I Ching Three Combination | EP19 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

  • 4 years ago
Three-combo also means bonding. But it is much stronger than the six-combo. It also has a meaning of much quicker and a lot more. So if a good thing is in three-combo, it means it will be in good luck for a very long time. If the bad thing is in three-combo, then will be bad luck for very long. This is because Three combos also imply not easy to get broken.

Three combos is a term derived from the 12 growth phase. It uses the three phases from birth, blossoming, and graveyard. I will show how to memorise them in palm mnemonic method as well.

Three-combos is the same terminology used in BaZi system. However, the application in King Wen Oracle has some slight differences. Some people apply half-three-combo and the three-combo of Earth element. But IMO, it wouldn't work as it has against the rules for hexagram indication. I will explain why and how it is violated to the rules in this video.

Especially the three-combo into Earth element. Some people say Earth birth with water, and some said Earth birth with Fire. This is all BaZi application, shall we apply this into King Wen Oracle as well? If yes, how shall we do it?


→ Three combos & Twelve Growth Phase
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00:00You already understand what is the clash
00:01and the combo means in the moving line
00:04The six clash and a six combo are referring to
00:06a separation and a connection interaction
00:08between the twelve earthly branches.
00:10The six means split the 12 earthly branches into 6 groups of interaction
00:15Feel free to go back to the last two videos to understand about them
00:18if you're not watching them yet
00:20For the combo,
00:21we are not only having the six combo,
00:24but we also have a three combos.
00:26The six combo is a connection between 2 earthly branches,
00:30Whereas the three combos is a connection between 3 earthly branches
00:35As you already know there are 12 earthly branches,
00:3812 divided by 3
00:39It will be having four groups of three combo
00:42in the last video.
00:43You already understand that the formation of six combo
00:46is something like Zi-Chou combo,
00:48Yin-Hai Combo
00:49So, how is the connection of three-combos is made up?
00:53To understand the formation of three combo
00:56I will need to start to explain to you another new term of phase.
01:00You already understand the phases of the 5 elements cycle
01:04and also the six-kins cycle
01:06just in case you missed this out
01:08make sure you check this and this video up
01:10Everything in our life is a cycle.
01:13I strongly suggest you to really master this knowledge
01:15on all of these phases or cycle.
01:18I'm Alfred.
01:19The King Wen Oracle and the Feng Shui researcher.
01:25Let's get into the new phase now
01:27There is another important concept of phases in King Wen Oracle
01:31It is the 12 stages of a life cycle
01:34or some people call it 12 growth phase
01:37In mandarin, it is shí èr cháng shēng (十二長生)
01:39If you learned BaZi before,
01:41this term shall be something not new to you
01:44In some Feng Shui school,
01:45this twelve growth phase are also being apply.
01:48This 12 life cycle is an attribute
01:51explaining how are the 5 elements being generated and get vanished.
01:55This 12 growth phase can be observed from the 12 earthly branches
02:00So, in short
02:01from this five elements.
02:02it expands into the 12 earthly branches
02:05and from this 12 earthly branches, it shows the stage of a life cycle.
02:09Watch this video.
02:11If you do not understand,
02:12how are the 5 elements and the 12 earthly branches being associated
02:16This 12 growth phase is also one of the technique
02:19we need to use in King Wen Oracle
02:21It is useful,
02:22especially when he wanted to predict the events in a "timing" manner.
02:26I will explain the 12 growth phase much detail in another video.
02:30let's now get back to the three combos
02:32So this three-combos is derived from the 12 growth phase
02:36Let's see from this chart.
02:38I have made this into cheat-sheet and include it in my website.
02:42The download link is in the description area.
02:45The column you see here is the twelve growth phase.
02:48I will explain all of this in a later video.
02:50For this lesson,
02:51I will only explain what is the stage one,
02:54the birth
02:55the stage five, prosperity peak
02:57and the stage nine, the grave
02:59The "birth" stage is already self explanatory.
03:02It is a phase where something is born.
03:05Prosperity peak is the top point of life
03:08so from born to the top,
03:10it is a growth.
03:11After this,
03:12any life will be started to going down
03:14life ended at the grave.
03:16This is a very, very rough explanation for the twelve growth phase
03:20so the stage of one, five, and nine is the formation of three combos.
03:25Every life has a life cycle.
03:27In the five elements,
03:28every single element will have a different stage of one five nine
03:32for instance,
03:33the water element birth at Shen-Metal.
03:36Peak at Zi-Water
03:38Grave at Chen-Earth
03:40Shen-Zi-Chen three-combos into the water.
03:43for the Wood element.
03:45it birth at Hai-Water,
03:47peak at Mao-Wood
03:48Grave at Wei-Earth
03:50Hai-Mao-Wei three combos into the wood.
03:53For the Fire,
03:54birth at the Yin-wood, peak at Wu-fire, Grave at the Xu-earth.
03:59This makes Yin-Wu-Xu three combos into Wu-fire.
04:03Metal element birth at Si-Fire
04:05peak at You-Metal, and goes into the grave at the Chou-Earth.
04:09Making Si-You-Chou three combos into the metal.
04:13Once the formation of three combos is completed
04:16It will then transformed into another element or energy.
04:19For instance,
04:19Si-You-Chou three combos
04:21consist of Si-Fire, You-Metal, and Chou-Earth.
04:25When three of them are formed
04:26The energy will transform into metal energy.
04:29Or you could read it as the super metal element.
04:32Let say you see Hai-Mao-Wei are moving on the hexagram
04:37and now you already understand that
04:38Hai-Mao-Wei three-combos will turn into Mao-Wood
04:42The universe wanted to let you know that
04:44the Mao-Wood element is very, very strong
04:46Let's put it into the hexagram
04:48Say if you see a hexagram like this
04:51you see moving line one and moving line three
04:53appear to have the earthly branches of Hai-Mao-Wei together.
04:57If you ask for investment
04:59You straight away read it as
05:00this investment will make a bloody good income
05:03If you watch my videos regarding the six-kins explanation over here
05:07you understand that "parent-line" is bad
05:09when you ask about investment.
05:11But during three combos
05:12You can ignore this moving line of "parent"
05:15Simply the energy of "parent-line" has already turned into Mao-Wood
05:19and Mao-Wood is the "wealth-line"
05:21There are few rules to formed the three-combos
05:24Let's say if you see something like this,
05:26You have Wu-Fire here and Xu-Earth here.
05:29You already understand Yin-Wu-Xu is the three-combos
05:33From this hexagram
05:35we left Yin-Wood to complete the formation
05:38So can we have half three-combos?
05:40This is a hot question
05:42especially someone who did learn BaZi before
05:44in BaZi
05:46we have half-three-combos
05:48But not in King Wen Oracle
05:49I know some people,
05:50or teachers are using half-three-combos in King Wen Oracle
05:53For me,
05:54I don't think that are hundred percent true
05:56if you did follow many of my previous works,
05:59I am sure that you are always see something
06:01I am saying about the principle of indicating a hexagram
06:05you have to understand
06:06how is the way that a hexagram is going to be present.
06:09if you use half-three-combos in King Wen Oracle
06:12do you realise that the chances of
06:14presenting a formation of half-three-combos are very, very high?
06:18How do you wanted to explain it
06:20when you keep meeting up the half-three-combos?
06:23If you make the explanation for the sake of just read it,
06:27then this is where the detail or the inaccurate part come from.
06:31If you ask this question to many King Wen Oracle master
06:34Even the one that has been teaching in 20 years or 30 years
06:37Very rare you could get the answer to solve this contradiction.
06:41In the end,
06:42you will again be getting this kind of answer
06:44King Wen Oracle is not meant to be very accurate
06:48it is a tool only for reference.
06:50This is really a bullshit.
06:55there is in fact some rules to complete a half-three-combo.
06:59Let me reveal another technique again
07:01Half-three-combos only suitable to apply in King Wen Oracle
07:05in some very rare case.
07:07But you could apply it in the numeric hexagram method
07:10or the rice-grain method
07:12If you are not sure what is this
07:13make sure you watch this video and this video
07:16to understand what am I explaining here
07:18And I need to remind you of one important thing here
07:21Even you apply it in the correct casting method
07:24It still has some inner rules
07:26to let the half-three-combo turns into a complete three-combos.
07:30Let me reveal a little bit for you here
07:32we may borrow the energy from the day and moon
07:36reading to the wrong message from the three-combos
07:39will make the prediction upside down entirely.
07:42so make sure you really understand how to use it.
07:45if you really familiar with the five elements
07:47or you have been learning BaZi before.
07:50Maybe you have found out one question
07:52Why am I just explaining the three-combos only on the Wood element
07:57the fire element,
07:58the metal element and the water element.
08:01I did not explain anything about the three-combos of Earth element
08:05again to explain this.
08:07I need you to make things clear.
08:09King Wen Oracle and BaZi are related
08:12but both are two individual system
08:14to refresh you again here.
08:16Water element birth at Shen-Metal.
08:19Wood element birth at Hai-Water.
08:22Fire element birth at Yin-Wood
08:24and Metal element birth at Si-Fire
08:27If you are kind of observer,
08:29you already see that seems like the birth phase is always at the corner
08:34This four corner has a name.
08:36we call it the Four Travelling-Horse position
08:39in Chinese. It is yì mǎ (驛馬)
08:41so now,
08:42where shall we place the earth element into the corners?
08:45Since four corners already occupied
08:48When came into this stage,
08:50many people will start to implement the BaZi theory in it.
08:53Some may teach you to use the Earth together with the Fire,
08:58while some other may teach you to use the Earth with the Water element
09:03it means
09:03is either Earth element birth phase will be at the Shen-Metal
09:08or it will be at the Yin-Wood
09:10So if you learned both way
09:12it again making you much more confusing
09:14because you are not sure how to read
09:17when you see the Earth is in the Yin-Wood
09:19Shall you read it as a birth phase or you don't?
09:22in case you don't quite get me.
09:24Let me show you one example here.
09:26assuming you are asking about wealth
09:28in the hexagram,
09:29says Xu-Earth is the "wealth-line"
09:32then the water element will definitely be the "parent-line"
09:36If the hexagram appears to have a Shen-Zi-Chen three-combos
09:40Since Earth element and Water element
09:43can be sharing the same birth phase
09:45which is the Shen-Metal
09:47You will read it as Shen-Zi-Chen of wealth (Earth) formation?
09:51or Shen-Zi-Chen of parent (Zi) formation?
09:54Now you see the contradiction
09:57when you throw this question to many so-called masters
10:00that claim to have heaps of experiences
10:03you barely can getting a satisfying answer.
10:06I found that some smart people will explain like this.
10:09"Oh, I never use this system"
10:11"oh, I don't use them in my application"
10:14this kind of answer is very smart as to avoid students' question.
10:18If you ask them why they don't use it
10:21most of them can't provide you with a valid answer
10:24so you end up not explaining something that might be so important
10:28to interpret to your client
10:30because you have been learning in that way.
10:33Watch this video where I had touch a little bit on
10:35how important if you miss out some detail part of reading
10:39Drop out some theory on the application is easy
10:42but are they necessary to be drawn out.
10:44Will dropping out makes the framework much complete?
10:48Did you solve your clients' problem if you drop out?
10:51this is the true question that you need to ask yourself
10:54There is a lot more important concept
10:56regarding three-combos to be explained in my beginner class.
10:59for now you just need to have this concept is more than enough.
11:03If you happen to be not understanding at all,
11:06what am I explaining about the "sharing of birth phase"
11:09It is absolutely fine that you completely ignore them.
11:12Come back to this video when you practise more,
11:14Save this video to your watch list
11:17as I am sure that once day you will definitely facing this problem
11:21if you put King Wen Oracle into your daily practice
11:23Six combo implies that something has a bonding that cannot be broken,
11:29whereas three combos also having the similar definition.
11:32But it has a much stronger bonding
11:35it also has a meaning of much quicker and a lot more.
11:38So if a man asking about getting a marriage,
11:41You see three-combos of wife-line
11:43you may read it as he will be getting a lot of wives.
11:46let me show you how to memorise them with the palm mnemonic method
11:50as I have already explained earlier,
11:52three-combos will turns energy into the peak energy
11:55for instance,
11:56Hai-Mao-Wei will turn into Mao (Centre element)
11:59so the concentrated energy will be at the Mao location
12:03Then revert 4 steps back to the corner
12:06This is the location of Birth phase
12:08And you can see it is Hai (Water)
12:10Again from the centre, you go forward 4 steps
12:13it is the grave phase.
12:15Here you see Wei-Earth location
12:17So this is Hai-Mao-Wei
12:19remember one-five-nine is the three combo sequence
12:23So 1 (Hai), 5 (Mao), and 9 (Wei).
12:26The others following the same rules.
12:28So this is a very basic introductory of three combos.
12:31If any of my explaining,
12:33of this video not making you understand what it is
12:36please comment down below
12:38and I will try my best to explain it more laymen to you.
12:42If it involves something long explanation,
12:45you might need to send me an email.
12:47But if it is only answerable in my beginner lesson
12:49then you need to join my class.
12:51If you learn something today,
12:52give me a thumbs up and remember to share out my video
12:55Sharing makes more people learning and leads to discussion
12:59A good discussion will level up your skill
13:02I think I've talked too much other than the three combos.
13:06Hopefully you grab the important concept of learning into any skills
13:09I will see you in the next video.
