Esposa Joven - T1 - Episodio 42

  • hace 4 años
La historia que arranca al abrirse las puertas de un gran misterio cuando Zhera, una niña de catorce años con grandes sueños, los cuales ve desvanecerse cuando es obligada a casarse con el hijo de un poderoso líder de un clan. Por este motivo, Zehra no podrá ser ni niña ni adolescente, ya ella es una esposa; una esposa virgen. Sin embargo, este gran misterio será también la salvación de Zhera.
01:39Nobody can stop us, or stand in our way, right?
01:44We can get Zehra out of that house. We’ll fire for a divorce as soon as possible...
01:49Oh just wait a little...
01:52Until we see its results. We shouldn’t get her hopes up for nothing.
01:58But how are we going to be sure about it?
02:01I mean, Rasit would never accept such thing...
02:05Rasit won’t.
02:11We’ll get a DNA test done...
02:14This way, Rasit won’t be able to argue against it... He’ll acknowledge the truth...
02:19Let’s see what lawyer will tell us?
02:24Let’s meet early in the morning tomorrow and talk...
02:26What can we do...
02:30What if he tries to tell your uncle and get in our way...
02:33No he won’t...
02:36This is a different lawyer...
02:38Some other guy...
02:41Let’s go.
02:46Where’s she? Where’s that stupid Zehra?
02:48She’s inside... What happened?
02:50Is there anything that is not bad about her... Anything...She told the teacher... Then, she told to Azad sir.
02:54So we’re sitting on a powder keg...
02:57So, what did Azad sir say? Will bride exchange be broken?
02:59He didn’t say anything... I denied...
03:02You’ll deny it too... You won’t open your mouth... Do you understand?
03:05Or we’ll be ruined. They’ll burn us like firewood...Do you get me? Be careful...You must deny everything the teacher tells you.
03:26You told her didn’t you? You told about it to the teacher?
03:33I did...
03:34You’ll deny it... You’ll say that it’s not true... That you misunderstood. Alright?
03:39Father, slow down... Elif is sleeping inside... She’ll hear everything.
03:43Don’t get us in trouble... Do you understand me? Huh, do you?
03:47I do...
03:50I understand you even better now. I was just wondering why my father doesn’t like me...
03:55Now I get it...
04:03Life is so interesting, isn’t it?
04:05When everything is going bad...
04:08A hope rises... And it throws you elsewhere...
04:13Shows you a different, better way...
04:22Your father coming back after all those years...
04:25Finding your father when you were looking for Ali... It’s really interesting...
04:31For example, Ali’s accident...
04:34It’s like everything is set up so that we could find my father...
04:38I mean, if Ali had not been in the accident, we would’ve never found my father...
04:44Actually, things that we call evil, sometimes lead to good... Look, it leads to something good, it turns out to be something completely different...
04:51You for example.
04:53If Hasan had not been in that situation, you wouldn’t have missed your flight.
04:57If you hadn’t missed your flight, you’d be gone. But you didn’t go.
05:04It’s fate...
05:06That you came back after all those years.
05:09It’s a beatiful thing.
05:12A really good thing.
05:15As I’ve said...
05:21We can talk to the lawyer tomorrow morning.
05:32How are you my son? Have you slept well?
05:35Not really...
05:40I guess he wasn’t sleepy now in the daytime...
05:52We made rice with almonds my Cemal... You must’ve missed it...
05:57Of course?
05:59You love it... You’d eat it even if you were hungry...
06:02No... I don’t want it, thank you... God bless you...
06:13You know the meal tomorrow? Don’t forget the stewed fruit and desserts...
06:24Oh, I don’t want it...
06:26I’m not going to eat either.
06:58Mother... My doll’s arm fell off, can you fix it?
07:05Mother, my doll’s arm fell off, can you fix it?
08:04Sister, what happened?
08:10Come my dear...
08:12Come, don’t be upset... It’s over, come on, come with me sister...
08:22What happened?
08:45Are you hungry Elif?
08:48I can get you something if you want...
08:51Then we can eat together.
08:52Yea... We’ll eat together sister. Look, I’m hungry too...
08:57I’ll go and see what’s in the fridge...
09:08My mother made some...
09:28Tomorrow you will go with your brother to see a doctor.
09:31Kadim will take you to the best.
09:34Sure mother, as you wish...
09:36Make sure they do whatever is necessary.
09:40I mean...
09:41There has to be...
09:43A solution right?
09:45They should find it.
09:46Sure mother... There must be a solution.
09:54Mother, of course they should go...
09:57But it won’t work after all those years now...
10:00Do you know better than the doctors bride Behiye...
10:05Get him checked...
10:07If there’s a way, it shall be found...
10:14Thank you...
10:17I don’t want to see hospitals or doctors...
10:37Okay, don’t let it get cold...
10:49When I was little...
10:52I used to eat the uncooked stuffing when mother was making stuffed grape leaves...
11:00She’d get mad at me...
11:03Saying that I’d get worms in my stomach... I’d eat the stuffing first, then get my beating from mother...
11:13Come on eat it.
11:15Don’t let it get cold...
11:54You must fight to remember. Faith will move mountains! At least...
12:01I tried a lot.
12:03The only thing I remember is a loud noise...
12:08It’s darkness... I tried many times...
12:12I accepted it at last... I can’t.
12:16There’s no point in denying... I don’t want to try again and fall into a hole, and go back to the old days.
12:41Elif! Sister...
12:44We’ll go to the inn today. They will be giving food at the inn...
12:48I’ll take you too alright?
12:59Elif, dear go inside for a little...
13:11Dear, you won’t lie to the teacher will you? Look, I’m your father... I’m really your natural father dear... Zehra!
13:18Is it really a lie?
13:21Zehra... Dear look, Kirmans won’t let us live.
13:25They would kill me, but not just me... They would kill you, your brother, all of us. Do you understand me?
13:32I’m not afraid of dying anymore...
13:36You know, you threw me into that river...
13:40I died back then...
13:48Elif... Come on we’re leaving.
14:09Hopefully we’ll make it this time right?
14:11Hopefully Melek. We’ll do everything we can...
14:18Hey, they look so nice, right?
14:24I’m sorry to keep you waiting...
14:25No, not at all. Welcome...
14:27You too... Come on in...
14:37Well so...
14:40Where do we begin?
14:42I’m listening.
14:43Well mister lawyer! This is the situation...
14:45We want to get a kid DNA tested.
14:48We want it but.
14:50We’re not related to her...
14:52At all...
14:53So there’s a dilemma...
14:56We came here to ask you about how can we file a lawsuit about this, or what can we do about it.
15:30So this is the situation... If we can prove that Zehra is not Rasit and Gulsum’s daughter, this marriage will be over...
15:37Then...we can set Zehra free...
15:41Alright! You can be sure that I’m going to do my best for Zehra.
15:47I will pursue this case no matter what...
15:50If you had brought her here, I could start the legal process...
15:54I’ll get you Zehra. You will agree...
15:57Do not worry, it will be solved.
15:59I know.
16:02Shouldn’t get upset during the course. It’s better for her to stay with you.
16:07If there’s someone from Zehra’s family, who knows about the situation and is willing to help, would be really helpful in the process...
16:15Of course! Ferman can help us...
16:19You're going to call him?
16:20Oh alright. I’ll talk to him when we get out...
16:22No, no just call him now please...
16:26Oh, what are we going to do about your impatience...
16:36It’s ringing...
16:40Ferman... Well, we need to have a talk with you...
16:44We as in Melek and I dear... Okay
16:47Why don’t you come to the tea garden at the hill...
16:51Okay, we’re waiting for you there...
16:55Good bye.
16:58Alright, he’s coming.
17:02Mister lawyer, I thank you very much...
17:05I mean we...
17:07I hope everything goes well... So that Zehra can start a new life, that is suitable for her age.
17:13I hope so!
17:14I hope so.
17:16I trust you on this.
17:37Welcome mother Nujin...
17:39Thanks you.
17:39Congratulations. Cemal came back...
17:43I’m glad to be here...
17:44Thanks you.
17:45Welcome sir Cemal
17:56Come, have a seat my son.
18:29My husband presumed that you’re a woman because of the way you look...
18:33What you couldn’t do it?
18:36You useless thing...
18:44Hey Suna...
18:46I want to tell you something...
18:48I’m not in the mood for gossiping sister Nuriye...
18:51Ali... They found him safe and sound... With his father Cemal...
18:56Are you serious?
18:58I swear to God...
19:00Thank you sister Nuriye...
19:01Hey, listen...
19:03Mother Nujin is hosting a dinner to show her gratitude... At the inn... All the Kirmans will be there... I’m just letting you know...
19:12Girl, Suna... Come here now!
19:30The lawyer is an idealist, as you’ve said...
19:33Like you are not an idealist.
19:36Are you kidding me? What happened?
19:40Why are you laughing now?
19:42Oh, it’s been a while since I saw you laughing like this...
19:47So I laughed ...
19:50I mean, for the first time I have so much hope... Both for Zehra and the other kids...
19:57I mean, the most important thing is, I now understand that I’m not alive...
20:01Ibrahim teacher, the lawyer... You...
20:04There are people who still have their hope...
20:09It’s nice to know that.
20:10Actually, you know what, I’m so full of hope too. At least I can keep my words to you...
20:16At least we do somethings now...
20:19Even that is so nice...
20:23I hope nothing is wrong sir...
20:25Hello, Ferman.
20:27Have a seat.
20:31When you called me all of a sudden, I got as soon as possible.
20:35Ferman, I’m not going to beat around the bush...
20:40We, don’t think that Zehra’s your sister.
20:45And we’ll file a lawsuit about it.
21:06I was really worried about you...
21:10I wanted to come to you yesterday but...
21:16They didn’t leave us anything that could make us happy Zehra...
21:19You, Me, Suna, Everybody ...
21:24We’re all victims...
21:28I sometimes say “I wish my suicide attempt worked”..
21:46Come on.
22:30No, it’s just nonsense...
22:32Zehra is my sister...
22:36Please don’t only care about yourself...
22:39Look, think about your mother...
22:42That woman gave her life for this cause...
22:45Help us.
22:50I’m sorry... It’s my mistake...
22:55Even if Zehra is not my blood relative, she’s my sister...
22:59Everything that’s happened...
23:03Is because of me...
23:05There’s no reason for you to blame yourself...
23:09You’ll help us...
23:11So! Sir, what can I do?
23:14You’ll testify...
23:21Okay sir... I’ll testify.
23:33Are those meals supposed to go to the shop...
23:36I can take them if you want...
23:39Don’t bother with it.
23:42Oh! Well then...
23:58How are you?
24:00There’s nothing I can complain about. Thank God.
24:03Wonderful, your sheep is growing really fast.
24:08Cemal is found, Ali is found. You...
24:11Shouldn’t search for yours far away.
24:24Yes Ibrahim teacher... How is it going?
24:28A place that can be a reading room?
24:32Okay, I’m coming right now.
24:46I’ve been using this place as storage for years teacher...
24:51We’ll throw these out...
24:54I’ll take those to the shop... Well, we can use the rest here...
24:59I mean, it’s so nice here...
25:02We’ll get it cleaned up... And then paint it. It’ll be awesome...
25:08You know what we’re facing with, don’t you Ahmet?
25:12So you know what we’re going to do here?
25:15Teacher... I fear nothing but God... We know what happens to the kids who are not looked after...
25:20You’re doing a good thing for them.
26:06Ali is found, right Zehra?
26:12Is he alright?
26:15Actually, not really...
26:21Don’t tell him that I came here, alright?
26:30Okay, I won’t... Don’t worry.
26:54Welcome Ibrahim teacher...
26:56Thank you mother Nujin... Congratulations...
27:05Welcome Cemal sir...
27:10Welcome teacher.
27:12Thank you...
27:25We’ve found a place for the reading room... But it’ll need some repair. I couldn’t get Melek out of there... She’s so excited...
27:31Teacher, where’s the place?
27:33It’s the place that hardware shop’s owner Ahmet was using as storage, it’s really closeby...
27:37You know...
27:39Melek was like a kid who got a new toy... She was so happy.
27:45Is she there now?
27:47Yes she’s...
27:48I couldn’t get her here.
27:50That’s good news teacher...
27:52She needed something like that.
28:25I think you need help...
28:29I don’t need your help at all...
28:32Alright... There you go.
28:46Oh Melek!
28:47Come on, don’t be so stubborn, let me help...
28:50Oh what kind of a man are you...
28:53You just beat up Zehra to death a few days ago... Now you come here, trying to help without feeling any shame, I don’t understand?
29:10Where were you Ali?
29:32I’m sorry...
29:35Thanks to you I’ve got my husband and my son back... Thank you...
29:41Come and eat with us...
29:50I was carrying this on me, just in case if I get to see you... Here, it’s yours...
30:03I don’t want it...
30:05I have nothing to do with gold and silver...
30:07But your son will have...
30:14Keep this for him.
30:29What are you doing in my shop...
30:36 What are you doing? Have you lost your mind?
30:38I have... I have... You ruined Suna’s life, now I’ll ruin your life...
30:46And I’ll make sure that it can’t be fixed...
30:50Oh... You’re going to get in trouble Ali.
30:53I’m already in trouble anyway... Now I’ll shoot you.
30:57You’ll go down your grave, and I’ll go to prison...
31:00This way we both go away...
31:03What’s going to happen when we go away?
31:05Suna will be free again...
31:13Say your last prayer Cemsit.
31:24This time, I didn’t even hit Zehra once...
31:30Look Melek!
31:32I was born here...
31:34I was raised by the tradition here.
31:39One can’t go beyond the place he was born in...
31:45When I was little, my father gave a gun in my hand, as a toy...
31:48Is that so?
31:50Azad was born here too... He grew up here...
31:54I think these are just excuses that you come up with, to convince yourself...
31:58Now, don’t touch this pure place with your blood stained hands...
32:10I just wanted to help you.
32:26What is this?
32:28Well, I broke your watch...
32:30So I wanted to fix it.
32:33But I couldn’t so, I said why not buy a new one...
32:43I can’t accept this...
32:57You should keep it Melek.
33:01Either sell it and spend the money for this place, or give it to someone else...
33:06You make the decision...
33:31Ali don’t...
33:33It’s not worth it...
33:46Suna go away...
33:47Please let me end this. Let me end this thing right here, please...
33:51Ali, it's not worth it.
33:53Do not do it.
33:55Suna please go away... Go away Suna, I beg of you. I can’t stand living like this anymore. Go...
34:00Ali, it's not worth it. Do it for me.
34:05Ali, don't do it.
34:15Ali, stop it.
34:31Ali, you must go.
34:55I swear to God, I’ll kill you...
34:58If I see Ali around you again
35:11Do you remember this place my son?
35:14This is your desk...
35:17Come, sit here father...
35:20Come father...
36:10When did this break?
36:12The day you disappeared...
36:15Do you remember of something father?
36:30Alright, I’m coming...
36:35Mother... I have to go.
36:55Oh Zehra! Forget about cleaning... We have to go to the lawyer right now...
37:00Oh, just don’t ask why... We have to go...
37:05But Azad...
37:06I got Elif here brother . I mean I can’t before taking her home.
37:13You’ll tell your brother Ferman and he’ll take Elif...
37:16Okay, let’s go...
37:19Come on...
37:28Bride, where’s Cemal?
37:31He got too tired mother, he went to bed...
37:36It’s the tiredness of all the years...
37:42He seemed like he’s started remembering things when we were in the shop... You felt that too right?
37:48I hope so...
37:49He seemed that way to me too but...
37:51He startled when he picked up that frame...
38:03Is what the lawyer said really going to happen?
38:06I mean, will I be able to go back home with the test results?
38:12To Elif?
38:13Yes my dear...
38:16I talked to your brother...
38:18Until this case results, you should stay with your teacher Melek...
38:23Also, don’t worry about Elif... They’ll be fine with Ferman...And I’ll go check on them in every once in a while.
38:35What about those in the mansion brother Azad...
38:38They’ll be mad at me again if they don’t see me in there
38:43So let them be...
38:45They can come and ask me about it...
38:47Why do you worry about this stuff...
38:51Yes dear Zehra... You shouldn’t worry about these...
38:55Let’s just focus on getting you out of there...
38:59Anyway... I should get going...
39:00They stay here ... ¿Okay? ... they'll be fine.
39:05And you don't worry about anything, okay? Good bye.
39:11I’m coming...
39:25Look at her...
39:28She can’t be happy about anything...
39:30Oh Melek...
39:32That girl has been through all kinds of things...
39:36There’s the test result... She’s still worrying about if they would be mad at the mansion...
39:43So we’ll support her...Help her out.
39:46You’re a teacher, you can do this...
39:53Thank you for evertyhing...
39:56Well, we’re struggling along to make things happen you know. Anyway, you should be with her now...
40:01Alright, good night. Good bye.
40:04Good night.
40:57Behiye... He’s going to remember... I’m telling you that he’s going to... It’s just a matter of time, everthing will come to light...
41:03Mother will kick us out the door...
41:08She’ll deny inheritance to us, she’ll disown me...
41:14We’ll be ridiculed.
41:16We won’t be Kadim, not after all those years...
41:24I know what I’m going to do...
41:36Everything looks so good my teacher. Thank you...
41:40Bon appetit dear. I made all this for you...
41:50I wonder what Elif is doing now?
41:53If she has had breakfast?
41:56 I mean, mom is not there now...
42:01Dear... Both your father and brother is with Elif...
42:10 Look, how nicely she drew this right?
42:33Elif loves to draw.
42:36She just draws whenever she gets the chance...
42:41So she’ll be a famous artist when she grows up...
42:44I mean, look she drew us as if we’re a family...
42:59Who would have thought that I would be as a maid.
43:02Now everyone laughs at me.
43:08I will have to take care of your work.
43:15And you, stop looking at me so you look at me like I'm crazy.
43:24You are crazy.
43:35Stop looking at me.
43:38Oh my god, kids.