Esposa Joven - T1 - Episodio 44

  • hace 4 años
La historia que arranca al abrirse las puertas de un gran misterio cuando Zhera, una niña de catorce años con grandes sueños, los cuales ve desvanecerse cuando es obligada a casarse con el hijo de un poderoso líder de un clan. Por este motivo, Zehra no podrá ser ni niña ni adolescente, ya ella es una esposa; una esposa virgen. Sin embargo, este gran misterio será también la salvación de Zhera.
01:39So what are we going to do now legally?
01:42You may go to Istanbul and get the ADN test done as soon as possible.
01:47Because you have no legal obstacles now.
01:54Oh nice. Kadim aga is calling. What am I going to say, how will I answer to him? Huh?
02:02Hello, my sir how are you, are you alright?
02:04Just skip those questions, and tell me what happened at the court?
02:09Uh, actually my sir...
02:11The court decided that the test should be done.
02:14God damn you! You incompetent dog!
02:29Yes mother...
02:32Cemal's missing!
02:35Where would that old man go!
02:39Okay, okay calm down, we're coming
02:45Uncle is missing?
02:52Do you have any other questions?
02:54Lawyer, what have you done?
02:57Melek will ask about everything of this case now. About every single detail.
03:02Oh, please Azad... Do I ask that many questions?
03:06No dear, do you ever ask anything?
03:09I'm just talking.
03:11Anyway, when will we get the results of the ADN test?
03:14There. She can't be patient.
03:18Get ready.
03:30Going to Istanbul for DNA testing.
03:35What's the hurry sir.
03:36I've so many things to here. I have a shop, I have a kid. Housework. And many other things.
03:42Nothing is more important than this kid's life.
03:47I don't want excuses.
03:52You're hopeless.
04:04Rustem, none of you saw Cemal going out?
04:08I swear we didn't mother Nujin.
04:09Gosh, Gosh. He can't turn into a bird...
04:13And fly away!
04:15Find my Cemal, I beg of you find him.
04:18I can't stand losing him one more time. I can't!
04:23Spread out, search for him everywhere, look under every rock.
04:28Don't come back until you find Cemal!
04:30As you wish mother Nujin.
04:44Okay, okay thank you. Thanks.
04:50We'll get tickets for the flight at 4p.m.
04:55Okay, see you later then.
04:57Okay. We'll go to the mansion and get ready with Zehra. Then we'll come pick you up.
05:04See you dear.
05:06See you.
05:08Take care.
05:20Yes mother?
05:27Okay mother, I'm coming now, okay.
05:30No misdeed lasts forever Inci. Look. Melek teacher is getting her baby too.
05:43Kadim, Cemal is gone! Your brother is gone son!
05:49Hold on mother, calm down a little.
05:51Maybe he's out to see around. What is all the fuss!
05:53Why are you so comfortable Kadim?
05:57You're talking like you don't know how Cemal is!
06:02Don't be upset now, look he'll come back tonight. Also Rustems are looking everywhere, he can't go too far.
06:10I hope there's no coming back for him. So that we get freed of him.
06:14I hope so... By the way, I talked to Rasit. The court allowed the paternity test.
06:18Oh. Dear God.
06:21Hey, don't let mother hear about it! She'll have a heart attack.
06:25Berfin will lose it completely now.
06:31Oh where are they?
06:34Oh dear God. Let me call them now.
06:42The person you've called cannot be reached...
06:45So, their phones are off too!
06:50You know right? It's all because of you. Because you let Zehra out. I swear I'll kill you.
06:57Oh! I think they're here.
07:15Don't tell me you couldn't! Don't tell me the court allowed it!
07:19Oh alright Berfin, calm down a little.
07:21I can't... Ferman, if the bride exchange is broken, they'll separate us, do you get it? They'll take us apart! How can I stay calm?
07:37I don't want to lose your father one more time my son.
07:41I can't take it.
07:42Mother. At least we know that father is alive now.
07:46Also, don't worry, I'll find my father.
07:50Azad, you should stay with your siblings with Zumrut. Kadim and Devran are searching everywhere. Don't worry.
07:56They shall not waste their time. I know where my dad is.
08:01Then take me there too Azad.
08:05Okay, I'll take you.
08:08There, put a smile on that face.
08:39Where will we find my uncle now?
08:41Where should we look at first?
08:43We're not going to search for your uncle Devran.
08:45We won't search for him?
08:47Because we have something more important to do. That peg top Rasit, palmed off someone's daughter to mighty Kirmans like she was his own.
08:57Now, the teacher and Azad teamed up and filed for paternity testing. If the bride exchange breaks down,
09:03Berfin and mother Nujin will need to stay in a hospital, our reputation will be ruined too.
09:11What did you say at the court? They gave this decision because of what you said there, right?
09:15Stop the nonsense Berfin. Why would I say such thing? I did whatever I could, just like we had talked.
09:22I don't believe you, I don't. You're lying to me. I know that you told them that Zehra is not your sister.
09:32Enough Berfin.
09:34Zehra is my sister! That's exactly what I've said at the court.
09:42Elif, come on sister go to your room.
09:55They're going to break us apart Ferman...
09:58 It's over now, it's over...
10:06You're not done with bringing shame upon us huh?
10:12We should've killed you the day you tried running away.
10:22Father, I beg of you please do something. Prevent the testing. Stop them from getting it. Please?
10:29When and where are they going to do it?
10:32Azad sir called sir...
10:35We're going to get on the flight to Istanbul at 4 o'clock. They referred us to there. We're supposed to get it there.
10:45Take this...
10:47What is this sir?
10:47Take a few clothes for yourself now, Devran should take you to our country cottage.
10:52Stay there for a few days, don't let people see you. Meanwhile we'll try to find a solution...
10:59You should get yourself together. We'll find a way sooner or later.
11:26Don't be sad Ali, brother Azad went to find your father.
11:31What's going to happen if he finds him Zehra?
11:34Let's say that he found him! He got him back, then what?
11:38He's not our father anymore...
11:40He's not our father, neither he's my mother's husband.
11:44This place is not his home anymore.
11:47That guy doesn't remember his family Zehra.
11:50What else can he do?
11:52Don't say that Ali...
12:04At least you know that he's your father...
12:10I don't even know who my parents are.
12:17What do you mean you don't know who your parents are?
12:20Those whom I thought was my parents...
12:24are not my real parents Ali...
12:28Neither are my siblings...
12:36Maybe... my name is not Zehra!
12:47I hope we'll find your father Azad.
12:49We'll find him don't worry mother.
12:52I know where he's.
12:55We're going to the place he lives in. He must be there.
13:01What happened at the court Azad? What did they say?
13:03They permitted getting the ADN test.
13:05We'll go to Istanbul with Melek and Zehra. We'll get the paternity testing there.
13:11Don't worry, everything will be alright.
13:14Hopefully my son.
13:22Hello Berfin.
13:24How are you dear?
13:25I'm doomed mother...
13:29I've lost my baby first, now...
13:33I'm about to lose my husband.
13:37It's all because of that snake, Zehra!
13:39Please let's find a way out. They will go to Istanbul for the test today.
13:44Okay daughter, okay just calm down. Come on dear.
13:55It's such a beautiful place...
13:59Don't dare to do something stupid and go out huh!
14:01No Sir.
14:02You will see nobody.
14:03As you wish sir.
14:04You won't tell about it to anyone.
14:05No, no no way. - ¿Okey?
14:07Don't worry about it at all sir, don't worry.
14:09I'll come by every now and then.
14:11Okay sir, thank you.
14:14Sir, you're so mighty aga so mighty.
14:18Stop the flattery!
14:20Pray that I still let you live.
14:23Who are you man, to make fun of Kirmans? Huh, who are you?
14:27Oh for God's sake my sir, how would I dare. I was just being ignorant... I beg your pardon. It won't happen again my aga. It won't.
14:33But I'm...
14:35Not doing sycophancy my sir.
14:37You are really mighty indeed. God bless you my sir, thank you so much.
14:54If DNA testing proves the truth...
14:58Both of us will be free Ali.
15:01Bride exchange will be broken too.
15:08Look, I'm not in the mood for jokes now.
15:14Are we really getting freed of this curse?
15:18Dear God.
15:32I wish, I had another chance with Suna...
15:35I wish.
15:42Wow, wow, I thought that you were a nice, honest and smart girl. I said that they're slandering on this girl.
15:50I didn't do anything to dishonor my name.
15:52Don't dare answering me!
15:54From now on, you'll do everything as I say. You'll do everything I tell you to do. I'll tell on you to Cemsit.
16:01Do it. Tell him whatever you want. So he just shoots me dead.
16:05I've had enough suffering.
16:07You fool.
16:09Do you think that only you'd lose your life? Cemsit would kill your crippled lower too.
16:14This time not Kirman's son, but even sultan's son won't be able to take you from Cemsit's hands.
16:23So, when are you going to Istanbul then?
16:27Today, afternoon.
16:29Good, good. Go early so you can get your results early.
16:33Godspeed Zehra. I hope you'll do well... Let's get rid of that curse as soon as possible.
16:40I hope so.
16:44Where the hell is that girl now?
16:46I don't know. I'm going out to shopping now. I'll check the yard.
17:07Did you want something?
17:09Yes dear Zehra. I'll ask for something important from you.
17:14Look dear. You won't go to Istanbul. Because if you do, it'll end bad for you.
17:23If you go to Istanbul, and if it turns out that you're not Rasit's daughter...
17:28When you're a bride in a rich mansion here, you'll end up being a poor, nameless stray dog.
17:33Your life will be very miserable.
17:41Even if that's the case, I'll be free.
17:44At least I'll be going to my school.
17:47My daughter won't pay for your worthless life and freedom. I won't let you destroy my Berfin's home. You will not go to Istanbul.
17:53My daughter Berfin hates you more every day.
17:57So you are not going to Istanbul.
17:59I will.
18:04I'm telling you that you won't.
18:12What's happening Behiye?
18:20As usual, she got me angry again.
18:24So while we have so many issues here, are you fixated on the young bride again?
18:30I mean, she's not helping with anything mother... She's insisting that she'll go to her sister... So I've said enough.
18:36Cemal is nowhere to be found, and look what you're worrying about! Young bride is mourning.
18:42I gave permission to her for staying with her sister.
18:44Are you the one to question my decisions? And listen to me well...
18:49Don't judge anymore, don't do it anymore, understand?
18:53Not at all mother.
18:56Young bride...
18:58You should go.
19:01Stay at your father's house for a few more days.
19:05Come on...
19:21Come mother.
19:31Is this his house?
19:33He was this close for all those years, is that so?
19:48No, he's not here either.
19:53Mother, there's noise coming from the back.
19:56Come. Stop, stop, stop.
19:59Be careful.
20:12May it be easy.
20:25May it be easy.
20:26Thank you sister. Thank you.
20:29How are you my dear, Melek. What happened, what did they say at the court?
20:33I'm alright, thank you teacher.
20:36They decided that she should get a ADN test.
20:38I'm so glad. May God help you in your path dear.
20:42Amen teacher.
20:45I don't feel comfortable. To leave you with all the work here.
20:49Don't worry about me. Don't leave your mind here.
20:52My purpose of life is to make other's lives better... There's no better thing to do on earth than this...
20:58It's a real pleasure, and it's good deed.
21:03So since you're going to Istanbul, you may see your parents...
21:06And get their good wishes.
21:08Teacher, we've hurt each other so much.
21:12So we need some time to fix our relationship.
21:15Children on their own, are exams for families my dear.
21:19They've done well for the most part of that exam, raising a kid like you.
21:25In the exam of life, three wrongs don't always take a point away from you. As you are a good teacher, I'm sure you'll be fair in the exams you make.
21:31Of course, not just about your students...God has chosen well for you.
21:36Now is not the time for you to drop your arms, Melek ...
21:56Nujin, she is very resentful of us.
21:59I hope nothing is wrong? What happened?
22:02Your mother, came down on me because of that girl. Covertly, I was trying to stop her from going to Istanbul.
22:09Let her go, it'll be fine. At least for a while...
22:12What do you mean it'll be fine Kadim? My daughter's family will be ruined. As a family we'll become a subject of gossiping.
22:19Rasit is not going to Istanbul for the test.
22:22I've sent him to our country cottage.
22:24He'll hide in there for a while. We'll see what happens later.
22:32Why did you leave Cemal?
22:34We've been apart, we've felt longing for all these years, isn't it enough?
22:38You were longing, but I wasn't feeling anything at all.
22:42I didn't know anything. I even forgot how it is to love someone.You put all your interest in me, but I can't reciprocate you.
22:50I can't respond... to your attention, and love.
22:54I fall short of your expectations.
22:57It's best for me to stay here...
23:01Just ignore me...
23:03It's better for you too.
23:06One day... Not even for one day have I ignored you.
23:10Neither me...
23:11Nor my kids lived one day without calling your name, or thinking about you.
23:17You were always there.
23:19We've never been seperated my Cemal.
23:30Even if he thinks that I'm a stranger, my place is his side Azad.
23:36If he doesn't want to come, then I'll stay here with my Cemal.
23:52Good day missus Teacher.
23:53How are you?
23:55Thank you I'm alright Devran. And you?
23:57Good... Not bad.
23:59How are the preparations going at the reading room?
24:02They're fine.
24:04Honestly, I'm so surprised that you're so interested in the reading room.
24:08I actually really like to get people surprised.
24:11Do you need help, I mean if there's something that I can do, I'd love to help...
24:15No there's not thank you. Ibrahim teacher arranged everything.
24:19Good day...
24:22Uh... I heard you're going to Istanbul.
24:23The word spreads really fast here.
24:29Oh, you won't ever stop getting yourself in trouble right?
24:32I don't get it?
24:34I'll explain.
24:36You know you're busting yourself for this reading room, wait and see, they won't let you...
24:39You're doing the same for Zehra...
24:42Same ending.
24:43All your efforts will be in vain.
24:45What kind of a man are you...
24:49Talking to you here is just a waste of time.
24:52Actually, what you're doing is waste of time...
25:04Now listen well to what I have to tell you ...
25:07Oh, that's Devran, isn't he?
25:08Who's with him?
25:10Whether you like it or not, that reading room will open.
25:13Zehra will get out of that mansion too. Do you get it?
25:22What's this?
25:23Well, I broke your watch... .
25:25So I wanted to fix it. But I couldn’t so, I said why not buy a new one... You’re a teacher... So that you don’t be late to the classes..
25:36I can’t accept this...
25:49You should keep it Melek. Either sell it and spend the money for this place, or give it to someone else...
25:56You make the decision...
26:03I've told you that something was odd with Devran before...
26:06But you didn't believe me. You should keep washing the dishes and do the laundry at the mansion.
26:13Go home!
26:16I told you to go home.
26:22Oh God what will you do now.
26:29I kind of understand you.
26:32Our attention to you...
26:34Loving you this much...
26:36Caused you to feel embarrassment... Made you feel anxious.
26:41But what else could we do.
26:43We did what we felt like doing...
26:46Because of the joy of finding you again.
26:49Okay, I promise.
26:51Nobody will bother you.
26:54But give us a chance...
26:56For being remembered.
26:58Please. Come with us.
27:13Hello Azad...
27:14Hello Melek.
27:17I'm ready. You can come anytime you want and pick me up...
27:20We shouldn't be late.
27:22Okay. I'm picking up Zehra and Rasit now. Then we'll come and pick you up afterwards alright?
27:31Oh mother sorry, I had to take it.
27:34Come on. Let's go. Get in father.
27:44You're engaged with Devran right?
27:46So, if you know that he's engaged, why do you keep following Devran around?
27:51Excuse me?
27:52Stop faking. Such an immoral...
27:55Shameless woman you are! - Aargh...
27:56Let go of me... What are you doing!
27:58Did you think I'd let you get away with it?
28:01Girl, girl stop don't. Have you lost your mind, stop.
28:04You stay out of this! This woman drove me mad. I'll show you how it is!
28:08Dear, don't... I'm telling you to stop Zelal. Calm down dear.
28:11Zelal stop calm down. Stop. I'm telling you to calm down...
28:15I won't see you around Devran again.
28:22Missus teacher are you alright?
28:25I'm fine... I'm fine...
28:29Why Devran? What is she talking about?
28:32Dear, don't mind her. She doesn't know what she's doing because of jealousy.
28:38Are you alright?
28:40I'm alright Fatma. She made a scene.
28:48If we bothered you, forgive us my son. When we saw you, we didn't know what to do because of longing.
28:57We couldn't think how you'd feel.
28:59Oh, I've been looking for you everywhere.
29:02You scared me.
29:03Don't do this again!
29:05Thank God you're back...
29:07Come on...
29:08Let's go inside son. Get some rest.
29:22So aren't you ready yet?
29:26I'm brother Azad...
29:28But we didn't let mother Nujin know about it.
29:30Oh, mother Nujin gave you permission, didn't she? If she asks something, I'll explain it to her. Don't worry about it.
29:35Okay then, I'll get my bag and then come.
29:38Well, okay go get it.
29:46You're on the wrong side again Azad.
29:48Uncle, I'm with the truth. I'll bring the truth to light.
29:52If mother hears about it, she'll die because of her sorrow.
29:55Don't you care about her!
29:57Uncle, do you think it's right to victimize a little kid for our benefit, and limit her freedom?
30:04Huh? I think that's wrong.
30:13Okay, let's go then...
30:15See you later uncle.
30:23I'll see how you're going... You can go if you can find Rasit!
30:31I'm sorry father...
30:33I know that you left because of me...
30:36I was being inconsiderate... I forced you to remember...
30:40But I won't do that anymore, I promise... I won't make you upset anymore...
30:48I apologise from you too...
30:51I disappointed you...
30:54You were excited to see...
30:57A father ...
30:59For years, your husband ...
31:02And you a son ...
31:04You came back, you're here... Nothing else matters...
31:11But I promise you.
31:13I'll do everything I can to remember...
31:50You can wait in the car if you want...
31:53Not necessary brother Azad. I'll have seen Elif this way...
31:56Okay then, come.
32:01Go. - Elif!
32:20I'm upstairs.
32:26Were you playing?
32:32I'm sorry Elif. Did I hurt you?
32:49Hey Berfin, can you get Rasit to me...
32:52Well. Rasit father is not home...
32:55How come?
32:56We're going to Istanbul today. To get the test.
32:59I swear I don't know. He's not home. I mean, if you don't believe me come and see it for yourself.
33:05I don't have belief in you.
33:07I'll come in then.
33:14I won't be here for a few days Elif...
33:17I'm going to Istanbul with teacher Melek and brother Azad.
33:21Don't be upset...
33:23I'll come back soon.
33:32Also, maybe we can get you the pretty dolls you see on TV. How would you like that?
33:59Welcome Zehra...
34:00Thank you...
34:03Elif... Come on sister, go upstairs.
34:08I've things to talk about with your sister.
34:23Are you mad at me?
34:29Don't be... I didn't do it to harm you...
34:34I did it so that you don't get upset, so that you don't waste your time in the end, sister...
34:39I'm not your sister.
34:42Elif is your sister...
34:45You should take care of her.
34:48Take her to the doctor.
34:51Ever since mom died, she hasn't talked at all.
34:55It says nothing.
34:57She's upset...
35:00But don't worry... Your sister Berfin is taking really good care of her...
35:03Hopefully she'll get better, hopefully she'll be alright.
35:16Where's your father?
35:26I don't know sir.
35:31I've never seen him today.
35:32Where would he go now?
35:34I don't know sir.
35:37I don't know.
35:43We should get going. Melek is waiting for us.
35:46You'll miss the flight.
35:49Come on Zehra!
35:59Off you go. I wonder what you're going to do in Istanbul without father Rasit.
36:06I'll go get some air Berfin.
36:19Living a life of ease... I swear, not even sir are living this comfortably man...
36:29The Kadim sir, should do work and take care of me now. What else can he do? Oh man.
36:36Who's this?
36:38We mentioned Kadim sir, and he's calling now.
36:42Yes sir?
36:44Rasit, how is it going? Do you need anything?
36:48No sir, no I don't need anything. I swear, it's like land of milk and honey here. I swear I could stay here for a year. Maybe even for two years...
36:58Azad must be calling you. Don't answer his calls!
37:01No sir, no. I won't pick it up until I hear from you, there's no way. Don't you worry at all!
37:22Get it out of my sight!
37:23Are you doing this out of spite? Are you playing with me? Okay, let's play.
37:29Get it out! Take it away. Enough! Give it to me!
37:49Is Gulsum there?
37:52Who are you?
37:53It's Canan... Melek's mother.
37:56When will Gulsum come back?
37:58I think she won't be coming back... She's dead...
38:04When... When did she die? How did it happen? I mean she was just fine...
38:10Oh well, how would I know, I guess it was her time to die...
38:13Didn't that know-it-all daughter of yours, told you what happened?
38:17We haven't talked with Melek since we got back to Istanbul...
38:20Oh sure, she must've been too busy getting her nose in other people's lives, to call you. Your daughter is disturbing our family...
38:25She causes a new problem everyday.
38:28Did something happen?
38:29What else could happen? She did everything she could.
38:32What happened? What did Melek do?
38:36She'll tell you when she comes to Istanbul... Your daughter is coming to Istanbul with Zehra now.
38:40Do you get it?
38:43To Istanbul? Okay... Thank you for letting me know...
38:51What happened Canan?
38:59Gulsum is dead...
39:02Melek is coming to Istanbul with Zehra.
39:11Must've seen the letter...
39:13So she knows the truth now...
39:17She knows...
39:39Have I kept you waiting too long?
39:40Where have you been?
39:43Where's Rasit? You said you were coming with him?
39:46Rasit is not around...
39:48How do you mean?
39:50So what are we going to do now?
39:51Well, you two will go to Istanbul... I'll find Rasit and come after you...
39:59What if you can't find him?
40:02Don't worry. I'll find him... They must have hid him somewhere...
40:05We have a trial anyway, so he can't disappear. He has to come out. I'll find him, don't you worry.
40:28Bring some more pate... Cemal likes it, he'll eat it...
40:33Okay mother Nujin.
40:34No... I'm full... Thank you...
40:38Did you make dessert?
40:40Yes we did mother Nujin... Do you want me to bring it?
40:42Bring it.
40:43We'll eat it in the living room...
40:46So my Cemal can get comfortable.
40:50Bring some tea with it... So we can sit with my boys...
40:56Okay mother Nujin
41:00Mother, don't you want your brides?
41:03If there are trees on top of mountains, they make it look nicer, they are like a crown for it.
41:09How can I hold the trees seperate...?
41:14Come on.
41:15Bon appetit...
41:18Come on.
41:24Can you come outside?
41:35Come sit next to me.
42:00It's so good, isn't it?
42:12Don't be worried.
42:14If Azad said he'll find him, he'll do find and bring Rasit...
42:19I'm not worried about that.
42:25Elif is not alright at all...
42:29She still doesn't talk.
42:32When I hugged her to say good bye...
42:37She pulled herself back...
42:40She would...
42:42Never let go of me before...
42:49When we get done with our thing here...
42:52We'll take her to the doctor when we go back to Harmanli, as soon as possible. We'll get help...
42:57Do whatever is necessary for Elif... Just don't get upset okay?
43:04Hopefully Azad finds Rasit.
43:07To rule out being your father.
43:10We will have to be here waiting.
43:15Come on, eat your meal.