• last year


00:00:00 I've interviewed a couple girls and everyone just answers right to camera and just be as
00:00:06 truthful as you can about modeling.
00:00:09 Okay?
00:00:10 So, tell me a story of your worst booking.
00:00:18 When I was modeling in Paris, I had booked a cigarette campaign and the client told me
00:00:26 I had to sign a paper saying that I would lose ten pounds.
00:00:29 It was Galois Blond, a French cigarette campaign.
00:00:33 And I had to lose ten pounds to be able to do it.
00:00:35 So I signed an agreement and they sent me to a fat doctor in Paris.
00:00:40 And I go in and I lay down and I have to kind of lift my shirt up and show my stomach.
00:00:46 And he grabs a hold of my stomach and he goes, "Mais qu'est-ce que c'est ça?
00:00:48 Ça c'est gras!"
00:00:49 He's like, "What is that?
00:00:51 That is fat!"
00:00:52 And I said, "Uh..." and he gave me amphetamine pills.
00:00:59 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:01:06 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:01:10 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:01:14 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:01:17 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:01:20 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:01:23 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:01:26 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:01:29 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:01:32 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:01:35 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:01:38 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:01:41 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:01:44 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:01:47 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:01:50 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:01:53 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:01:56 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:01:59 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:02:02 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:02:05 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:02:08 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:02:11 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:02:14 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:02:17 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:02:20 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:02:23 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:02:26 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:02:29 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:02:32 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:02:35 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:02:38 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:02:41 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:02:44 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:02:47 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:02:50 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:02:53 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:02:56 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:02:59 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:03:02 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:03:05 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:03:08 And he goes, "It's a pill."
00:03:11 And I was like, "What is that?"
00:03:14 Could you step out of the photo?
00:03:17 Kim?
00:03:20 Huh? On me?
00:03:23 Oh, yeah, sure.
00:03:26 [music]
00:03:29 [music]
00:03:32 [music]
00:03:35 Beautiful.
00:03:38 You are playing cards in the field.
00:03:41 [music]
00:03:44 I can't believe she's still mottling.
00:03:47 It's funny how they get nicer with age.
00:03:50 I hear she lost her iniglo campagne.
00:03:53 I mean, how old is she anyway?
00:03:56 She's got to be at least 30.
00:03:59 Thank God. She's ancient.
00:04:02 I should have brought my spackle.
00:04:05 In the fashion industry, people love to sort of,
00:04:08 you know, make you feel you're not a whole person somehow.
00:04:13 Hey, Jess, ready?
00:04:16 Yeah, coming right out.
00:04:19 Hey, guys. Hey.
00:04:22 [music]
00:04:25 [music]
00:04:28 Great.
00:04:31 [music]
00:04:34 Ready.
00:04:37 [music]
00:04:40 [music]
00:04:43 Am I the next show?
00:04:46 No. Basha, you're up.
00:04:49 [music]
00:04:52 Hey, are you going to use me or what's going on?
00:04:55 You're up next. You look great.
00:04:58 Oh, thank you.
00:05:01 [music]
00:05:04 When she smiles, there's lines all over her face.
00:05:10 Kim, the client seems to think that you look tired,
00:05:15 so you get to go back to the hotel and rest.
00:05:19 But I feel fine.
00:05:22 But we think that this is what would be best.
00:05:24 Okay. We are shooting.
00:05:27 [music]
00:05:30 Never ceases to amaze me how thin you are under all that.
00:05:34 Well, you know how long I'd have to waitress to make this kind of money?
00:05:37 Doing a great job, Jess.
00:05:39 Well, not everyone can be Cindy Crawford.
00:05:42 My first job ever was shooting Italian Vogue,
00:05:44 and a very horrible, horrible man was the stylist,
00:05:48 and he was trying to put me into a chartreuse Versace dress,
00:05:52 and I remember standing in my G-string with my back to him,
00:05:56 and he was trying to squash me into the dress,
00:06:00 and he was having a little bit of trouble,
00:06:03 and he said, "All right, love, come on.
00:06:05 Let's just stuff the sausage in there."
00:06:08 We have a message, and we'll call you back.
00:06:10 Hi, Peter, baby. Call me, okay?
00:06:13 I'll be in my room all night.
00:06:15 Bye, Peter. Love.
00:06:17 [music]
00:06:24 We're not home. Leave a message.
00:06:26 Hey, Jess, Antoine, anybody home?
00:06:30 Leave a message. We'll call you back.
00:06:36 Hi, Peter, me again. Call me, okay?
00:06:40 Where are you?
00:06:42 [music]
00:06:50 [phone ringing]
00:06:55 Hello?
00:06:57 Hey, Dad. How you doing?
00:07:01 Oh, you just called because it's your mom's birthday.
00:07:07 Yeah.
00:07:13 How you been?
00:07:17 I miss her.
00:07:22 Well, it's late. I'm kind of tired.
00:07:29 Okay, Dad, I'm going to go to bed.
00:07:39 Okay, Dad.
00:07:44 Bye, Dad.
00:07:47 Yeah, okay. I'll go. Yeah.
00:07:49 Yeah.
00:07:51 [phone ringing]
00:08:01 Peter?
00:08:03 Good morning. This is your 5 a.m. wake-up call.
00:08:06 Thank you.
00:08:09 Too bad for you, heroin shake is out.
00:08:17 Ha, ha. You're funny.
00:08:20 You can cover this up, right?
00:08:22 That's his job.
00:08:24 Gee, what is with the photographer and that beret?
00:08:27 I mean, does he, like, think that's artsy?
00:08:29 Or maybe he's just going bald.
00:08:32 You're all finished today.
00:08:37 We don't need you. You're done.
00:08:42 Is it good?
00:08:58 Yes, don't stop.
00:09:00 Oh, Dan, it's good.
00:09:03 Just good?
00:09:05 No, it's really good. It's really good.
00:09:07 Just keep moving.
00:09:09 So, it's really good, but it's not great.
00:09:14 Oh, Dan, come on.
00:09:17 Come on. Think of, like, Central Park.
00:09:19 It's really crowded Sunday afternoon.
00:09:21 Very dangerous. Lots of people.
00:09:24 You take me behind that rock.
00:09:26 I've got my little baby doll dress.
00:09:28 What, are you just-- I mean, you're just completely trying to devastate me now, or what?
00:09:31 What? Dan, it's your favorite fantasy.
00:09:34 No, no, no, that's your favorite fantasy, okay?
00:09:37 My favorite fantasy does not include what a good fuck your ex-boyfriend is.
00:09:42 What are you talking about?
00:09:44 The Central Park fantasy, okay?
00:09:47 Trees. Jungle.
00:09:51 Okay, lots of people around. Really dangerous.
00:09:55 War. Vietnam. War.
00:09:58 Rambo! Rambo!
00:10:00 You're losing your marbles.
00:10:02 Oh, please. And as insult to injury for you to even feign not understanding
00:10:07 what the thinly veiled reality of what your dream actually means,
00:10:10 which is clearly about the sexual prowess of your ex-boyfriend.
00:10:15 And when exactly did you figure all this out?
00:10:18 Yesterday. In therapy.
00:10:20 Oh, please!
00:10:22 What?
00:10:23 Oh, I'm really glad you and your therapist psychoanalyzed my fantasies.
00:10:27 I'm never going to tell you another one of my fantasies ever again.
00:10:30 Oh, thank you.
00:10:32 Hey.
00:10:45 Oh, hi.
00:10:47 You're home.
00:10:48 Yeah, I finished early.
00:10:51 I missed you.
00:10:53 Want a potato?
00:10:58 Mm-hmm.
00:10:59 Yummy?
00:11:00 Mm-hmm.
00:11:01 Do you think I look tired?
00:11:07 Do you think I look tired?
00:11:09 I'm going to keep doing that.
00:11:15 Are you sure I don't look tired?
00:11:18 What are you talking about?
00:11:20 You will always be my cover girl.
00:11:23 What in God's creation could you ever have seen in that guy?
00:11:30 I mean, all I can think about when you and I make love is you and that gorilla
00:11:35 and that penile pump.
00:11:38 What's penile pump?
00:11:41 I mean, look, I know that you love me because I'm smart and I'm funny
00:11:44 and I'm vulnerable and we can talk.
00:11:46 Yeah, Dan, I do, except when you become obsessed with a guy I dated 15 years ago
00:11:50 and it renders you impotent.
00:11:52 Excuse me? Okay, renders me?
00:11:54 Okay, nobody here has rendered-- been rendered impotent.
00:11:57 It's just a little hard to perform with fucking Rocky looking over my shoulder.
00:12:01 You know what I'm saying?
00:12:02 I mean, Adrian, what is that?
00:12:05 It's ridiculous.
00:12:06 What, I got to box a side of beef to get you hot?
00:12:09 Dan, I went on one blind date with a guy when I was 19,
00:12:13 and besides, everyone dated Stallone back then.
00:12:16 Bye.
00:12:17 Honey, why are you always leaving when we're talking?
00:12:20 Honey, come back.
00:12:22 We're-- I-- we're talking.
00:12:25 Wouldn't it be great if we were sitting outside, you know, listening to crickets?
00:12:41 Do we have any ice cream?
00:12:44 I saw this house in the paper today.
00:12:48 Come on, Kim, you're not on that Connecticut thing again, are you?
00:12:51 Oh, Peter, we could have a huge place in Connecticut for the price of this apartment.
00:12:56 You could have a study and a fireplace.
00:13:01 I like this apartment.
00:13:03 A lot of our friends have moved out there.
00:13:06 They love it.
00:13:08 They have kids.
00:13:10 Yeah?
00:13:12 Sweets, I like things just the way they are.
00:13:18 What do you mean, just the way they are?
00:13:26 You want some ice cream?
00:13:37 Look, I don't want to get into this now.
00:13:41 Why not?
00:13:45 What do you want me to say, Kim?
00:13:47 You and I, we're-- we're different.
00:13:51 We're not different.
00:13:53 You're a vegetarian. I'm not.
00:13:56 I eat chicken.
00:13:59 And I'm Jewish.
00:14:01 Well, that's never been a problem before.
00:14:05 You've never asked me before.
00:14:07 You don't even go to temple.
00:14:09 You know my family. My mother would die if--
00:14:12 Your mother just doesn't like what I do for a living.
00:14:14 My mother doesn't approve because you're not Jewish.
00:14:18 It's late.
00:14:20 I'm tired.
00:14:23 And I don't want to argue with you.
00:14:32 Hey, Lenny. Do you have a good rabbi?
00:14:35 Rabbi?
00:14:37 Right now you need your accountant
00:14:40 because this is not looking good.
00:14:43 What do you mean?
00:14:45 Well, here. That's how much you got.
00:14:49 What? That's impossible.
00:14:52 Impossible for you, but it's not a mystery.
00:14:54 But, Lenny, I've made a lot of money.
00:14:57 Tim, darling, you remember the fashion cafe?
00:15:02 Yeah.
00:15:03 You lost a mother load on that one.
00:15:05 And now you don't have the inner glow account anymore.
00:15:09 And didn't I tell you to diversify
00:15:13 and not leave all of your eggs in one little basket?
00:15:17 [♪♪♪]
00:15:20 Antoine, get the door. I know it's for you.
00:15:34 No, I can't. Please.
00:15:36 You tell him I'm in the home. It's my trainer.
00:15:39 Just-- Just-- Just--
00:15:41 You can't hide from your trainer.
00:15:45 [♪♪♪]
00:15:48 Don't guess like me. We agreed to it.
00:16:11 $10,000 is her day rate. That's what she gets.
00:16:14 She's very long right now.
00:16:16 Tim, sweetie, sit down. I'll be with you in a second.
00:16:18 You gotta fly her in first.
00:16:20 I'm not being mean, but I need her back here in two days fresh for the Revlon job, okay?
00:16:24 Hi. Hi, beauty.
00:16:26 Mwah. Mwah. Thank you for coming in.
00:16:28 You look beautiful. You too.
00:16:31 Listen, sweetie, I really appreciate your coming here, because we have to talk.
00:16:35 I want to start by saying that I feel after all this time
00:16:38 you and I can be incredibly honest with each other, okay?
00:16:41 Mm-hmm.
00:16:42 Sweetie, since the Interglow campaign was canceled,
00:16:45 it's been really hard to reactivate your career.
00:16:48 I feel like I have been beating a dead horse.
00:16:51 And I think-- I think what's important is for us to acknowledge
00:16:55 that it just isn't happening for you right now, okay?
00:16:59 [indistinct chatter]
00:17:01 [phone ringing]
00:17:02 I want to hear it. I want to hear it. I'm sorry. Hello?
00:17:05 Hello? Yes?
00:17:07 Hi, Ivanka. They don't have turkey sandwiches?
00:17:10 Oh, they only have turkey sandwiches.
00:17:12 Sweetie, no, I told them you were a vegan. I did.
00:17:15 Yeah. Uh-huh.
00:17:17 Don't you worry. I'm going to call them right now.
00:17:19 Calvin has you all day tomorrow.
00:17:21 Okay. You get your pretty wings.
00:17:23 Mm-hmm. I will. Bye.
00:17:26 Anyway, darling, I think that what you need to do--
00:17:31 and I say this as your friend--
00:17:33 is think about what else it is that Kim can do.
00:17:36 But what about-- Patty, what about Macy's or-- or Hex?
00:17:40 I mean, call-- call-- call Bergdorf.
00:17:42 Come on. They all used to use me.
00:17:44 You're 32.
00:17:45 I'm 29, Patty.
00:17:47 You're 32, and, uh, you've had a great career,
00:17:51 longer than most girls, and I think--
00:17:54 [sighs]
00:17:55 I think the real thing that's going on here
00:17:57 is that I've had a complaint after the last job
00:18:00 because you look really, really tired,
00:18:02 and the client called to say so, and I can't have that, sweetie.
00:18:05 Did I-- did I look tired?
00:18:09 Patty, this is so unfair.
00:18:11 It's not unfair. It's life. This is the real world.
00:18:14 You knew that going in. Come on.
00:18:16 Do you realize what you're saying to me?
00:18:18 I'm telling you that you should start thinking
00:18:22 about doing something else.
00:18:24 What am I gonna do, Patty?
00:18:27 Like, with my high school diploma?
00:18:29 Look, the only thing I can offer you--
00:18:31 and-- and you-- you said you didn't want to do it,
00:18:33 and if you're willing to revisit it,
00:18:35 is go on commercial auditions, okay?
00:18:37 I mean, that's it.
00:18:38 A lot of older cover girls are doing that now.
00:18:41 Older?
00:18:43 Cover girls.
00:18:45 All right, are you willing to do that?
00:18:47 [phone rings]
00:18:48 Yeah, I'll-- I'll-- I need to make money.
00:18:50 I mean, that-- yeah.
00:18:52 There's no shame in that.
00:18:54 I'll make some calls. I'll work the phone for you.
00:18:56 I can't promise anything. We'll see what happens.
00:18:59 But I need you to pound the pavement.
00:19:01 [phone rings]
00:19:03 All right, sweetie, I have to take this call, okay?
00:19:05 Patty, I'll work for anybody.
00:19:07 I'll-- I'll work--
00:19:08 I'll call you.
00:19:09 Patty, I'll work--
00:19:10 I really gotta go. Sorry. Hello?
00:19:12 Yeah-- hi!
00:19:13 You've got-- she booked it.
00:19:15 She booked-- how much?
00:19:16 $50,000.
00:19:18 Oh, my God.
00:19:19 Kim, I'll see you later.
00:19:20 Uh-huh. Let me write the dates down.
00:19:22 No, I'm gonna call her right now.
00:19:24 Paris, uh-huh.
00:19:25 Three-- shut up.
00:19:28 What was the spend--
00:19:29 I'm retiring after this one.
00:19:31 The stakes is high, so I cross my t's
00:19:35 I dot my i's, so you don't roll yours at me
00:19:40 It's way too late for me to learn something new
00:19:44 Like a dog chasing a car, if he gets it, what's he gonna do?
00:19:50 We put all our money on
00:19:54 One little thing
00:19:58 There's nothing to fall back on
00:20:01 Please make me sweet at night
00:20:05 What's this for?
00:20:19 Madame Kim.
00:20:21 Douche.
00:20:26 You're kidding.
00:20:29 Do you see these lines when I smile?
00:20:33 You see them, right?
00:20:34 Come on, you gotta do something.
00:20:36 Can we do, like, a Zara deal or, like, microdermabrasion?
00:20:41 I know where I've been
00:20:42 And a pair of weathered friends start calling again
00:20:46 I think you look really hot.
00:20:49 You don't get it.
00:20:53 I've had an agency for about three years.
00:20:56 People run a lot of things for me.
00:20:58 I build big buildings in Manhattan.
00:21:00 It's obviously a much bigger business,
00:21:02 but the model agency is fun, it's cute,
00:21:05 it's not a big business,
00:21:06 and I'd say generally a girl will be from anywhere from 16 to 18,
00:21:12 and then probably when you get into 28, 29, it's over.
00:21:17 Seen too many things
00:21:21 Don't wanna be jaded
00:21:25 Please make me sweet at night
00:21:29 Don't wanna be jaded
00:21:32 Please make me sweet at night
00:21:36 It's boring.
00:21:44 Really boring.
00:21:47 Honey.
00:21:52 Honey, what?
00:21:55 Hey, I have to get some sleep.
00:22:00 Goodnight.
00:22:16 Peter?
00:22:18 Hmm?
00:22:22 Maybe I should convert.
00:22:25 [snoring]
00:22:28 Judaism is going to be what Buddhism was in the '80s.
00:22:37 This is going to be the Jewish millennium.
00:22:41 Now everyone, both Jews and non-Jews, embrace Judaism.
00:22:45 I have my best-selling book, "Koshering Your Sex," available now.
00:22:50 You can pick it up at our bookstore
00:22:53 or order it directly from my website.
00:22:57 The book teaches
00:23:01 that true romance is only possible
00:23:05 if people limit themselves to one partner over the course of a lifetime.
00:23:11 We believe in bashert.
00:23:16 What must be, must be.
00:23:21 Where do we kosher men?
00:23:23 At the Jewish singles' night,
00:23:27 the soulmate connection.
00:23:30 The soulmate connection.
00:23:34 You can also check out our website, kosherlove.com.
00:23:38 [chatter]
00:23:41 You know, this is a book when you're ready to allow your wife to expand sex.
00:23:52 You're not serious.
00:23:57 Yes, I am. I need one of these.
00:24:00 Which one do you like? This? Do you like this? This?
00:24:04 This will look great in Peter's apartment, okay?
00:24:06 Also inside the book, there are illustrations, you know, to give you ideas.
00:24:12 How's this? This? That takes practice.
00:24:16 So now you want to be Jewish.
00:24:18 Well, Peter's Jewish.
00:24:19 So?
00:24:20 Hello! I'd like to get married before I'm menopausal.
00:24:24 Look at that fat jack over there.
00:24:27 Oh, that's not nice.
00:24:28 That's me in two years.
00:24:29 That is so not nice.
00:24:31 I can't believe you mentioned Connecticut and kids in the same sentence.
00:24:34 I didn't. He did.
00:24:36 When you're desperate, men can smell it, and it doesn't smell good.
00:24:40 You know, maybe if you leave him, he won't care if you're Jewish or not.
00:24:45 He'll just want you back.
00:24:47 Dump him. He'll love it.
00:24:48 Yeah, come stay with us.
00:24:49 It'll be fun.
00:24:50 Just like old times.
00:24:52 You know, just tell him that you need a little time to think or something, and you know, it's not me, it's you.
00:24:57 It's not you, it's me.
00:24:59 Whatever. It's, you know, it'll work.
00:25:01 Men are simplistic. You've got to make them jealous.
00:25:04 How would you know?
00:25:05 I know! This little June Cleaver shit never works.
00:25:08 I don't know, guys.
00:25:10 No, I swear to you, he'll be on his hands and knees begging.
00:25:13 Peter?
00:25:19 I feel...
00:25:23 Oh.
00:25:27 Did you get a new haircut?
00:25:30 No.
00:25:31 That looks nice.
00:25:36 So, um, I've been doing a lot of thinking,
00:25:41 and I want to make some changes in my life.
00:25:46 Are you listening to me?
00:25:50 Yes, sweetie, I'm listening.
00:25:53 I... I love you.
00:25:58 I love you so much.
00:26:00 Oh, you know that.
00:26:04 It's not me.
00:26:07 It's not you.
00:26:11 Whatever. It's me and you.
00:26:13 And... I'm confused.
00:26:17 You're confused about what?
00:26:20 About us, Peter.
00:26:22 I mean, that's what people do. They move to the next step.
00:26:25 [saxophone music]
00:26:27 Maybe we need to take a break for a while?
00:26:54 [saxophone music]
00:26:56 Sometimes when people are apart,
00:27:02 they don't realize how much they love one another.
00:27:05 Okay.
00:27:13 If that's what you want.
00:27:22 [saxophone music]
00:27:24 [footsteps]
00:27:26 [sad music]
00:27:52 Are you sure you didn't erase any messages?
00:27:55 Yes.
00:27:56 Oh, come on.
00:27:57 Maybe it's my beeper that's not working.
00:28:00 Instead of driving yourself crazy, why don't you go on a few dates?
00:28:07 Then you can see if Peter's what you really are.
00:28:09 I just can't seem to lose any weight.
00:28:12 You don't need to lose any weight.
00:28:14 You eat and eat and starve and starve.
00:28:16 You eat nothing, and then you stuff yourself full of crap.
00:28:19 There's nothing wrong with my eating habits.
00:28:22 Jessica, where the hell's my cheese?
00:28:25 There was a large piece of Swiss cheese in here.
00:28:29 Hey, um, do you get reception in here?
00:28:33 You know, you shouldn't eat that anyway.
00:28:35 It's really unhealthy, it's full of fat, and--
00:28:37 You're like calling me fat now.
00:28:39 I am not calling you fat.
00:28:41 Now I know why you're single.
00:28:42 You're mean.
00:28:44 I'm not single.
00:28:45 You will be.
00:28:47 I'm gonna go check my email.
00:28:50 Email?
00:28:51 Shut up, Antoine.
00:28:55 At the beginning, it's hard to get your head around the fact that you are a product.
00:29:01 And that's what you're selling.
00:29:03 I mean, it's an ultra-thin business, everybody knows about that.
00:29:06 I got sent home from a job once 'cause I was too fat.
00:29:09 And that was devastating.
00:29:10 I remember crying in the airport, absolutely devastated that I'd been sent home 'cause I was too fat.
00:29:15 I was too fat for the clothes, I wasn't too fat.
00:29:18 But that's how you can start to get a little messed up in your head.
00:29:23 [music]
00:29:25 Can you address, please?
00:29:52 [music]
00:29:54 Sure.
00:29:56 Slate, please.
00:30:08 Candela?
00:30:10 Now can you give me right profile, and then left profile?
00:30:14 [music]
00:30:21 [music]
00:30:23 Now can you turn around slowly so we get your whole body on camera?
00:30:31 Uh...
00:30:36 Oh, great, I'm getting close to my sight lines.
00:30:48 [music]
00:30:50 Can you dance now?
00:30:52 Isn't this for sinus medicine?
00:31:11 Next.
00:31:13 [music]
00:31:17 [music]
00:31:19 [laughter]
00:31:21 [music]
00:31:23 Hi, Tanya.
00:31:26 That's terrible, you move away from me.
00:31:30 Who really wants to be in their 20s again? Good riddance, if you ask me.
00:31:34 I do. Seems like every guy I'm going out with jilts me for some color.
00:31:37 You know, I have to say, you are all aging like fine wine.
00:31:41 Oh, thanks, Candela.
00:31:42 You got me, Karen. I'm a good guy for you.
00:31:44 I'm okay.
00:31:46 Male, 45, balding.
00:31:49 Okay.
00:31:51 Good shopping in grass fair, buddy.
00:31:54 It's a miracle this guy is still available.
00:31:57 Who the hell goes to grass fairs?
00:31:59 Yeah, I wonder why you're still single.
00:32:01 What is this?
00:32:02 Hold on, hold on.
00:32:03 Seeking single white female slender, 25 and under. Give me a break.
00:32:07 So I'm too old and too fat for Mr. Creepy Bald Headed Grass Fair Asshole?
00:32:14 You suck.
00:32:15 Lesbian, whatever.
00:32:17 Kim, don't look now, your ex is here.
00:32:22 No.
00:32:24 Which one?
00:32:25 In the corner over there.
00:32:27 It's Lorenzo.
00:32:32 I know, he was like, what, the second guy you ever slept with.
00:32:35 Don't look, don't look, please.
00:32:37 I had a big crush on him on that '80s show.
00:32:39 Come on, he looks good. Go, go and talk to him.
00:32:43 No, you are not.
00:32:44 Get off your keister and go.
00:32:47 You know what, you're gonna go over there, 'cause you're not shy.
00:32:50 'Cause you're the big cover girl.
00:32:52 You guys want me to?
00:32:53 Go, cover girl, go.
00:32:55 And we're gonna behave, we're not gonna watch.
00:32:58 Okay, watch me.
00:32:59 Another one?
00:33:00 Yeah.
00:33:01 Oh my God, I'm...
00:33:03 All right, now go, sister.
00:33:06 Go, okay, go.
00:33:07 Check this out.
00:33:09 (laughing)
00:33:10 Lorenzo?
00:33:23 Yeah, that's me.
00:33:26 It's Kim.
00:33:27 Hey, Kim, get us two Coronas and a clean ashtray.
00:33:33 It's Kim, Kim Dunlap.
00:33:36 And?
00:33:37 We dated a long time ago.
00:33:40 You don't remember.
00:33:44 Costa Rica, New Years.
00:33:47 Yeah, yeah, Costa Rica, right.
00:33:50 It's good to see you again.
00:33:52 Nice to see you.
00:33:56 Well, enjoy your drinks, I mean.
00:33:59 I'll see you around.
00:34:00 Good luck.
00:34:03 So?
00:34:04 Nothing, no clue who I even was.
00:34:11 Can you get me his autograph?
00:34:13 I think he's Kim.
00:34:14 Look at that craft.
00:34:15 I'm really sore today.
00:34:17 Oh, Lord.
00:34:20 Screw that.
00:34:21 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--
00:34:23 No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:34:25 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--
00:34:27 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--
00:34:28 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--
00:34:29 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--
00:34:30 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--
00:34:31 He's short.
00:34:32 How can you not remember?
00:34:36 Oh, who cares.
00:34:37 Who cares?
00:34:38 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:34:42 [CHATTER]
00:35:08 [CHATTER]
00:35:11 See you guys.
00:35:13 OK.
00:35:14 Get a taxi.
00:35:15 Taxi!
00:35:20 Hey, look!
00:35:21 Oh!
00:35:22 You OK?
00:35:24 You all right?
00:35:26 [GROANING]
00:35:29 Hey.
00:35:40 [LAUGHS]
00:35:53 [LAUGHS]
00:35:54 Oh, oh.
00:35:55 [LAUGHS]
00:36:01 [LAUGHS]
00:36:02 [GRUNTS]
00:36:07 Kim?
00:36:11 Oh, my God.
00:36:15 Wow.
00:36:17 That was nice.
00:36:22 Look, a menorah.
00:36:25 What are you doing here?
00:36:27 What happened to your knee?
00:36:30 Oh, nothing.
00:36:32 I fell.
00:36:33 I've got to figure it out.
00:36:34 I'm going to convert.
00:36:36 I'm going to become Jewish.
00:36:38 Kim, are you drunk?
00:36:42 No, no.
00:36:46 You are totally shit-faced drunk.
00:36:48 I've never seen you like that before.
00:36:51 I'm going to make you potato gital and gifelte.
00:36:55 I'm going to be where you always wanted, a Jewish chiksa.
00:37:00 Kim.
00:37:03 I have to go to bed.
00:37:05 OK.
00:37:06 Come on.
00:37:08 I've joined the L'Chayim Society.
00:37:13 You've joined the what?
00:37:15 The L'Chayim Society.
00:37:17 You know.
00:37:20 The L'Chayim Society.
00:37:22 Kim.
00:37:23 Whatever.
00:37:24 Kim, wait.
00:37:25 Shedderd.
00:37:26 Kim.
00:37:27 Oh, my God.
00:37:29 This is not a good idea right now.
00:37:31 Make the bath.
00:37:32 I've got a meeting early in the morning.
00:37:33 I really need to get some sleep.
00:37:34 You've got a meeting to do?
00:37:35 Honey, I'm going to put you in a cab.
00:37:37 Oh, boy, we're just in time.
00:37:39 Kim.
00:37:40 Oh, my God.
00:37:41 I was ready for bed.
00:37:43 It's so good.
00:37:49 I'm going to pee.
00:37:50 Peter, I missed you so much.
00:37:56 [toilet flushes]
00:37:58 [piano music]
00:38:05 Kim.
00:38:22 Kim, come here.
00:38:25 I'm an idiot.
00:38:26 Come here.
00:38:28 You know he's just a dumb guy who doesn't know how wonderful you are.
00:38:33 She was so pretty.
00:38:36 Kim, look at me.
00:38:37 She was so young.
00:38:39 Look at me.
00:38:41 It's going to be all right.
00:38:43 I promise.
00:38:46 I have nowhere to go.
00:38:49 You have here.
00:38:51 Where you are.
00:38:54 [laughs]
00:38:55 With people who love you.
00:38:58 Come on, it's got to count for something.
00:39:01 Okay?
00:39:06 Now, we really need to get you fixed up.
00:39:11 Okay.
00:39:12 We'll get it together.
00:39:13 We'll get it together.
00:39:15 Oh.
00:39:22 [sighs]
00:39:25 [piano music]
00:39:28 [piano music]
00:39:31 [piano music]
00:39:33 [piano music]
00:40:02 [piano music]
00:40:04 Are you awake?
00:40:05 Yes.
00:40:06 I can't sleep.
00:40:08 Me neither.
00:40:10 I'll see you in here.
00:40:14 I'm in.
00:40:15 I called my dad today.
00:40:26 Good.
00:40:28 He thinks I'm going to do porn.
00:40:31 What?
00:40:32 He told me not to do any nude pictures or those videos.
00:40:38 What a jerk.
00:40:40 Yeah, I can always count on my dad to make me feel worse.
00:40:46 It's hard not to let that stuff sink in.
00:40:49 No matter how old we get.
00:40:52 I miss my mom.
00:41:01 I miss my mom every day.
00:41:03 Yeah, I know.
00:41:06 I'll be downtown when I find her the perfect gift.
00:41:14 I just remember she's no longer here.
00:41:18 It just sucks.
00:41:20 I miss my mom.
00:41:29 [sighs]
00:41:30 I gotta figure my life out.
00:41:32 You'll figure it out.
00:41:35 Come on, let's go to the diner.
00:41:39 You wanna go?
00:41:40 Yeah, come on.
00:41:41 [piano music]
00:41:42 [piano music]
00:41:49 [piano music]
00:41:50 So did you wanna see a cat or a dog?
00:42:18 I don't know.
00:42:19 These cats here have been here for the longest.
00:42:21 They're really hard to find homes for.
00:42:24 Why?
00:42:25 As soon as an animal gets older, people lose interest.
00:42:29 They want puppies and kittens.
00:42:31 How long can they stay here?
00:42:34 We can keep them two months.
00:42:37 They're put down.
00:42:40 That's terrible.
00:42:42 Tell me about it.
00:42:44 I have 15 cats at home.
00:42:47 [panting]
00:42:48 Well, here's a large cat, Jimmy.
00:42:53 Look at the kittens over here!
00:42:59 Yep.
00:43:01 Hey.
00:43:07 [piano music]
00:43:10 [piano music]
00:43:11 It's only been a week.
00:43:19 A week is a long time.
00:43:20 You are going on a date.
00:43:21 Angelica, it's been a week.
00:43:22 I don't care.
00:43:23 It's not like I'm not trying.
00:43:24 I mean...
00:43:25 You're going on a date with a very sweet man.
00:43:29 I don't wanna go on a date.
00:43:31 Yes, you do.
00:43:32 Look, who are you?
00:43:37 She didn't mean to have the affair.
00:43:39 She told me it wasn't because she didn't love me.
00:43:42 It was just something she needed to explore.
00:43:45 But...
00:43:47 Boy, when I found out...
00:43:50 My whole world collapsed.
00:43:53 Oh.
00:43:55 I lost a third of my body weight.
00:43:57 Couldn't sleep.
00:43:58 I got hooked on Ambien.
00:43:59 Forgot my editing job.
00:44:01 Turned comedies into tragedies.
00:44:06 So...
00:44:07 She called last night and...
00:44:09 Told me she wanted to make a go of it again.
00:44:12 I'm gonna have to give it a shot.
00:44:15 Yeah, sure.
00:44:16 I don't know whether I want her back because I love her or because of my ego.
00:44:20 But I didn't want to cancel on you tonight.
00:44:23 But honey, I've lived here forever.
00:44:31 It's rent control.
00:44:32 We're gonna save a ton of money.
00:44:33 Yeah, but if we were to move in together, don't you think we should have our own apartment?
00:44:37 When we move in here, it becomes our apartment.
00:44:40 Yeah, but my name's not on the lease and I don't want to run into your parents all the time.
00:44:44 What are you talking about? They live on an entirely different floor.
00:44:47 I don't know.
00:44:49 It seems...
00:44:50 Oh, you know about this, ma'am?
00:44:53 Dan?
00:44:55 What's this?
00:44:56 I don't know. Open it.
00:44:57 A beeper.
00:44:59 Doesn't it rock?
00:45:00 What's it for?
00:45:02 What do you mean? So I can always get in touch with you.
00:45:03 It's like our own private little bat phone.
00:45:05 Do you understand how archaic those things are?
00:45:08 What do you mean?
00:45:09 You could just get me two cans and a string.
00:45:12 What are you talking about?
00:45:13 You can always call me on my cell phone.
00:45:15 Call you on your cell phone?
00:45:18 I'm sorry. I thought a beeper would be fun.
00:45:22 If you don't like it, fine. I'll just take it back.
00:45:24 No, no, no.
00:45:25 No, no, I'll just take it back.
00:45:26 You know what? Let me kill it. Let me kill it.
00:45:31 It's a brand new beeper. I'm very happy with it. Thank you.
00:45:33 It's fun, right?
00:45:34 It's like a secret. It's like you're always around with me.
00:45:36 It's very fun, very secret.
00:45:38 Eugene Stavhovich.
00:45:44 1.8 billion.
00:45:46 63. It's a little old.
00:45:49 Five children? No way.
00:45:52 All right. So John didn't work out.
00:45:54 But you know, who knows? He might have a friend, right?
00:45:56 Forget it.
00:45:59 Karen.
00:46:00 Yeah, she's right here.
00:46:03 Oh, a rugby player. Yes.
00:46:07 She'd love to go.
00:46:09 Yeah, set it up.
00:46:10 So how do you know Karen?
00:46:13 She was a good friend of my late fiancé's.
00:46:16 I'm so sorry. She told me about that.
00:46:20 I'm afraid I've had a wee bit of poor luck lately.
00:46:23 Yeah.
00:46:24 She died in a car crash last week.
00:46:26 Yeah.
00:46:27 She died in a car crash last year.
00:46:29 That same year I lost both my parents.
00:46:31 A large branch fell on them while they were eating their breakfast in the back garden.
00:46:35 And then my wee brother Nate was a doctor.
00:46:38 He got poisoned.
00:46:39 He got meningitis when he treated some nut at the Biramini Hospital.
00:46:43 I'm so sorry.
00:46:45 I mean, your whole family.
00:46:47 You lost your whole family.
00:46:49 No.
00:46:50 I don't really want to talk about that.
00:46:52 What about you?
00:46:53 Oh.
00:46:55 I just broke up with someone.
00:46:57 Have you been dating since everything?
00:46:59 Why? I met a lovely girl, Margaret.
00:47:02 Eight months ago I asked her to marry me.
00:47:04 On the way home from happy class, where they teach you to visualize positive things,
00:47:09 a car swerved and...
00:47:11 You always took your head off.
00:47:18 Ha ha ha ha ha.
00:47:19 Ha ha.
00:47:20 Ha ha.
00:47:21 Oh.
00:47:26 You gotta get out there and make some new friends.
00:47:29 You know what, you just gotta get some groove back in your life.
00:47:32 I've got groove.
00:47:33 Yeah.
00:47:34 I didn't set you up for me.
00:47:35 Uh huh, you're not.
00:47:36 No way.
00:47:37 Last guy you set me up with, I'm lucky I'm still alive.
00:47:39 Sweetie, she...
00:47:40 Watch this.
00:47:41 Oh, okay.
00:47:42 Uh oh.
00:47:44 Look out.
00:47:45 Okay, you know what?
00:47:46 She's not talking about dating, she's talking about...
00:47:48 A poke in the whiskers.
00:47:50 I don't wanna have sex.
00:47:52 You don't wanna have sex?
00:47:53 I don't wanna sleep with anyone.
00:47:55 I don't wanna just have sex.
00:47:56 Come on, it's a mercy boning.
00:47:58 It's a good first date.
00:47:59 Whoa, got the guy.
00:48:00 Ha.
00:48:01 Got the sure thing.
00:48:02 He is the perfect one night stand.
00:48:06 So after the breakup, uh, I decided to be celibate for six months.
00:48:15 [music]
00:48:20 It's been three months, I haven't touched a woman.
00:48:22 Really?
00:48:23 Yeah.
00:48:24 And it's been a really, uh, healing thing too.
00:48:28 You know, now when I meet a woman, it's not just sexual desire.
00:48:32 It's about her mind and soul.
00:48:34 Hey honey, can we get another sake please?
00:48:37 Well, that sounds really interesting.
00:48:39 I mean, you must have been really hurt.
00:48:41 I'm a relationship man.
00:48:44 [music]
00:48:47 Guess I shouldn't admit that.
00:48:49 I can get very intense.
00:48:56 Now I shouldn't say this, but I am all about long commitments.
00:49:05 You got enough sake there?
00:49:08 Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine.
00:49:11 You know, it's so unusual to hear a man talk about his feelings.
00:49:15 Well, really, sex, sex is secondary.
00:49:18 Yeah.
00:49:20 You know, I mean, it's the need of the flesh.
00:49:22 I think what we need to do is to know each other's souls.
00:49:28 You know?
00:49:29 Yeah.
00:49:30 Oh, my instrument!
00:49:31 I'm sorry, oh my god, I'm sorry.
00:49:33 Oh, god, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
00:49:36 I'm so sorry.
00:49:37 Can we get some more sake, cold?
00:49:38 I'm so sorry.
00:49:39 It's okay.
00:49:40 Yeah.
00:49:41 Um...
00:49:42 Getting to know women so intimately,
00:49:46 you are incredibly beautiful,
00:49:51 and very,
00:49:54 very smart.
00:49:57 You know, your collarbone reveals a lot about you.
00:50:02 You know that, don't you?
00:50:04 You're very fragile.
00:50:07 (door creaking)
00:50:09 Close your eyes.
00:50:12 They're closed.
00:50:14 Ha!
00:50:15 (yells)
00:50:16 What are you doing?
00:50:19 Military-style push-ups.
00:50:20 (laughs)
00:50:21 Okay, I don't think this is gonna work out.
00:50:23 Why not?
00:50:24 You're wearing a headband.
00:50:27 I haven't mentioned stolen ones.
00:50:28 That's it, I'm calling 911.
00:50:30 You should move in with me.
00:50:31 Oh, and why would I want to do that?
00:50:34 I don't think you understand how powerful I am.
00:50:36 You understand that I could just manhandle you
00:50:38 like a little doll.
00:50:40 Look at this.
00:50:41 Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.
00:50:44 Punch that.
00:50:45 Punch, punch, punch.
00:50:47 Come on, baby.
00:50:49 Let's live together.
00:50:50 (laughs)
00:50:51 You're mad.
00:50:53 You love me.
00:50:54 (laughs)
00:50:55 (kissing)
00:50:56 (upbeat music)
00:50:59 (footsteps)
00:51:01 I feel used.
00:51:02 It's been a week and he hasn't called.
00:51:04 Do you feel used?
00:51:05 It's supposed to be the other way around.
00:51:07 I don't sleep around.
00:51:08 I'm calling.
00:51:09 I'm not calling him.
00:51:11 Call who?
00:51:12 Roger.
00:51:13 Roger?
00:51:14 Who's Roger?
00:51:15 This idiot I slept with.
00:51:17 What?
00:51:18 You guys never tell me anything.
00:51:20 There was supposed to be therapeutic sex.
00:51:22 He must think I'm just some slut who does this all the time.
00:51:25 Who cares? You don't even like him.
00:51:28 Well, that doesn't matter.
00:51:29 He should still call.
00:51:30 I mean, he's so into me and then it's like we sleep together.
00:51:33 It's like poof.
00:51:34 I don't even exist.
00:51:35 You know what?
00:51:36 I'm not going to take this shit anymore.
00:51:38 (sighs)
00:51:41 That's why I don't date.
00:51:43 I can't take that objection.
00:51:45 (upbeat music)
00:51:47 ♪ Baby, let's live together ♪
00:51:51 ♪ Let's live together ♪
00:51:54 ♪ Honey, honey ♪
00:51:56 ♪ Me and you ♪
00:51:58 ♪ And do the things ♪
00:52:00 ♪ Oh, do the things ♪
00:52:03 ♪ That we like to do ♪
00:52:06 ♪ Oh, do a little dance ♪
00:52:09 ♪ Make a little love ♪
00:52:11 ♪ Get down tonight ♪
00:52:12 What is with all the Asians?
00:52:14 ♪ Get down tonight ♪
00:52:15 Oy vey, let's go to the bar.
00:52:17 Good evening!
00:52:19 And welcome to the Soulmate Connection!
00:52:22 (audience applauding)
00:52:24 I see we have a very promising group here tonight.
00:52:28 I know, I know.
00:52:29 You want to meet and mingle with others
00:52:32 who you share common goals.
00:52:35 People who are concerned about their souls.
00:52:39 Maybe you're not finding that special someone
00:52:46 in the bars and the clubs.
00:52:49 (audience chattering)
00:52:51 That's what we're here for!
00:52:53 (audience applauding)
00:52:54 You can also check us out on our website, kosherlove.com.
00:52:59 Have a fun and hopefully fulfilling evening!
00:53:06 (upbeat music)
00:53:07 ♪ Ha ha, ah ha, let's go, let's have some fun ♪
00:53:10 ♪ Me and mingle, me and mingle ♪
00:53:13 ♪ Do what you want, do what you want ♪
00:53:15 ♪ Say hello, hello, greet, greet, greet, greet ♪
00:53:18 ♪ Two, three, bye-bye ♪
00:53:20 ♪ Come and love, keep it, come and love ♪
00:53:23 ♪ Right, let's start it now, let's start it now ♪
00:53:26 ♪ Let's start it now, let's start it now ♪
00:53:29 (traffic humming)
00:53:32 Hi, baby.
00:53:35 Hi, gorgeous.
00:53:37 Dan, what are you doing?
00:53:38 I just watched some of the other films
00:53:41 and everyone's so talented.
00:53:43 No one's gonna want to watch mine.
00:53:45 Okay, those other films are totally dumb.
00:53:47 People only want to watch your film?
00:53:49 There's no film anybody wants to watch other than yours.
00:53:52 Well, really, what if it stinks?
00:53:54 How can I ask people for money?
00:53:55 Honey, it's not gonna suck.
00:53:56 It's gonna be great.
00:53:58 Everything you do turns out great.
00:54:01 Come on.
00:54:03 I'll help you shop for your big dinner.
00:54:05 Do you get back to work?
00:54:06 All I have to do in this entire world is hang out with you.
00:54:09 Oh.
00:54:11 (car horn honking)
00:54:13 What do you think I should make?
00:54:16 Goulash.
00:54:17 Ha ha, nice.
00:54:19 What do you say?
00:54:21 That's great.
00:54:25 That's fine.
00:54:26 Can we get a light check, Jake?
00:54:28 Goulash?
00:54:30 It's good.
00:54:31 Thank you.
00:54:32 All right.
00:54:34 Uh, say, can we see something in profile?
00:54:42 Okay.
00:54:45 Okay, take a step back.
00:54:49 That's good.
00:54:51 Uh, now turn your back to the camera.
00:54:55 Yeah.
00:54:57 And smile.
00:54:59 Yes.
00:55:01 Beautiful.
00:55:03 (camera shutter clicking)
00:55:05 There you go.
00:55:11 There you go.
00:55:13 I think as a model, period, even if you don't have complexes,
00:55:31 you create a lot of complexes because of the perfectionism
00:55:35 in the sense where everything has to be flawless.
00:55:38 That's what's hard in the end because you feel like
00:55:41 you're really being judged by the outside of yourself
00:55:44 more than anything else, and the rejection gets really hard,
00:55:48 especially if you're a sensitive person.
00:55:51 Stop it.
00:55:55 I can't believe this.
00:55:57 I'm doing all the work and I'm not even invited.
00:55:59 You weren't the interglow girl.
00:56:01 Men.
00:56:02 All they care about is pretty girls.
00:56:05 What about me?
00:56:07 What about you?
00:56:09 I have feelings.
00:56:10 What a depressing day.
00:56:13 Hey, Kim, maybe you can help me cook dinner.
00:56:16 What, are you kidding?
00:56:18 I've only held a room service my whole life.
00:56:20 You're gonna help me out tonight.
00:56:22 Remember, I've got the investors coming over.
00:56:24 You're gonna schmooze them, tell them all about the modeling world.
00:56:26 That's tonight?
00:56:28 Yeah, I really need you to turn the charm on.
00:56:30 I can't call.
00:56:32 Turn the page, move on.
00:56:34 Kim, what you need is a good date so you can reinvent yourself.
00:56:38 Like you would know.
00:56:39 See, you're just mean.
00:56:41 Just because I've been going through a bit of a dry spell
00:56:43 doesn't mean that I'm--
00:56:45 A dry spell? You haven't been on a date for over a year.
00:56:47 That's because all I do is hang out with you straight people.
00:56:50 I need you in Miami.
00:56:52 Do you guys know how many animals are abandoned
00:56:55 on the streets of this city every day?
00:56:58 Okay, what are you talking about?
00:57:01 Look at this shelter today.
00:57:04 I mean, these old cats, they just sit there.
00:57:07 They just--their families just give them up,
00:57:10 and they just sit there for weeks, you know?
00:57:12 People come in there, and they just want big puppies and kittens
00:57:16 and the older ones to just sit there.
00:57:19 To just sit there and wait.
00:57:22 Honey, you need a vacation.
00:57:27 A vacation?
00:57:29 I need to work!
00:57:31 ♪ ♪
00:57:34 ♪ Let me give you a love advice ♪
00:57:55 ♪ ♪
00:58:00 You guys are gonna meet Kim.
00:58:04 She's really interesting, really articulate.
00:58:07 She's a great example of what I'll be getting from the girls.
00:58:11 So I'll have the final budget ready by the end of this week,
00:58:16 and really any level of involvement would be greatly appreciated.
00:58:19 Yeah, modeling is a really great business.
00:58:24 Thanks so much, guys.
00:58:27 You can date any girl you want in this film,
00:58:31 because we need the bucks.
00:58:35 Kim's just kidding.
00:58:38 [laughing]
00:58:41 How many models have you slept with?
00:58:44 Come on, can I count them on my fingers?
00:58:47 Uh, well--
00:58:48 Lance, thank you so much for preparing the LLC.
00:58:51 It's a piece of cake.
00:58:54 So anyway, it's a documentary,
00:58:57 and it's gonna be filmed on digital video,
00:58:59 and we're getting real stories from all the girls.
00:59:02 I think it's gonna be really exciting,
00:59:04 and we're really getting it all.
00:59:06 Did you hear my reaction back?
00:59:09 Uh...
00:59:11 Um, no.
00:59:13 Okay, now I'm gonna tell you,
00:59:17 it was like he was wearing a--
00:59:20 [laughing]
00:59:22 Kim, come help me get the main course.
00:59:25 Kim, come.
00:59:27 [laughing]
00:59:30 Jess, should we serve them dessert?
00:59:33 Yes!
00:59:35 What the hell's the matter with you?
00:59:38 They love us! We got their money!
00:59:40 It's a whole run!
00:59:44 I'm in the middle of this for me.
00:59:47 Stop it.
00:59:49 I'm late for class.
00:59:51 I'm sorry.
00:59:53 I'll call you back.
00:59:56 Let me get it.
00:59:58 [laughing]
01:00:00 Wait, wait, wait, that's cool.
01:00:04 I'm so dumb.
01:00:07 [laughing]
01:00:09 ♪ ♪
01:00:28 Sorry about that, guys.
01:00:31 She's had a really hard time lately.
01:00:35 [traffic]
01:00:40 Jess, I'm sorry.
01:00:43 I have no idea what Kim over my ass like.
01:00:47 You made a complete fool of yourself.
01:00:49 I don't even want to know what I said.
01:00:52 I bet you don't.
01:00:54 How about thinking about somebody else but yourself for a change?
01:00:57 I said I'm sorry.
01:00:59 You knew how important last night was for me.
01:01:02 You need to deal with your problems.
01:01:05 I'm dealing with my problems?
01:01:08 Oh, yeah, by getting drunk?
01:01:10 I'm going through a really hard time, okay?
01:01:13 You selfish, spoiled brat.
01:01:16 You ruined it for me, and you want me to feel sorry for you.
01:01:19 I'm not asking you to feel sorry for me.
01:01:21 I didn't have the big career like you did, okay?
01:01:23 All the campaigns, the car services.
01:01:25 I worked.
01:01:27 I was happy for every booking I ever got.
01:01:30 And you, you bought into the "Oh, Kim's the big star" thing.
01:01:33 Oh, I did not!
01:01:35 Hey, it's time to move on.
01:01:36 Well, it's not so easy, okay?
01:01:38 Yeah, 'cause you make it impossible.
01:01:41 I mean, I know everything hit you all at once with your mom, with Peter.
01:01:45 You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
01:01:48 [piano music]
01:02:06 Oh, come on, don't look so lonely.
01:02:11 You know, I'm no good for anybody anyway.
01:02:15 Everyone's pissed at me.
01:02:17 I'm no good.
01:02:18 I'd probably forget you somewhere.
01:02:20 It's not gonna work.
01:02:22 It's just not gonna work out, okay?
01:02:26 I'm sorry.
01:02:28 [piano music]
01:02:38 Do you think I'm spoiled?
01:02:40 Yeah.
01:02:42 [piano music]
01:02:47 You think so?
01:02:48 Yeah.
01:02:49 Are you serious?
01:02:50 Well, you know, it's just sort of what happens.
01:02:54 It happens to all you girls.
01:02:56 It's the industry.
01:02:58 I mean, I don't take it personally or anything.
01:03:00 Well, how can I not take it personal?
01:03:02 I don't want to be a bad, spoiled person who ruins, you know, friendships.
01:03:11 Well, then you're just gonna have to grow up a little bit.
01:03:16 Hi.
01:03:19 I really need to talk to you.
01:03:22 Okay.
01:03:24 [piano music]
01:03:29 I didn't want to call you.
01:03:33 I just missed you.
01:03:35 I'm glad you called me.
01:03:38 I was afraid you never wanted to speak to me again.
01:03:44 Hey, I missed you.
01:03:55 That night really hurt.
01:04:00 I know.
01:04:02 I'm really sorry, Kim.
01:04:03 I still feel terrible about it, honey.
01:04:06 Are you still seeing her?
01:04:10 It's not serious.
01:04:13 Nothing with you is ever serious.
01:04:16 Okay, could you cut me a little slack here?
01:04:18 Because this isn't easy for me either.
01:04:27 You know, when we first started seeing each other, we wanted the same things.
01:04:33 We were gonna live together, we were gonna get married.
01:04:37 We weren't gonna be encumbered by kids, children.
01:04:39 We talked about it.
01:04:42 I thought I wanted all that.
01:04:44 You used to be so into your career, you know?
01:04:46 We traveled all the time.
01:04:47 We used to have so much fun.
01:04:49 I mean, for God's sakes, you even said it yourself.
01:04:51 You wanted your own options open.
01:04:56 Then all of a sudden you started talking about a house in Connecticut, kids.
01:05:06 I never wanted that.
01:05:13 It's you that changed.
01:05:20 I guess I did.
01:05:24 I'm gonna grow up.
01:05:35 I'm gonna grow up.
01:05:45 I'm gonna grow up.
01:05:55 I'm gonna grow up.
01:06:05 I'm gonna grow up.
01:06:15 I'm gonna grow up.
01:06:25 I'm gonna grow up.
01:06:45 Hey, baby.
01:06:46 I'm pregnant.
01:06:51 I'm gonna be a father.
01:07:00 Have you thought about, um, you know, what you want to do about it?
01:07:06 Yeah, definitely.
01:07:09 Having this baby.
01:07:12 Really?
01:07:13 You are?
01:07:14 Yeah.
01:07:16 Have you thought about whether you want me to be the father of it?
01:07:22 Dan, you are the father.
01:07:23 I know, I know, but I mean, you know, like, raise it.
01:07:29 Like mother and father together.
01:07:30 I mean, you don't even know if you want to live with me.
01:07:33 Well, this whole avoidance of being close with me.
01:07:38 Hey, honey, I asked you to move in with me, and you said you didn't know if you wanted to live with me.
01:07:41 I know.
01:07:42 And you think you say all the right things.
01:07:44 You make these big overtures, and you're affectionate.
01:07:47 But you can't even make love to me because of some lame excuse.
01:07:52 Apparently I can make love enough to make a little baby in there.
01:07:56 Dan, I'd much rather have this baby on my own than with someone who's not all the way there.
01:08:04 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:08:30 Dan, I just hope you can find a way to see past my stupidity and see that Jessica is such a good person.
01:08:45 She'll never give up on this project, never.
01:08:48 I just want you to know if you guys invest in her project, you're going to be so proud to be on her team.
01:09:01 She is one of the most honest, decent human beings I know.
01:09:08 She needs your support.
01:09:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:09:19 Oh, I got some stuff for dinner.
01:09:21 I figured you'd be tired.
01:09:22 Jess, I am so sorry.
01:09:31 I really screwed things up for you.
01:09:34 You're my best friend.
01:09:36 I don't want to lose you.
01:09:37 What's this?
01:09:51 Your phone was financed.
01:09:52 I went to Paul and Lance and apologized.
01:09:59 And they let you in the door?
01:10:03 They did look a little nervous.
01:10:07 I bet they did.
01:10:09 The last investor is me.
01:10:15 Wow.
01:10:16 I'm so sorry.
01:10:21 I'm so sorry.
01:10:22 I'm so sorry.
01:10:24 It's me.
01:10:27 Wow.
01:10:28 Can you afford this?
01:10:33 No.
01:10:34 Good.
01:10:35 Thank you.
01:10:42 I never really saw the model persona.
01:10:46 I never understood that to so many men in New York, Paris, LA, sort of the big city,
01:10:53 it was a very important thing that they could say to their friends,
01:10:56 oh, I have a model.
01:10:57 And if they could say a name with it, it was even better.
01:11:01 Shocking to me.
01:11:03 I mean, it's so empty to me.
01:11:05 But, um, men, a whole other subject.
01:11:11 Well, it finally happened.
01:11:13 In the Olympics alone, I got the gold medal.
01:11:16 What was that?
01:11:17 You're kidding.
01:11:18 He's amazing.
01:11:20 He's like Japanese Elvis.
01:11:21 And he's so cool.
01:11:22 And thanks to you.
01:11:24 What do you mean, thanks to me?
01:11:26 You know that website, the kosherlove.com?
01:11:28 Oh, my God, the Kosher Love?
01:11:30 I checked it out.
01:11:31 I met this amazing guy.
01:11:33 It's a treasure trove.
01:11:34 His name is Lee.
01:11:35 And it's so rad.
01:11:37 Thank you.
01:11:38 Kosher Love?
01:11:39 You registered in Kosher Love?
01:11:40 I registered me, and I registered you.
01:11:42 Listen, I did you a favor.
01:11:43 And Lee's been chatting with this guy.
01:11:46 He's supposed to be great.
01:11:47 So he's going to pick you up tonight at 8.
01:11:49 Tonight?
01:11:50 Yeah.
01:11:51 Come on, what can go wrong?
01:11:52 Hi.
01:11:57 I'm Eddie.
01:11:58 Eddie Herpes.
01:12:00 Hi.
01:12:01 Hi.
01:12:02 How are you?
01:12:04 Listen, the Herpes, my last name, it's spelled with a J, actually.
01:12:07 It's Romanian, Herpes.
01:12:09 I don't really have Herpes.
01:12:13 I don't think.
01:12:14 Good.
01:12:16 I got you this.
01:12:17 Oh, thanks.
01:12:19 Wow.
01:12:20 I'm so sorry.
01:12:22 No, it's okay.
01:12:23 Oh, you're okay?
01:12:24 Yeah, I'm fine.
01:12:25 So, listen.
01:12:26 I'm sorry.
01:12:27 You're gorgeous.
01:12:28 You know, this is my first time using koshersex.com.
01:12:32 Oh, Kosher Love.
01:12:34 Kosher Love.
01:12:35 Kosher Love.
01:12:36 Okay, so there are two of them.
01:12:38 Yeah.
01:12:39 Anyway, I got a great evening planned for us.
01:12:42 Okay.
01:12:43 So, I'm going to go get you.
01:12:45 Okay.
01:12:46 Listen, I'm glad that -- let's go.
01:12:51 Okay.
01:12:52 Sure.
01:12:53 Thanks.
01:12:54 [Music]
01:13:18 That's the story of how paganism had no influence whatsoever on the shape of that crock pot.
01:13:27 Oh.
01:13:29 I love this aria.
01:13:33 It's exquisite.
01:13:35 Do you die for the opera?
01:13:39 I --
01:13:40 Shh.
01:13:43 That's Maria Callas.
01:13:45 She's a genius.
01:13:47 You look like her.
01:13:51 I do?
01:13:52 Except for the nose.
01:13:55 She had a strong nose.
01:13:58 [Music]
01:14:12 Do you like my place?
01:14:14 Yeah, it's --
01:14:16 I like it.
01:14:17 It's nice.
01:14:18 I love the fire.
01:14:20 I love the wine.
01:14:22 I love sitting here.
01:14:27 I love you.
01:14:31 As a friend.
01:14:34 So, what do you think?
01:14:35 Are you going to have children someday, or how many do you want?
01:14:39 Um.
01:14:43 Well, I guess I want to have kids.
01:14:47 You should.
01:14:48 I think you'd be good at it.
01:14:52 I want five.
01:14:54 Hey, I want to read something to you.
01:14:56 You're going to love this.
01:14:58 Oh, this is so good.
01:15:01 Kimberly, to me, this is one of the sexiest passages in all of literature.
01:15:08 [Music]
01:15:15 The Lord is my shepherd.
01:15:18 I shall not want.
01:15:20 He maketh me lie down.
01:15:22 Can I use the bathroom?
01:15:27 [Music]
01:15:36 Modeling lasts -- it seems like forever, but it lasts.
01:15:40 It goes like that.
01:15:41 And then all of a sudden, you know, you're left standing there,
01:15:46 and here you made all this money, you did all this stuff,
01:15:49 and you don't have anything left, and it's gone.
01:15:52 And then you step into the real world, and you're like, oh, my God.
01:15:57 I don't know.
01:15:58 Like, how do you feel?
01:16:00 How do you feel when all these people, they come in, and they run to the kittens?
01:16:03 I mean, that's bullshit.
01:16:05 You know?
01:16:07 You're beautiful.
01:16:09 You're perfect.
01:16:10 You're -- you look tired.
01:16:14 You're tired.
01:16:15 I'm boring you, aren't I?
01:16:18 You said you wanted to make money.
01:16:20 Kim, this is the way to make money.
01:16:22 But estrogen replacement therapy auditions?
01:16:24 I'm sorry, Kim.
01:16:25 That's the business.
01:16:26 Give me a break.
01:16:27 Look, if you have any more complaints, bring them up with Mrs. Stone.
01:16:30 She's still the one who calls the shots around here, okay?
01:16:32 Oh, you're right, but Mrs. Stone is exactly who I need to talk to.
01:16:36 Well, you do what you have to do, Kim.
01:16:38 I have an appointment.
01:16:39 Hi.
01:16:41 Oh, Kim, this is Capri.
01:16:44 She is the new Interglow girl.
01:16:46 Hi.
01:16:47 Hi.
01:16:48 Patty, I guess I'll just talk to you later.
01:16:50 Okay.
01:16:51 Hi.
01:16:52 Oh, congratulations, sweetie.
01:16:54 Thank you.
01:16:55 Come sign the contract.
01:16:56 Okay.
01:16:58 Okay, that's good.
01:16:59 That's good.
01:17:01 Okay, this is good.
01:17:06 Okay, here's a scene.
01:17:09 Typical mother-daughter.
01:17:12 Daughter's asking advice.
01:17:14 Mom knows best.
01:17:15 Blah-de-blah-blah-blah.
01:17:16 Tiffany.
01:17:18 Kim, this is Tiffany, your daughter.
01:17:20 Tiffany.
01:17:22 Say hi to Mom.
01:17:23 Hi, Mom.
01:17:24 Okay, now, Tiffany, when I say action, you look at Mom and you say your line.
01:17:30 Got it?
01:17:31 Okay.
01:17:32 Oh, I knew you would.
01:17:33 Now, Kim, you reply with, "Madam Gale leaves me feeling fresh all day long, so let's make it fresh and natural."
01:17:42 Okay?
01:17:43 Okay.
01:17:44 Okay, could I have a roll, please?
01:17:46 Six, please.
01:17:47 Okay, and action.
01:17:52 Mom, what do you use?
01:17:57 "Madam Gale leaves me feeling fresh all day long."
01:18:03 Okay, Kim, could we have more, please?
01:18:06 Maybe some more feeling, because that is your daughter.
01:18:08 She's your daughter, isn't she?
01:18:10 You want to give her feeling because she's your daughter.
01:18:12 You're her mother, mother, daughter, daughter, mother.
01:18:14 You understand?
01:18:15 She sprang from your loins, Kim.
01:18:16 She sprang from your loins, which are now feeling very fresh, aren't they?
01:18:19 And you want to tell her about it.
01:18:20 Why?
01:18:21 Because she is your daughter.
01:18:22 And Tiffany, you are the cutest teddy bear at the teddy bear picnic.
01:18:27 Still rolling?
01:18:29 Good.
01:18:31 Ready?
01:18:32 Yes.
01:18:34 Action.
01:18:36 Mom, what do you use?
01:18:39 "Madam Gale leaves me fresh feeling all day long."
01:18:44 Cut!
01:18:46 Okay, Kim.
01:18:49 Kim, you need to look adoringly at your daughter.
01:18:55 It's your daughter.
01:18:56 She's your daughter, and the line is feeling fresh!
01:19:00 Okay.
01:19:03 Could I get a roll, please?
01:19:07 Six.
01:19:10 And once again, action.
01:19:14 Mom, what do you use?
01:19:16 You know, this is ridiculous.
01:19:17 I'm supposed to play her mother?
01:19:20 That is what we booked you for, yes?
01:19:22 I'm 31, for Christ's sakes!
01:19:25 Uh-huh, and an actress.
01:19:27 So, I have an idea.
01:19:29 Act!
01:19:30 You know what?
01:19:31 What fucking kind of image is this?
01:19:32 I'm not buying it.
01:19:33 Look, Tiffany, can you-- how old are you?
01:19:37 18.
01:19:38 Really?
01:19:39 How old are you?
01:19:42 27.
01:19:43 I rest my case.
01:19:46 Where are you going?
01:19:47 Where is she going?
01:19:48 I did not say tell her to leave the set!
01:19:50 Get back here!
01:19:51 You will never work in douche again!
01:19:56 No, I don't know how to do this.
01:19:59 Stop the movie!
01:20:00 I just came for therapy!
01:20:01 Honey!
01:20:04 Wait, stop the movie!
01:20:05 Stop the movie!
01:20:06 I just came for my shrink.
01:20:07 We'll figure it out.
01:20:08 Baby, you have to marry me.
01:20:09 It's my birthday!
01:20:10 You were right.
01:20:11 Everything you said was right.
01:20:12 I'm totally cured now.
01:20:13 You know what it was?
01:20:14 I was just scared.
01:20:15 Big surprise.
01:20:16 The point is, I want to get close, and I want to have sex.
01:20:20 Okay, preferably right now.
01:20:22 Guys, can you give us a minute?
01:20:24 Honey, come on, let's have a little sex.
01:20:26 Sex me.
01:20:27 You have to marry me, sweetheart.
01:20:28 Please, baby.
01:20:29 Be my wife.
01:20:30 Can't.
01:20:31 Will you marry me?
01:20:32 I'm flattered that you want to get married, but this is all so overwhelming for me.
01:20:41 I mean, everything is going way, way too fast.
01:20:45 Would it be alright if we just lived together at first?
01:20:50 Okay.
01:20:53 I'm going to be a really good father.
01:21:07 I promise.
01:21:09 I know.
01:21:11 I have to get back to work.
01:21:13 Oh no.
01:21:14 Yes, yes.
01:21:15 Wait here for me.
01:21:17 Okay.
01:21:19 Excuse me, where is the orange cat?
01:21:33 Uh, I don't know.
01:21:35 I think we put him down.
01:21:38 What?
01:21:40 I wanted to adopt him.
01:21:43 I'm sorry, miss.
01:21:45 We needed the cage space.
01:21:47 We do the best we can.
01:21:49 Hi, Kim.
01:21:59 Is he here?
01:22:04 Oh, I'm so relieved.
01:22:06 We were just cleaning him up.
01:22:08 Oh, hi.
01:22:10 Are you finally going to take him home?
01:22:16 Yeah, today's the day.
01:22:18 I'm going to call him Marmalade.
01:22:22 What do you think?
01:22:25 I think he's really lucky.
01:22:28 [music]
01:22:55 You've ruined me.
01:22:57 That's what I'm trying to tell you.
01:23:00 He's back.
01:23:02 He's back.
01:23:04 He's back.
01:23:06 He's fucking back, huh?
01:23:08 I'm sober.
01:23:10 I missed their sex.
01:23:11 I'm back.
01:23:12 Who's Mr. Supermodel now, huh?
01:23:14 Who is Uber Rambo?
01:23:17 I felt a certain vibration when these two came together.
01:23:23 Let us give a toast to Lee and Karen.
01:23:28 Give them a big muzzle time.
01:23:31 [music]
01:23:34 Roger?
01:23:43 Hey, Kim.
01:23:44 Oh, hi.
01:23:45 Listen, I just want to apologize.
01:23:48 Listen, I want to apologize.
01:23:49 No, really.
01:23:50 I was going through a really hard time.
01:23:52 It really wasn't myself.
01:23:53 It's okay.
01:23:55 You know what?
01:23:56 May I?
01:23:58 Step away from him.
01:24:00 That's a little harsh.
01:24:01 Come on, step up.
01:24:02 Quickly.
01:24:03 You'll appreciate this.
01:24:08 I am now going to Sexaholics Anonymous.
01:24:13 Wow.
01:24:15 Really?
01:24:16 What do you think of it?
01:24:18 Come on.
01:24:19 Wake up.
01:24:20 Oh.
01:24:21 We're dancing.
01:24:22 Yeah.
01:24:23 Oh, well.
01:24:26 Hi.
01:24:27 I'm Eddie Herpes.
01:24:28 Yes.
01:24:29 Yes, I'm sure you are.
01:24:31 Look at her.
01:24:38 Anything is possible.
01:24:40 You guys, this is Lee.
01:24:43 Isn't he fantastic?
01:24:44 Hi, Lee.
01:24:45 You're fantastic.
01:24:46 Yes, I am.
01:24:47 Thank you.
01:24:48 You are fantastic, too.
01:24:51 I know.
01:24:52 I love him.
01:24:53 Good-bye.
01:24:54 Take care.
01:24:55 Now when I meet a woman, you know, it's not just a sexual thing.
01:24:59 It's a mind and a soul thing.
01:25:03 I'm serious, dude.
01:25:16 I have this overwhelming feeling that everything's going to turn out great.
01:25:21 Really great.
01:25:23 How do you like your new place?
01:25:32 Not so bad living alone.
01:25:34 I'm actually starting to like my own company.
01:25:37 Hey, are we running?
01:25:39 I'll see you at the park at 12.30.
01:25:41 See you there.
01:25:43 [phone ringing]
01:25:45 What'd you forget?
01:25:47 Uh, my cat.
01:25:49 What?
01:25:51 [doorbell rings]
01:25:53 Hi.
01:25:54 Hi.
01:25:55 I'm Aiden.
01:25:56 Hi.
01:25:57 I'm really sorry about this.
01:25:59 I hope you don't mind.
01:26:00 The Humane Society, they gave me your phone number.
01:26:02 Oh, no, I figured that, yeah.
01:26:05 I was away working in Europe and my cat got out.
01:26:09 Have we met somewhere?
01:26:11 No, I don't think so.
01:26:15 Pacino!
01:26:18 Oh, poor guy.
01:26:21 Yeah.
01:26:22 I can't believe this.
01:26:24 He obviously knows you.
01:26:26 This is him, all right.
01:26:28 Pacino, I have missed you.
01:26:30 Yeah, this is my cat.
01:26:33 Can I reimburse you somehow financially?
01:26:37 God, no.
01:26:38 God, of course not.
01:26:40 Wow, this is just weird.
01:26:46 Can I have a minute with him, please?
01:26:48 Okay.
01:26:49 Okay.
01:26:50 Thanks.
01:26:51 Okay.
01:26:52 [kissing]
01:26:57 What do we do now, huh?
01:27:02 I'm happy for you.
01:27:04 You get to go home.
01:27:06 It's going to be okay.
01:27:12 He's a great cat.
01:27:17 And a great friend to me.
01:27:22 Well, I can't thank you enough.
01:27:25 Sure.
01:27:27 Would you like to go for a cup of coffee?
01:27:30 God, I'd love to.
01:27:33 I have to study.
01:27:35 I--
01:27:37 Bye.
01:27:38 Bye.
01:27:41 [music]
01:27:47 I have a question.
01:27:50 Yeah?
01:27:51 I don't know if I can cross the next street.
01:27:54 I'll tell you.
01:27:57 Okay.
01:28:02 You ready?
01:28:03 Is it on?
01:28:04 Yeah.
01:28:05 Yeah.
01:28:06 Okay.
01:28:07 I'm just going to ask you a couple questions.
01:28:10 Just answer directly to the lens.
01:28:12 What are you doing now?
01:28:14 I go to Columbia.
01:28:17 I'm a 32-year-old co-ed, and I'm studying international relations.
01:28:24 And I'm not worrying about my wrinkles, and I'm not worrying about what I eat.
01:28:28 And, you know, the rest of the world thinks I'm young, and that feels great.
01:28:35 Cut.
01:28:37 Did that work?
01:28:38 Oh, yeah.
01:28:40 That was great.
01:28:41 Oh, my God.
01:28:42 You know, it's so hard when you just sit here and come up with a story.
01:28:44 Let me just send it to you.
01:28:45 Hang on.
01:28:46 Wait a minute, Miss Filmmaker.
01:28:47 Your light is on.
01:28:48 You didn't turn the camera off.
01:28:49 I didn't.
01:28:50 That's right.
01:28:51 Okay.
01:28:52 All right.
01:28:53 [Music]
01:29:15 I had to wear this bizarre mask.
01:29:20 It was like a huge mask with, like, mirrors all over it, and they wanted to set it on fire.
01:29:29 I'm giving myself another five years, give or take.
01:29:31 I'm trying to buy that big house.
01:29:32 That's what I'm aiming for.
01:29:33 I want that big house, a boat, a helicopter, and a big car, three babies and two dogs.
01:29:39 Then I can leave.
01:29:41 Truly, that's what I want.
01:29:45 If you hit a certain age, you really need to just do something else.
01:29:48 Because in modeling, I think by the time you're, like, 22, 23, you're already perceived as old.
01:29:55 After 27, 28, you know, you're ready for the glue factory, you know, like a horse.
01:30:04 As a model, how do the men treat you?
01:30:06 Good.
01:30:07 I mean, they like models.
01:30:08 There's a certain kind who goes for the models, especially in the beginning, your decoration.
01:30:14 Good decoration for the dining table.
01:30:19 One time I did this job in Boston, and I had to run down a runway,
01:30:24 and there was a little prop, one of those double-winged prop planes behind me.
01:30:29 I had to sprint down the runway, and the plane was going behind me with a big propeller.
01:30:37 It didn't seem scary at the time, but I guess it's kind of insane.
01:30:42 The look changes.
01:30:44 Today, if a girl is too beautiful, they don't want them.
01:30:47 Tomorrow, they're going to want the great beauties, like it was.
01:30:50 But today, if somebody is too beautiful, they just don't want them.
01:30:56 I don't think I would go through the whole go-see and showing your book and doing the tests and all that stuff.
01:31:03 I think that's why it's acceptable when you're so young, because you're stupid enough to do it.
01:31:10 When I go to go-sees, I feel--sometimes I feel like a piece of meat.
01:31:19 The main thing for any young girl coming into the industry, realize that it's a business.
01:31:24 Don't get confused.
01:31:26 It's all about the money, unfortunately.
01:31:32 [music]
01:31:36 [music fades]
01:31:39 [music fades]
01:31:42 [music fades]
01:31:45 [music fades]
01:31:48 [ Silence ]
