I Ching Line Reading S.O.P | Matter Element | EP15 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

  • 4 years ago
What is actually six-kins related to? How do you start the line reading? Where shall you start first and where shall it be scaled up your explanation? When you ask about something for your father, which line is indicating your father? When you ask about income, which line tells you about income? And how do you read the interaction of line from there?

You need to understand what is matter-element before you go further into reading a line. A miss is as good as a mile, once you employing the wrong matter element. Everything in the prediction will become useless.

This video expands a little bit of useful-spirits concept from the previous episode. Watch both episodes to make your own more clear about the application of six-kins and matter-element.


→ Six-Kins implication & matter-element
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