How to Power Up I Ching - Plot King Wen Chart | EP10 King Wen Lesson | Wen Wang Gua | AK Guru

  • 4 years ago
What is actually the difference between ordinary I Ching and King Wen Oracle? Both are using hexagrams with moving lines to explain the future. This is what will be revealed in this video series.

Before you make I Ching like a Batman. First, you need to know how is the batsuit looks like (understand how is the plotter of I Ching King Wen Oracle). and perhaps make the batsuit yourself. (Plot the entire I Ching King Wen Oracle system manually).

In the King Wen Oracle system, you need to understand these following 6 steps. This video content is intended to explain how to plot the chart manually, which this resource is not as abundant as comparing with Chinese language video. I will include a timestamp next to each step so that you could jump to the particular sub-topic. However, you will never understand how to plot the chart at all if you skip any of the single steps.

Step 1. 6:00 Find out the self and object line.
Step 2. 6:23 Find out which palaces the first hexagram belongs to
Step 3. 7:00 Find out the earthly branches
BONUS 8:21 Palm Mnemonic - Make yourself like a pro.

Step 4. 12:18 Find out the six-kins.
Step 5. Find out the six-guardians.
Step 6. Day void

Step 5 and 6 will continue in the next coming up video

Once this is done. Bruce Wayne (Ordinary I Ching) is the Batman (King Wen Oracle) that ready to fight for the city.

If possible, always use computer-generated hexagram plotter. Even professional diviners will be drawing the hexagram wrongly. However, getting yourself to understanding how to generate the hexagram will help in advance level. Basically, you can explain any question on this earth if you are really good at "setting" to the hexagram. But a good setting will need to understand how to generates the hexagram manually.

This video will also explain how to use palm mnemonic to help you in the hexagram generating. With the palm mnemonic, you could be more professional look when consulting to the querent.


→ Steps to plot King Wen Oracle Manually (INCLUDING BONUS - PALM MNEMONIC)
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