns make me nervous.
11:40All right, mister.
11:58Crawl or draw.
11:59I'd better hurry.
12:03Anybody home?
12:06Cain, how are you?
12:09Let me look at you.
12:14The last time I saw you, you must have been about nine or ten.
12:21Now you must be about 18 almost.
12:23That makes you a grown man.
12:25Is Top Gun around?
12:27Dad had to go into town, we're getting a load of breeding stock tomorrow, he had to make some arrangements.
12:31That gives us more time to get acquainted.
12:33Come on, give me a hand.
12:34Sure thing.
12:36Hey, what's new?
12:37I wouldn't know, I don't get off the reservation much.
12:40Why bury yourself?
12:41Why don't you take a ride into Yuma?
12:43Kick up your heels a bit.
12:45I understand there's some cute little fillies over there.
12:47Would you take me, Cain?
12:48Sure thing, we'll make a night of it.
12:51Oh no, forget it.
12:53Dad wouldn't let me.
12:54By the way, does Dad know you're home?
12:57No, I don't think so.
13:00You've been in prison, haven't you?
13:01Who told you that?
13:04Oh, he told me all about himself, too.
13:06About why he changed his name from Mark to Evers, everything.
13:09He said it makes him feel better.
13:12Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.
13:14Forget it, kid.
13:15Some people win, some people lose.
13:17I lost.
13:18I guess it's because I got the old man's blood in my veins.
13:21It's good to have you back, though.
13:22You're going to stay, aren't you?
13:23I don't know him.
13:25I hope so.
13:26Gets lonesome around here.
13:28Don't want to talk to him, nothing to do.
13:29Work six days a week and go to church on Sunday.
13:33Dad's even a deacon.
13:34What's that?
13:35Oh, you know.
13:36The guy that collects all the money.
13:38Well, that figures.
13:41I, uh...
13:43I've been thinking about running away from home.
13:45You have?
13:47Rent is not for me.
13:48I want some excitement.
13:49I want to see things.
13:51You know what I mean?
13:52I know what you mean.
13:53How would you like to ride with me?
13:58You mean you want me with you, King?
14:00Sure thing.
14:01That's what I came back mostly for.
14:04Give me your word.
14:05No matter what happens, no matter what Dad said,
14:07you'll take me with you.
14:08I give you my word.
14:09No matter what happens.
14:11Now, come on.
14:12Let's go and get some oats for the horse
14:13and we'll talk about some exciting new trails.
14:19Hey, watch it.
14:26Even down.
14:31Mark Devers is dead, King.
14:33I buried him on this ranch ten years ago.
14:35He's a good man.
14:36He's a good man.
14:37He's a good man.
14:38He's a good man.
14:39He's a good man.
14:40I buried him on this ranch ten years ago.
14:42I tried to talk him into coming in with me.
14:44He wouldn't quit.
14:45Save your sermon, Deacon.
14:46I told you the reason I came here.
14:49I haven't got that kind of money.
14:50This ranch tells me different.
14:51Even if I had it,
14:52I'd have to have a good reason to give it to you.
14:54I told you, I want to start fresh in Tucson.
14:56Start here, son.
14:57I need you, you know that.
14:59But if you stay, you stay as a cow hand,
15:02not a gun hand.
15:04A man sticks to what he's been taught,
15:05so I'll push on.
15:06But I'll not forget you turn me down.
15:10Come on, Todd.
15:11You'll push on by yourself, Cain.
15:13Todd's not going.
15:14Let him decide for himself.
15:15How can he?
15:16He's not even 18.
15:17You seem to forget that when I was 18,
15:19you taught me how to rob a bank,
15:21handle a gun, and slap leather.
15:23Do you think I'm proud of it?
15:25It hurts.
15:26And I've had to live with that past.
15:28I had to live eight years in prison
15:30because of what you taught me.
15:32Wait outside, Todd.
15:41What kind of talk you've been filling the boy full of?
15:44The same kind of talk you pump into me.
15:46But Todd's like a puppy dog,
15:48gnawing on his shoe.
15:49He thinks he's ready to take on the whole world.
15:51Maybe he is.
15:52When he does,
15:53I want to know he has a fighting chance.
15:56He wouldn't have a fighting chance with me.
15:57That is what you're trying to tell me, isn't it?
16:00I taught Todd one thing.
16:02Maybe you'll understand.
16:04Maybe not.
16:05When a man dies, he doesn't leave much.
16:07Just a monument made of mortar.
16:10And then, sometimes he leaves a monument to his soul.
16:15I sort of thought Todd would be my monument.
16:18How much money are you willing to pay me
16:20to ride out of here alone?
16:23I didn't think a man could be all bad, Cain.
16:27How much money you got?
16:30Maybe nineteen hundred.
16:32Give it.
16:37Give it.
16:54There's more money in there.
16:55That money's for breeding stock being delivered tomorrow.
16:57I borrowed it from the bank.
17:17Look, Cain.
17:18Look, if it's too much trouble,
17:19maybe I'd just better stay here and forget about it.
17:22No trouble at all.
17:23I kept my word.
17:24You can ride with me.
17:25Well, I'll tell Dad about it.
17:27I wouldn't.
17:28You understand.
17:29Saddle up a couple of horses,
17:30and we've got a lot of trails to cover.
17:32Come on.
17:34My name is Reining.
17:35Arizona Rangers.
17:36What are my chances of beating the devil, Captain?
17:40A hundred to one.
17:43I don't mind going.
17:46Just hate the man who's sending me.
17:50Cain Devers?
17:51How'd you know?
17:53Sheriff told me about the holdup.
17:55Cain answered the other man's description.
17:59Did Cain say anything to you about counterfeit money?
18:03That's why he took the bank.
18:05To get the money.
18:07To buy the counterfeit plates.
18:10Where was he going?
18:11Did he say that?
18:12At his site.
18:14Set on Tucson.
18:23Thanks for notifying Captain Reining.
18:25You got here fast.
18:27I wasn't far away.
18:28Any reward?
18:30If there is, I'll see that you get it.
18:35Let's go.
19:06I got your message at the Tucson Saloon.
19:09Let's have the plates.
19:25You know, I've been thinking again, Cain.
19:28You and me should be...
19:30Hey, Cain!
19:31There's nothing up here but a rifle!
19:33That's my kid brother.
19:36You're lucky.
19:37I'm an only child.
19:43Before you kill me, you'd better open that package.
19:49There's only one plate here.
19:50I know.
19:52Takes two to make money.
19:54You kill me and you'll never get the other one.
19:57Just like I was saying before,
19:59you and me should be partners.
20:01You and me should be partners.
20:02Don't have any choice, do I?
20:05You're kind of young, aren't you, boy?
20:08What's that got to do with it?
20:09A lot.
20:10Boy hasn't killed, he's still got a conscience.
20:12He's apt to want to keep it.
20:14Might even go blabbing to the law.
20:16Kid's all right.
20:17He won't go running off at the mouth.
20:19Make no mistake about it.
20:20That'll be your mistake, not mine.
20:26How about my rifle?
20:31Come on.
21:02Watch where you're going, old man.
21:04I was a few years younger, eh?
21:09Howdy, gents.
21:10What's your pleasure?
21:11Some food.
21:12Bring it over to the table.
21:21Hey, Barney.
21:25Hey, Barney.
21:26Hey, Barney.
21:27Hey, Barney.
21:28Hey, Barney.
21:30How be you, Clint?
21:31Just fine, Barney.
21:32Come on in.
21:44Ranger Howard went through here a couple of weeks ago,
21:47You doing the same?
21:48Maybe you can help me.
21:49Seen this man in town?
21:52Sure looks familiar.
21:54Kane Deavers.
21:55No, Deavers.
21:57Down right, I seen him.
21:58I just finished my noonday meal and was pushing out the saloon
22:01and bumped him.
22:02I knew he was no good.
22:03I could tell by his bad manners he had no bringing up.
22:06Take care of my horse.
22:07You just stand steady, Ranger.
22:09Give me your gun.
22:11With your left hand.
22:16Barney, that man you saw in the picture,
22:19I want you to give him a message.
22:21Tell him a dead man's waiting for him.
22:23A dead man?
22:24Mark Deavers.
22:25If he doesn't start down this way to meet me,
22:27I'm coming up there.
22:28I'll be keeping company with the Ranger,
22:30so make sure you deliver my message.
22:36You can put your hands down.
22:38Mark Deavers hasn't been heard of for 10 years.
22:40Why'd he come back?
22:41To kill a man.
22:42You'd kill your own son?
22:45Well, let's just say I'm building a monument.
22:49I don't understand.
22:50Neither do I.
22:53I don't understand.
22:54Neither did Cain.
23:02There's a dead man waiting for you.
23:04What are you talking about?
23:05That's what he said.
23:07And he said for you to start walking.
23:09If you didn't, he was coming here.
23:12His name was Mark Deavers.
23:18What are you going to do?
23:20Like the man said, walk out to meet him.
23:23You can't do that.
23:24You can't just kill him.
23:26That's our father.
23:27That's my father.
23:31Look, you're not going to.
23:32I'm not going to let you.
23:33You see?
23:38I told you that kid was a mistake.
23:41You know, leave him.
23:42You're my partner.
23:44You're my partner.
23:45There's a $10,000 reward on that land.
23:48Mark Deavers.
23:50We'll split 50-50.
24:01I know how you feel, but you're wrong.
24:03I was wrong to teach Cain how to use a gun.
24:05Hey, Top Gun!
24:07I'm walking down to meet you.
24:10He's 20 years faster than you.
24:12What proof you got you can outdraw him?
24:14I've lived 53 years.
24:16In this day and age, that's plenty proof.
24:19And don't try to stop me.
24:21No use you dying.
24:51All right, hold it!
25:13First time I ever saw a dead man.
25:15Come back to the living, just so we can die again.
25:22This is the story of 26 men
25:26Who rode the Arizona territory
25:30High is the glory of 26 men
25:34Whose courage helped to build the territory
25:3926 men who saddled up and then rode out
25:44To answer duty's call
25:4726 men who lived to write again
25:50And fight for the rights and the liberty of all
25:54This is the story of 26 men
25:58Enforcing law within the territory
26:02Praise be the glory of 26 men
26:06Who rode the Arizona territory
26:09Ride on, ride on, ride on