Short filmTranscript
00:00Buffalo Bill Jr.
00:07Buffalo Bill Jr.
00:10with his little sister, Calamity.
00:15Buffalo Bill Jr. brings you exciting action,
00:22thrills, and fun with Judge Ben Ferron Square Wiley.
00:29Buffalo Bill, Buffalo Bill, Buffalo Bill, Buffalo Bill Jr.
00:47Wileyville Post, Grand Army of the Republic, Major, Judge Ben Wiley, Commandant.
00:54Looks kind of silly to me.
00:56Yeah, but it's just the way the judge wants it, and it's no sillier than Caleb's.
01:01Dixieland Acres. No hunting, no fishing, no Yankees.
01:05Absolutely. Captain, um, Major Caleb Boomer, CSA.
01:11The Civil War ended long before we were born.
01:13You'd think the judge and Mr. Boomer would stop fighting it.
01:16Oh, they like fighting. It's what keeps them feeling young.
01:19You know they really like each other.
01:21I know the judge did feel awful sorry for Caleb when his wife was sick for so long.
01:25Yeah, and when she died, he was sure hard-pressed for money.
01:28That's why the judge paid him so much for this half of the farm, just to help him out.
01:32If the judge heard you say that, he'd have a fit.
01:35You know, sometimes I think he enjoys having a fit, especially when Caleb's around.
01:40You know, you sure have pretty hair.
01:42Lace, you and me get back to the store.
01:55Well, Caleb, you already did your shopping for this week.
02:14What do you want of me now?
02:16I ain't asking any favors of you.
02:18You know that 80 acres of land I sold you a few weeks ago?
02:23Well, uh, I want to buy it back.
02:25Say, what is this? Another one of your Johnny Reb tricks?
02:29Now, you all listen to me, Van Wiley.
02:31The only reason you bought that land was because you thought that I was temporarily out of cash.
02:36Well, I ain't been beholden to no man, you hear?
02:39Especially a con-son, con-founded Yankee.
02:42Well, for your information, Captain Boomer,
02:46this con-founded Yankee bought that 80 acres not to help you out,
02:50but so young Bill and his sister would have something to take it home when they got growed up.
02:55And you or nobody else is walking in here and making me sell.
02:58But it's my land. I've owned it for almost 20 years.
03:01Well, you don't own it now.
03:06Now, stop bothering me. I'm busy, and I definitely am not selling.
03:12Bull-headed Yankee!
03:26Oh, it's a good thing neither one of you are Caleb Boomer.
03:29What's the matter? You beat him at checkers again?
03:31The next time I beat him, it'll be over the head with this.
03:34The nerve of some people.
03:36Oh, an accident.
03:39Now, listen, I...
03:41You are going back in there, Mr. Boomer.
03:43Go with him this time, John O.
03:45Make sure he brings back the deed to that 80 acres.
03:48And don't forget, I'll be watching.
03:50Just because we've been friends for 40 years that he's gonna talk me out of that place?
03:55If you come back in here thinking you can talk me out of them 80 acres, I'm warning you,
03:59you better get out of here while it's still healthy for you.
04:01Now, Ben, if you'd only listen.
04:03I just gotta have that land back.
04:05I'll even pay you a profit.
04:07A profit?
04:08The only way you'll pay me a profit is if it's some crooked scheme.
04:11Why, you ox-headed, can't-take-his-own fool!
04:14Who do you think you're calling a crook, huh?
04:16You did that...
04:17Give me that thing.
04:18No, no, just be gentle now.
04:20My guilty glory, you get out of this store,
04:22and don't ever let me see you come in here again.
04:24Well, you won't try to put me out.
04:25You won't try to put me out!
04:28Now, just a minute, mister.
04:30The name ain't mister.
04:32It's Judge.
04:33And if you're gonna put in your two bits worth,
04:35you'll find yourself locked up in the calaboose for impeding justice.
04:38Is that so?
04:39Yes, that's so.
04:40And if I was you, I'd start making tracks out of here
04:42before I hold you both for trespassing,
04:44malicious mischief, and vagrancy.
04:46All you're gonna do, Judge,
04:48is listen to this man and be a gentleman.
04:51Excuse me.
04:53I distinctly heard the judge ask you to leave.
04:55Well, I'm not gonna leave.
05:05Come on.
06:02I distinctly heard the judge tell you to leave.
06:04Under the circumstances, Mr. Boomer, I think you better leave, too.
06:07Now, vamoose!
06:08You were real swell, hon.
06:12Keep on acting the way you are, and you'll be needing this.
06:15You'll be needing this.
06:46That fool Judge is suspicious.
06:48He may come over to see why we had Boomer try to buy that land back.
06:51Now, let him look. He won't find anything.
06:53Well, just the same, you two go up where we found those ore samples.
06:56Make blame sure everything is covered up.
06:59What are you gonna do?
07:01I'm gonna take care of this assay report.
07:03All we need is for Boomer or Wiley
07:05to find out how much that ore is really worth.
07:07Come on, Johnno.
07:16Come on.
07:35But, Judge, you know there's nothing wrong with Mr. Boomer
07:37wanting to buy back his 80 acres?
07:39Yeah, but there's something wrong when he comes in here
07:41with a gunfighter for a bodyguard.
07:42Here, what are you doing?
07:44I'll take care of this. I'll stack this.
07:49Hey, where do you two think you're going?
07:51I just thought we'd ride out and see that your 80 acres
07:53hasn't seceded to the Confederacy.
07:55Well, thanks, Bill. That's a good idea.
08:09Bill, do you think Mr. Boomer will really tell us
08:11why he wants his land back again?
08:14But if we get him to talking,
08:16maybe we can patch up his fight with the Judge.
08:18Who knows? When you put two and two together, you...
08:24What's wrong, Bill?
08:26Up there in the rocks.
08:27See those two men?
08:30Gosh, Bill, who are they?
08:32And what are they doing?
08:34I don't know from here, but let's find out.
08:47Get it, idiot. Now we gotta run for it.
09:10Those last shots, they came from Boomer's cabin.
09:12Let's go.
09:13Now, I ain't gonna warn you no more, Marquis.
09:15You get off my land, or I'm gonna fill you so full of buckshot,
09:18you'll all look like a lace curtain.
09:20I'll have the law on you for this.
09:22You're five months late now on your mortgage interest.
09:25Bill, they're moose, or they're gonna use that mortgage of yours
09:28for a shroud to bury in.
09:30Now, put that thing away, Caleb,
09:32and let's talk this over like sensible businessmen.
09:34Businessmen? Why, you're worse than...
09:37Hold on there!
09:42Now, Mr. Boomer, easy now.
09:44What brought all this on, Mr. West?
09:46He's a thief and a crook and a low-down no-good.
09:49I wouldn't say Mr. West is all of those things,
09:51but just to keep the peace, Mr. West, until all this blows over,
09:54maybe you had better leave, huh?
09:56Well, all right.
09:59Come on, Mr. Boomer.
10:02Come on, Mr. Boomer.
10:05I want to thank you all for what you've done for me.
10:08I'm telling you, children, I'm so worried lately,
10:11I don't know what I'm doing.
10:13If the judges only sell me back my land.
10:16But why do you need the land so badly, Mr. Boomer?
10:19Well, I gotta sell this place.
10:21If all that scoundrel Mark West forecloses and takes it away from me.
10:24You need the judges' 80 acres to sell your own place?
10:27I know it sounds kind of crazy,
10:29but some fellas want to buy it at a good price, too,
10:32to use it as a feedlot for cattle.
10:34But they say without the other 80 acres,
10:36this place ain't worth buying alone.
10:39The whole place isn't worth anything for feeding.
10:41But if they want both places so bad,
10:43why don't they make you an offer and the judges a separate one?
10:46That's what I said to them, but they said no.
10:48They said if they string you into the judgment,
10:51you might get suspicious.
10:53How much money would it take to bring you up on your mortgage?
10:56About four or five hundred dollars, I reckon.
10:59Mr. Boomer, I've got an idea that'll maybe save your land,
11:02and you'll end up with money in the bank.
11:04Calamity, you head back to town,
11:06but don't say a word of this to the judge.
11:08But Bill, Mr. Boomer needs money.
11:10Calamity, honey, just this one time.
11:12Do as I ask you.
11:14Maybe everything will turn out better than we think.
11:16Don't you worry, Mr. Boomer.
11:56Calamity, honey, just this one time.
11:58I suppose you've got an explanation for this.
12:28Come out of there.
12:29And it better be mighty good,
12:31or I'm liable to give you 20 years for bank robbery.
12:33Oh, you can't do that, Judge.
12:34And why not?
12:35First, because I'm a girl.
12:37Second, well, I didn't rob the bank for myself.
12:41The defendant may explain in her own words.
12:44Well, I'm really not supposed to tell you, Judge.
12:4720 years for bank robbery and an extra 10 for contempt of court.
12:50Well, I was just trying to help poor Mr. Boomer.
12:53He needs money, something awful.
12:56Caleb needs money?
12:57How do you know?
12:58Well, we saw Mr. West at his ranch
13:01trying to close the mortgage in four places.
13:04You mean foreclosing the mortgage on his ranch?
13:06Or whatever you do with him.
13:08Why, that iron-headed, weak-kneed ignoramus.
13:11If he needed money, why didn't he tell me?
13:13What are friends for, anyway?
13:18You all run me out of your store once,
13:21and now I'm running you off my land.
13:23Now, you get it.
13:24By the boat of Robert E. Lee,
13:26they're going to bury you right there.
13:28Why, you lopsided specimen of the Andaluvian fossil.
13:32I rode all the way out here just to help you.
13:35Like a friend.
13:36A friend?
13:37No overgrown, wall-eyed Yankee's a friend of mine.
13:40Now, you won't get it,
13:41or I'll blow daylight trouble through you.
13:51Why, you...
13:53Why, you...
14:24Hi, sis.
14:36Say, where's the judge?
14:37Out somewhere.
14:39Calamity, I think I found out why Mr. Bellamy
14:41wants to buy Mr. Boomer's place and the judge's 80 acres.
14:44You did, Bill?
14:46Well, I'm not sure,
14:47but I think they found some kind of ore up there.
14:49Oh, gold?
14:50You mean real gold?
14:52Well, I don't know what it is yet,
14:54but it came from the place we saw those two men today.
14:56What are we going to do, Bill?
14:58Well, somebody must know what it is.
15:00That's why I hurried back to see the judge.
15:02Do you think the judge knows about ore?
15:06I'll bet Mr. Bellamy does,
15:07and I think I know how we can find out for sure.
15:10Me too, you mean?
15:12It means taking a lot of chances.
15:14But you got a lot of spunk for a girl.
15:16But if you do as I say, no one's going to get hurt,
15:18unless maybe it's me.
15:20Where are we going?
15:21Down to that old deserted ranger's cabin,
15:23that old flat.
15:24That's where Mr. Bellamy and his two bodyguards are hiding.
15:26That's where we'll find the answers to a lot of questions.
15:28Let's go.
15:38You keep that up, Bellamy,
15:39and you'll have your toes sick and clean out of your boots.
15:42Sit down, take it easy.
15:43Sure, take it easy.
15:45That's all you two ever do.
15:46If you'd let Curly and me handle it our way,
15:48things would have been a little different.
15:49Sure, your way.
15:51Real smart.
15:52Bump off both the old geezers,
15:53and then their estates would be tied up for years.
15:55You know if we don't sign that lease within 48 hours,
15:57we lose the whole deal.
15:59Yeah, we know, we know.
16:02Only I'm getting sick and tired
16:03of sitting around here for hours,
16:05waiting for you to think up something.
16:07Well, I've decided.
16:10I'll go into town and see that judge.
16:12I'll deal with him direct.
16:14Big brain, ain't you?
16:15That's what Curly told you yesterday,
16:17you fat-headed idiot.
16:19Take it easy, Bellamy.
16:22I'll get into town.
16:31And don't come back till you got it sewed up.
16:33And if you don't get that deed,
16:34don't bother showing your early face around here again.
16:49That was too close for copper.
16:51Well, what do we do now, Bill?
16:53Come on, I'll show you.
17:18Come on.
17:49You know, if Bellamy doesn't gun things up...
17:51He wouldn't dare.
17:53We'll be living like kings.
17:55Dallas, San Francisco, maybe even Chicago.
17:59Yeah, that's right.
18:01And if we're real smart and get rid of Bellamy,
18:05we should have enough to last us the rest of our lives.
18:10How'd you get in here?
18:12Through the window. It was open.
18:14Only I tripped trying to get back out again.
18:23I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
18:25I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
18:27I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
18:29I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
18:31I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
18:33I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
18:35I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
18:38What'd you come here for anyway?
18:40To be lookout for my brother while he's searching the bedroom.
18:43Quit lying now.
18:44No one was in the bedroom or we'd have hurt him.
18:46Oh, no?
18:47Well, you wouldn't have known I was here if I hadn't have tripped.
18:50I don't believe her, Johnno.
18:52Well, you don't have to.
18:54You can find out for yourselves.
18:56Find out? What do you mean?
18:57Well, look in the bedroom and see if anything's missing.
19:00I'll do just that.
19:02Keep your eye on her, Curly. I'll be right back.
19:07Come on.
19:26Stand still.
19:28Just leave your gun in your holster. I want to see that paper.
19:31North American.
19:36Come on, Curly. We gotta get out of here.
20:01Bill! Bill! Are you all right?
20:05Clamity, unlock it!
20:30Circle around, Clamity.
22:18Come here, Clamity. Give me a hand.
22:20Come on.
22:29This court finds you guilty of stealing ore samples off of my land and off of Caleb's land.
22:35And then you tried to sell the mineral rights to American Tungsten.
22:38Instead of holding me, you ought to pay us a percentage for finding Tungsten on your place.
22:43Well, maybe I will give you a percentage.
22:47The next 50% of your life will be spent at the state's expense right in the brand new penitentiary.
23:04Well, Caleb, you've got no money worries no more.
23:07Yeah, I guess that's right.
23:09But then neither do you.
23:11Oh, I don't worry about money.
23:13Oh, I suppose I'm the only one who does.
23:16Now, Caleb, stop trying to start another argument again.
23:19Who's arguing? You just had the audacity to say that all I do is go around worrying over money.
23:24I said no such thing.
23:25Yes, you did.
23:27Now you're calling me an out-and-out liar.
23:29You blithering, bumpkin shank of yours.
23:31Yeah! You can't insult me right here in my own court.
23:34Well, you just called me a liar.
23:35Well, I'll call you worse than that if you don't start making tracks out of here.
23:38When you all think you can put me out, you just go ahead and try.
23:40Well, maybe I will.
23:42Just as soon as I beat you two out of three playing checkers.
23:47Now, Caleb, just ease down.
23:49That tungsten mine is liable to make millionaires out of us.
23:52Then we'll really have something to worry about.
23:54It's your move.
23:56Well, let me see.
23:59You beat already?
24:05Buffalo Bill Jr.
24:09Now with his horse and with his gun
24:11He's not afraid of anyone
24:14Cause no one's quicker on the draw
24:16Or quicker to defend the law
24:18Buffalo Bill Jr.
24:21Buffalo Bill Jr.
24:23He's the son of a son of a gun
24:25Buffalo Bill
24:27Buffalo Bill
24:28Buffalo Bill
24:29Buffalo Bill Jr.