Esposa Joven - T1 - Episodio 43

  • hace 4 años
La historia que arranca al abrirse las puertas de un gran misterio cuando Zhera, una niña de catorce años con grandes sueños, los cuales ve desvanecerse cuando es obligada a casarse con el hijo de un poderoso líder de un clan. Por este motivo, Zehra no podrá ser ni niña ni adolescente, ya ella es una esposa; una esposa virgen. Sin embargo, este gran misterio será también la salvación de Zhera.
01:46Is there anyone home?
01:53The teas are here!
01:57Welcome sir...
02:01Are you Rasit Kara?
02:03Yea, I am.
02:04Sign here...
02:09What is it? - Subpoena...
02:12What is it Rasit? What’s happening?
02:16I don’t know sir... I’ll look into it.
02:22Here, let me see it.
02:30Zehra has filed for a paternity suit...
02:32What do you mean?
02:34How would I know father... It’s a lawsuit claiming that Rasit is not her natural father...
02:41 She even applied for DNA testing...
02:54What’s the issue Behiye?
02:57You know me, I do everything safely...
03:02But unfortunately this time we made an error.
03:06So what do you want from me?
03:07There’s a guy. Someone who’ll cause trouble for us...
03:13His memory is gone. He doesn’t even remember his name.
03:18I need something to worsen his memory...
03:23What are you after this time?
03:25Why do you care... Just do your job...
03:28I’ll pay you so much... And you’ll keep quiet in exchange...
03:42Devran! You’ve took everyone outside?
03:45I did, father...
03:50Isn’t Zehra your own daughter!
03:53Is this true?
03:55I asked if it’s true?
03:57You fooled us with your little brain huh?
04:00No sir, would I do such thing? It’s all that teacher’s fault...
04:04It’s all her lies... It’s all her nonsense...
04:07Sir, you know it, she was against Zehra’s marriage, she tried to intervene, now she’s made this up, I swear that’s how it is sir...
04:13Look at me Rasit, if this is true, if you did such thing...
04:19No one will be able to take you from my hands. I’ll kill you with my own hands...
04:24Do you think you can play with mighty Kirmans, you scumbag...
04:29Father! Father, calm down...
04:34If it’s true, I’ll take care of Rasit personally... Don’t worry father.
04:49It’s all that teacher’s work... That’s for sure...
04:54Go and intimidate her a little...
04:58And I’ll go and take care of that lawyer... Let’s see what his price is...
05:02If mother hears about these... She’ll have a heart attack because of the defamation.
05:16May I come in Ali?
05:19What difference would it make if I were to say no...
05:23People just make decisions about my life and they carry them out anyway...
05:39I rescued you without knowing who you are...
05:43Well, I can’t say that I know you now but...
05:50My life is just a big emptiness...
05:54I don’t even have a reason to be strong...
05:57Because I don’t remember anything. I don’t feel anything for those I don’t remember...
06:02Ali, my son... Your life still has a meaning...
06:06You can still feel pain... I learned that even feeling pain is a blessing...
06:13You have to stand straight to be strong... Who knows... Maybe you have to do this for Suna.
06:20If not for yourself...
06:37Yes missus Behiye...
06:38I got a mixture of healing herbs for brother Cemal...
06:42You’ll decoct it every morning and evening... Don’t forget it...
06:46Okay, I’ll... Actually, I’ll do it now so he gets healed...
07:26Sir Cemal. There you go...
07:28What is this sister?
07:30Healing herb tea... Missus Behiye sent it...
07:33She said: “My Cemal sir should have it right away, so he can heal...”
07:40Thanks you.
07:42Bon appetit...
07:55We always had hope for you...
07:57I mean, maybe it was very little, but we had it...
08:02That you’d come back some day...
08:05But I have no hope now.
08:08 I have none left.
08:10About Suna...
08:13I’m your father... But I don’t even remember it...
08:17Son, only the ones we remember, are we with us.
08:22You weren’t here for years... Now you don’t remember us... What, you think that you’re my father now, so you’re giving me lessons...
08:31If you had been with us all these years, maybe none of this had happened to us...
09:06So you’re here?
09:08What are you doing here?
09:10I’m the one who should be asking that!
09:11What are you doing in our lives...
09:13Just go away already... Go away... To Istanbul, or wherever you want to go to! Just get the hell away from our lives, we’re so sick of you...
09:22Oh, since you’ve panicked this much, I must be on the right path!
09:25Look! I swear to God, I’ll kill you... I don’t care about you at all, I’ll kill you... Just go away already! Enough, enough... Give up, give up.
09:33I won’t give up. I will never give up, do you understand me?
09:36I’ll bring out the truth. I’ll save Zehra.
09:39I’ll... I’m sick of you!
09:43Sir, this teacher doesn’t quit... She just keeps saying that she’ll break up the bride exchange... She doesn’t quit! Doesn’t!
09:48Don’t get me started man!
09:52Look at me mister Rasit, I won’t see you around the teacher again. Do you get me?
09:57Get the hell out! Go!
10:08If he disturbs you again, let me know.
10:10Thank you. I can protect myself.
10:16What are you doing here? What do you want?
10:21Oh teacher, just give up the claim huh...
10:24Just forget about it...
10:27Look, you’re always in trouble huh...
10:29I mean, don’t get me wrong,
10:31I’m just saying these for your own good.
10:33For my own, or to keep your own peace at home?
10:38I will never give up this claim. Do you understand me Devran?
10:42I’ll rather die than give up...
10:47I have things to do, come on...
11:15Hello. How may I help you?
11:17I’m Zehra’s husband Ali’s uncle.
11:20I know mister Kadim.
11:24I see that you’ve worked hard.
11:28It’s so unfair for a skillful lawyer like you, to get payed so little for stupid cases like this.
11:35But that can change.
11:37What are you trying to say?
11:40I’m saying...
11:42That if I were to pay you quadruple the money they’re paying you
11:49And you were to let this case go... Huh?
11:53I’d prefer to not have heard this disgusting offer of yours. Now, please get out of my room.
12:00I need to work.
12:02On young bride Zehra’s case!
12:06If you dare to show up at the trial mister lawyer, I'll have your career ended.
12:11Then you'll start defending animal rights at some union.
12:38Oh God!
12:40Oh this was the thing missing I guess, like we don't have enough problems already.
12:46I've talked to the lawyer;
12:48I don't think he's going to back down.
12:51What are we going to do now?
12:53Oh why do you care mother?
12:56Let your girl worry about it! Look, Berfin got away with the things she did... Why is that?
13:01Talk quietly.
13:02My mother should never hear about this. She'd get a heart attack.
13:08I hope nothing is wrong? Did something bad happen?
13:11What could it be? Your son did his thing again!
13:16What did Azad do?
13:18He teamed up with that teacher, trying to break up the bride-exchange.
13:22How do you mean?
13:24By proving that Zehra is not Rasit and Gulsum's daughters!
13:35The bird in the story wants to be free my teacher.
13:40 I hope they'll let it out of its cage at the end of the story.
13:46I think it'll be free like you at the end of the story.
13:54When is our trial my teacher?
13:59Trial is in a week from now my Zehra.
14:02Ferman will testify for us.
14:05When we get the results of the DNA test, it will all be over.
14:09You won't be going back to that mansion.
14:13I hope so my teacher...
14:16What happened now? Why do you pull a long face now?
14:21Who am I my teacher?
14:23What's my name?
14:26My mother, father, family...
14:31I used to know who I am, but...
14:34I don't know about anything now.
14:42I've nobody.
14:45Not even my family...
14:49Why do you say this, you're breaking my heart...
14:54You're not alone...
14:56I'm here with you. I will never leave you alone...
15:13Everything will be fine.
15:17Evil woman! Oh! I was going to show her today but Devran came, Devran...
15:23I wish you had beaten her daddy...
15:25Then she would've learned to not get her nose in other people's lives...
15:30I'm going to lose my mind...
15:34Ferman why don't you say something!
15:36Like I'm the one whose marriage is in danger...
15:41Like I'm the only one in this marriage.
15:42I've made my decision...
15:45I'll give testimony...
15:47For Zehra's statements in the court.
15:51Ferman, what are you saying! Have you lost your mind?
15:55It's the right thing to do Berfin, I'll testify.
15:59If you do such thing, I'll disown you.
16:03Alright then father. But I can't stand Zehra suffering openly anymore.
16:13What about me! Us... Shall we suffer so that Zehra doesn't?
16:18Did you hear that? Did you hear what she's saying?
16:21No dear, no. He has no brain left... He had just a tiny bit, but he has lost it!
16:26No, don't worry my dear, he won't say such thing... He has lost his mind...
16:30You won't say such thing alright?
16:32Don't waste your time father. I've made my decision.
16:40You will not say such thing... Do you get me? You won't do such thing... I'll destroy you...
17:14Uncle, I should get inside... It's cold out here.
17:18Don't try to run away Azad, we'll talk...
17:23Okay then, let's talk...
17:37What you're doing is not right my boy.
17:40Uncle, I'm doing what I think is right.
17:42Right for who? That teacher?
17:47Azad, convince her to give up the case.
17:51That woman's only purpose is to ruin our lives.
17:54Melek's purpose is to save Zehra.
17:58Save her?
18:00From who? Azad pull yourself together.
18:03Zehra thinks this place is a palace. She has everything here.
18:09What else does she want?
18:10What does she want...
18:12Is this the question?
18:15You took away that girl's childhood...
18:19She misses her school...
18:21Her friends.
18:24She wants her old life back;
18:27Do you get it?
18:31Look, you're my uncle...
18:33I mean to disrespect. I think we shall talk no more... Or I'll break your heart.
18:41We'll go to the court. I hope Zehra wins the case...
18:46Come on...
18:50You shouldn't stay here for too long, you'll get cold.
23:48Oh, hi sister Berfin...
23:51What happened?
23:52Oh Zehra...
23:54Elif got sick. She just keeps asking about you. She's crying her eyes out, I can't make her stop.
24:03I can't come now sister Berfin... I've something very important.
24:08I can come afternoon. How would that be?
24:12Can you get Elif to the phone now? I want to hear her voice.
24:15No, I can't...
24:18I mean... Elif's so sick that she has your picture in her hand and she's just crying continuously.
24:24You should better come now. You'll go do your thing later.
24:28Your sister needs you dear Zehra.
24:32Okay sister Berfin, wait I'll be right there.
24:37Tell her to not cry.
25:19 Hello... Who are you?
25:26Suna it's you isn't it?
25:31Talk please. At least let me hear your voice.
25:54Where's Elif? Inside?
25:56No... Elif is in the back, come on with me.
26:00Come on.
26:05I'm sorry...
26:07Please forgive me... I couldn't protect you. I couldn't look after you...
26:12Whatever happened, happened Ali...
26:14Don't blame yourself.
26:17This must be our fate.
26:21We can't rebel against God. We have to accept it, and live by it.
26:28How can I live without you Suna!
26:31How can I live knowing that you're that man's wife!
26:35I'm going to lose my mind because of my sorrow.
26:39I don't want to life now, I want to die.
26:41Don't Ali, don't mention about death to me.
26:45Promise me... You have to be well.
26:49If you're well, I'll be well too.
26:52Knowing that you're close to me, breathing the same air with you, gives me strength.
27:42Hello Azad!
27:43Yes Melek?
27:53Okay, I'm coming over to you already, we'll go and get Zehra together.
27:58Okay. See you.
28:07Come on.
28:23Why are we here?
28:26Where's my sister?
28:28I won't let you ruin my life you little snake!
28:35What! What's happening here...
28:40Shh, shut up.
28:46Shut your mouth!
29:01Get me out of here!
29:04Berfin, get me out of here!
29:07I have to go... Get me out.
29:11Look dad... You made this for me when I was born. You remember it don't you?
29:25Dicle! Unfortunately, I do not.
29:31Look with your heart one more time, not with your mind.
29:35You lost your mind, but did you lose the love in your heart too father?
29:40How can one doesn't remember his kid?
29:46I'm really upset about it too...
29:48But there's nothing we can do.
29:50Lies, you're not upset at all.
29:54If you were upset, you wouldn't have refused going to the doctor. You'd try to remember.
30:00You don't care about us!
30:03Dear enough!
30:05I wish you had never come back.
30:07So that I could think that you're dead.
30:10At least I was thinking that I had a father who loved me.
30:15Now I don't even have that!
30:24Don't get sad my Cemal... I'll talk to her.
30:28She's just a kid.
31:04Berfin, is Zehra here?
31:06Oh... Zehra's not here...
31:08How do you mean? She left a note saying that she's coming here.
31:13Oh, so she came. She came but then they went to the court with Ferman...
31:22Thank you...
31:30I don't get it.
31:32But we shall see... - Come on.
31:42Anybody there? I need to go to the court...
31:47Let me out of here...
32:12Good riddance...
32:18Open the door, please...
32:24Berfin! Open the door...
32:34Anybody there?
32:37Somebody help me?
32:46Berfin, open the door.
33:14Who are you?
33:17Who are you?
33:22Where's this girl!
33:30Where's she?
33:44What are you doing outside?
33:47¿Huh? What are you doing?
33:59Move girl. Move move...
34:04Move you sneaky worm...
34:08Get inside, go...
34:13You'll see now what it means to disobey me!
34:21You've taken my kid away from me...
34:23You've ruined my life! You've ruined it! Die!
34:32Shut up now!
34:41Give some time to your father, dear.
34:44You'll see ,with our love and understanding, he'll remember everything.
34:50No. He won't remember us.
34:52He'll always act like as if we're strangers.
34:58Do I want it to be this way... huh!
35:03He has lived by himself...
35:06Away from his family, in poverty for years.
35:10Now he found his family, shall we turn our backs to him right now?
35:17Will he call me “daughter”? From his heart...
35:23Of course he will some day my girl...
35:30Just be patient a little dear, you'll be the happiest father and daughter on earth.
35:36I promise you...
35:43Come with me now, let's go to your father. Don't get him upset anymore huh...
35:50Come on my pretty girl.
36:01Where's father?
36:03Oh Gosh! I wonder where he went.
36:06Let's check the yard now dear huh.
36:14The trial will commence soon. Is Zehra still not here?
36:17Supposedly she's with Ferman. But we haven't seen her...
36:21He'll be here soon... There! Ferman... Where's Zehra?
36:31Where's Zehra?
36:33I don't know sir. Wasn't she with you?
36:36You don't know?
36:38She was with you. That's what Berfin told us.
36:43It seems Berfin has lied to you!
36:47Oh Azad! We must go and find Zehra, we don't have much time.
36:51We can't co together. I'll go get Zehra, you should stay here.
37:01Plaintiff Zehra Kirman, defendant Rasit Kara...
37:04Oh me...
37:30Azad...Azad. - Oh.
37:33I was coming to check on you...
37:36Look at me, are you alright?
37:38I'm alright Azad...
37:41Okay, come with me then... Here we go.
37:53Fatma... Have you seen my Cemal? We've looked everywhere, he's not home.
37:58No missus Zumrut, I've not.
38:06Ferman Kara!
38:21Yes, we're listening to you. This young lady, is she your full sister?
38:49Come on son, answer me.
39:11Zehra is my whole sister...
39:15Honest to God, your honor.
39:19What are you saying Ferman.
39:20If you don't wish to be thrown out, stay quiet.
39:46His bag...
39:48Coat are not here...
39:51He's gone...
39:58Cemal don't do this to us...
40:03Your honor, as you see, this claim is nothing but imagination of a little kid.
40:10Because of the trauma she had because of her mother's death, we see why this young lady is doing this.
40:15But we shouldn't waste the court's time too.
40:18Verdict... - All rise.
40:23The witness having declared for the purposes of the protection of the minor.
40:28And with the possibility ...
40:31From the emotional instability of the minor.
40:35The most convenient will be the DNA test.
40:45Court is adjourned.
40:58You'll get your freedom back.
41:07I can't believe it's happening.
41:11I'm not dreaming am I?
41:15I'm sure that I'm having a nightmare but... You're not.
41:18I hope this marriage will be over.
41:22Hopefully you'll be free.
41:25Hopefully you'll have your dreams come true. I hope that you'll be a teacher like you've always wanted.
41:30A teacher like Melek.
41:34Oh dear God, thank you.
41:36I'm so happy right now.
41:39I'm so thankful to both of you.
41:48Here, if you want we shall go out and talk about the next steps.
42:01Oh... Oh my Cemal... Oh... Where did you go, why did you leave?
42:15Take a seat!
42:16Stop wandering around like sheep. You make me feel dizzy!
42:20I won't, I can't stop mother, I can't stay anywhere. I wonder where he went? Why did he go?
42:27We should ask you the same question Zumrut. Who knows what you told the guy and made him run away just as he came back?
42:34Behiye! Don't you see how she's right now?
42:40Zumrut, dear...
42:43Was with you before he left, think carefully. What did he tell you?
42:49Did he have a problem, something that he was worried about?
42:54I don't know mother... I don't know at all...
42:57Because of me! My father left because of me. I got mad at him because he couldn't remember me. He won't come back. He will never come back again!
43:00Because of me! My father left because of me.
43:03I got mad at him because he couldn't remember me.
43:07He won't come back. He will never come back again!