• 5 years ago
26min | Western | Episode aired 13 May 1958

Captain Rynning and several of his Rangers join a posse to smoke out the remnants of Luke Baxter's gang. The outlaws momentarily give the posse the slip and double back to take refuge in a mission school run for the reservation's Indian children and hold the priests and the youngsters as hostages.

Director: Oliver Drake

Writer: Oliver Drake

Stars: Tristram Coffin, Kelo Henderson, Jim Davis
00:00Saddle up! Saddle up! Saddle up! Saddle up! Saddle up!
00:08This is the story of 26 men who rode the Arizona Territory.
00:16High is the glory of 26 men whose courage helped to build the Territory.
00:2426 men who saddled up and then rode out to answer duty's call.
00:3126 men who lived to ride again and fight for the rights and the liberty of all.
00:39This is the story of 26 men enforcing law within the Territory.
00:46Praise be the glory of 26 men who rode the Arizona Territory.
00:53Ride on! Ride on! Ride on!
01:06Hello, folks. My name is John Redmond.
01:10I was a member of the original 26 men of the Arizona Rangers.
01:14Although the men this story is about are not with us today, I know it to be a true tale.
01:27July the 14th, 1906.
01:30Arizona Ranger Johnny Whitecloud, an Apache of the Pima Tribe,
01:33and a graduate of St. Thomas Indian School, was being decorated for bravery.
01:38Ranger Johnny Whitecloud, on behalf of the Governor of the Arizona Territory,
01:43I am proud to present you with this medal,
01:45in recognition of your bravery above and beyond the call of duty.
01:49Congratulations, Johnny.
01:50Thank you, Captain.
02:07God bless you, Johnny.
02:09We of St. Thomas are very proud of you.
02:12I'd like to give this medal to the school, Father Diego.
02:15When Steve was here, I learned there is a place in the white man's world for an Indian.
02:19That's very generous of you, Johnny.
02:21This medal will be placed where all of our students can see it and remember.
02:26Brother Augustine, I think it's time that our children should return to their classes.
02:32Captain Riding, it's a good thing for our children that they have a hero like Johnny,
02:37and we're grateful to you for having brought him here today.
02:39It just seemed the appropriate place, Father.
02:41I had to talk to you before you left, Johnny.
02:44Shouldn't you be in class with the rest of them?
02:46Yes, but I wanted you to know that I've been studying the book you gave me,
02:50and I've learned all of the Morse Code and most of the Wigwag signals.
02:54I'm sure you'll like it.
02:56That's fine.
02:57You've got a new recruit, Captain.
02:59This is Peter Redfarts of the Navajo tribe.
03:01How do you do, Peter?
03:03The Arizona Rangers always need men.
03:05Study hard the way Johnny did.
03:07In a few years, we'll talk again.
03:09Now, Peter, you'd better get back to class.
03:11You know, it takes a lot more than just sending and receiving code to make a good Ranger.
03:15Yes, Father.
03:16Goodbye, Johnny.
03:17Goodbye, Peter.
03:18Goodbye, sir.
03:19Goodbye, Peter.
03:25Goodbye, Peter.
03:36What is it, Travis?
03:37The bank at Payson was held up yesterday, Captain.
03:39This is Sheriff Haley.
03:40Hello, Sheriff.
03:41How are you?
03:42He and his deputies rode into headquarters looking for you, so I brought them out here.
03:45It was Luke Baxter and two of his men.
03:47We followed them as far as the Salt River country and then lost their trail.
03:50How much money did they get away with?
03:54We found the safe after shooting the watchman.
03:56Where did you lose them, Sheriff?
03:58In the vicinity of Four Peaks.
04:01Johnny, you were raised in that territory.
04:03If you were in Luke Baxter's shoes, which way would you head?
04:07I'd head for the section of the river where it's shallow.
04:10Then I'd go downstream a ways.
04:12I'd come out where it's rocky.
04:14All right.
04:15We'll figure Luke is well acquainted with Salt River country, too.
04:18We've got to head them off before they reach the desert.
04:21Goodbye, Father.
04:22Sorry we have to leave so abruptly.
04:23I understand.
04:27Johnny Whitecloud had figured Luke Baxter's movements more accurately than we realized.
04:31On July 15th, as we neared the rocky banks of the Salt River for a trail led west to the desert,
04:37Luke and his two partners were riding through the shallow water a few miles to the north.
05:23We've got to leave our horses here.
06:07I wonder how long we've been trailing those riderless horses.
06:10They must have taken to the river after they spotted us.
06:12Where they'll come out is anybody's guess.
06:14Sheriff, you and your deputies cross over and search the bank on the other side of the river.
06:18We look for tracks on this side.
07:00Well, looks like they've given us the slip, Captain.
07:05Those bells must be from St. Thomas.
07:07I didn't realize we were that close to the school.
07:09It's only a couple of miles away, Captain.
07:12The fathers used to bring us here for our swimming lessons.
07:14Travis, you and the others keep to the bank.
07:16I'll ride over to the school.
07:47Jake, take these and keep out of sight.
07:49Wait for me.
09:57You startled me.
09:58I didn't notice you sitting in the shadows.
10:00You the head man here?
10:02I'm Father Diego in charge of the school here.
10:05I'd like to talk to you, Paddy.
10:08You wish to make a confession?
10:12Something like that, yeah.
10:16Very well.
10:17Come with me.
10:39I hear you priests can't repeat anything you're told
10:42in one of these confession boxes.
10:44That is true.
10:46Not even to the law?
10:48To no one.
10:50I'm Luke Baxter, Padre.
10:52Me and a couple of friends of mine
10:53held up the bank at Payson yesterday
10:55and a watchman got killed.
10:58These are serious things that you tell me.
11:01We're on the run.
11:02The law's only a couple of jumps behind us.
11:04We've got to find a place to hide out.
11:07You'll never find peace that way.
11:09Trust in God to be merciful.
11:11Give yourselves up.
11:12Oh, we're staying right here.
11:15Nobody will ever think to look for us in a church.
11:19I cannot permit that.
11:21It might endanger the lives of our children.
11:24You ain't got no choice, Padre.
11:26We're staying.
11:29But if they follow you,
11:30surely the law will come here and ask questions.
11:33That's your problem.
11:34As a priest, you can't say anything
11:36about what I've told you,
11:37and you're not going to say anything about us being here
11:40because somebody's going to get hurt.
11:42Father Diego!
11:43Father Diego!
11:52Peter, you know better than to run out of the chapel
11:54and raise your voice.
11:55I'm sorry, Father.
11:56I forgot.
11:57Captain Ryan is outside.
11:59He wants to see you.
12:00Is he alone?
12:02Yes, sir.
12:04All right, Patrick.
12:05Go on out.
12:06Be careful.
12:07I'll be watching you through the door.
12:13Jim stays here.
12:14He'll keep me company until you get back.
12:17As he says, Peter.
12:20Now you're talking sense.
12:22He'll be all right
12:23as long as we understand each other.
12:32Have any of you boys seen three men around here
12:34that you didn't recognize?
12:36You haven't seen any strangers at all?
12:38All right.
12:39Thank you, boys.
12:41Good morning, Father.
12:42Good morning, Captain.
12:43I didn't expect you back again so soon.
12:45Your children are running back to your classrooms.
12:49The three bandits that held up the Payson Bank yesterday
12:51were trailed to the river a couple of miles below here.
12:53They left their horses and escaped on foot.
12:57You think they might come here?
12:58Well, I don't know.
12:59They'll have to get fresh mouths somewhere.
13:01None of the children have seen any strangers around.
13:04But I wanted to warn you to be careful.
13:06Thank you, Captain.
13:07I will be very careful.
13:09If you see any signs of them,
13:11please notify our ranger headquarters immediately.
13:13The men are armed, and they're dangerous.
13:36He's fine, Padre.
13:37Real fine.
13:38Shut the door.
13:54In there.
13:55In there.
14:07He spotted us, so we brought him in here.
14:09I don't like this, Lou.
14:10It ain't right, coming into a church
14:12and pushing priests around.
14:14I don't care what you like.
14:16I'm not going to get my neck stretched just because you've
14:19got a pain in your conscience.
14:21It ain't no conscience, but it brings bad luck.
14:23Ah, shut up.
14:26Bite me, will you, you dirty little Indian.
14:28Let him alone.
14:31He's just a child.
14:33He hasn't yet learned how to compromise with evil.
14:36Look, Padre, if you and your buddy do what we say,
14:39nobody will get hurt.
14:40We aim to stay for a while until things quiet down.
14:43Then you're going to furnish us with horses and grub,
14:45and we'll clear out.
14:49Seems we have no choice in the matter.
14:51No, you don't.
14:53And you're going to keep the school open and running
14:55as usual.
14:56Father Diego's staying with us, so make
14:58sure nothing goes wrong.
15:00Do as he says, Rick.
15:06You got anything to eat around here?
15:08We haven't had anything since yesterday.
15:10There should be something in the kitchen.
15:12I'll go see.
15:14Wait a minute.
15:16Kid, you go get it and hurry back.
15:23I'll be back in a minute.
15:37Pick up any tracks?
15:38Not a sign.
15:39Learned anything at the school, Captain?
15:42We'll keep looking for their trail.
15:44Three men can't just disappear into thin air.
15:53Sit down, Will.
15:55That Padre gives me heebie-jeebies all the time.
15:58You would feel better if you prayed.
16:01You don't need prayers, Padre.
16:03His liver's bothering him.
16:05It's yellow.
16:06I've had enough of you, Jake.
16:09Shut it out!
16:11We've had enough trouble without fighting among ourselves.
16:14Where's that Indian kid?
16:15He ought to be back by now.
16:17I don't know.
16:23I don't know.
16:42They don't sound like any church bells I ever heard, Padre.
16:46Don't forget, they're rung by the children.
16:48Here at the school, we ring the bells many times a day.
16:51They tell us when to sleep and when to awake.
16:54They call us to meals and to pray.
16:57Hey, that's pretty smart, huh, Luke?
17:00Too smart if you ask me.
17:03Sounds like some sort of a code.
17:06Like a telegraph.
17:08If that kid's up to something, I'll kill him.
17:10He's just a child.
17:11He doesn't understand.
17:21Come down, or I'll shoot.
18:22We got company, Luke.
18:25No, it's another one of them brothers.
18:26He's got some Indian with him.
18:28You expecting someone?
18:30No, but monks from other missions do visit us from time to time.
18:35Go on back out there and meet him.
18:37Bring him here.
18:38We can't take any chances.
18:52Just a minute, you two.
18:54Bring your burrow and come on over here.
19:06This is a strange way to greet visitors at St. Thomas.
19:10This real gold?
19:13Get the rope off the burrow.
19:15I'll drag him out of sight.
19:18Get the rope off the burrow.
19:19I'll drag him out of sight.
19:37You don't have to be afraid anymore.
19:38Everything's all right now.
19:40I was afraid no one would hear my message.
19:42Then it was you who tapped out the S.O.S. on the bell.
19:44Yes, and then one of the men came into the tower after me and I had to run.
19:48Well, where's Father Diego?
19:50In the chapel study.
19:51Those men are holding him there.
19:53We've got to do something to save him.
19:55That's why we're here.
19:56Can you get up in that bell tower again?
20:00I'll climb over the roof this time.
20:03I want you to ring those bells.
20:04It's a signal to Captain Reining that we've gotten into the school.
20:07Yes, sir.
20:15What are you supposed to take Jake so long?
20:18Who knows?
20:19Well, I don't like him.
20:20We shouldn't have come here.
20:22You're starting to get on my nerves, Will.
20:25This place has got you spooked.
20:32Who's ringing them bells, Padre?
20:34Who's ringing them?
20:35I don't know.
20:36Well, it ain't time for lunch and it ain't time for church.
20:39Who's ringing them?
20:41Maybe it's that crazy Indian kid.
20:43Take a look, and whoever it is, take care of him.
20:46And check on Jake, too.
21:14Put your hands up.
21:16Now turn around slow.
21:18That bell was your call to prayers, mister.
21:20And you'd better learn how to say them.
21:22Take that bell top.
21:24Put your hands up.
21:25Now, turn around slow.
21:27That bell was your call to prayers, mister.
21:29And you'd better learn how to say them.
21:31Take that bell top.
21:40Now, put your hands behind you.
21:45Something's happened to Will and Jake.
21:47Something's going wrong.
21:49How can that happen?
21:51How else could it happen?
21:52I can feel it!
21:56Who was that mounted Rhodian and that Indian?
21:59Answer me, who were they?
22:01Will you stop that praying and answer me?
22:04God will forgive you for that.
22:07Why do those bells keep ringing, Padre?
22:09Why do they keep ringing?
22:11The bells of St. Thomas give comfort to most people.
22:15They are a symbol of love and peace.
22:17Give me the willies.
22:18I'm going to stop them.
22:21Stop them if I have to kill everybody in this school or do it.
22:25Get out that door.
22:27Come on, move.
22:36Will, Jake, where are you?
22:40Jake, Will, answer me!
22:48Get out of there.
23:18The feeling of being trapped is not very pleasant, is it?
23:21I'm not trapped, not as long as I have you in front of my gun.
23:26Open the door.
23:31Will, Jake, where are you?
23:34They'll never answer you, Baxter.
23:38You're all alone now.
23:40Throw down your gun.
23:42Captain Reining, I'm riding out of here.
23:45I'm taking Father Diego with me.
23:47If anybody tries to stop me, the Padre gets a bullet in the back.
23:56There he is, and he's got Father Diego.
24:18Well, Captain, the bells of St. Thomas have served a twofold purpose today.
24:23Then you aren't mad at me for ringing them so much.
24:26No, Peter, I'm proud of you.
24:28You've done much honor to the school and to our people.
24:31Not to mention the reward of $2,000.
24:33I imagine the school can use it.
24:35We have to be on our way, Father Diego.
24:40Goodbye, Peter.
24:42Goodbye, Father Diego.
24:44Goodbye, Peter.
24:47Goodbye, Peter.
24:56Vaya con Dios.
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