Q5 Can You Get Me Photos After You Install My Duct System

  • 5 years ago
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00:00 [Music]
00:09 the fifth question that we get asked all
00:11 the time is can you give me photos after
00:14 the duck system is installed and by all
00:16 means yes we don't expect you to crawl
00:19 underneath the house or crawl up into
00:20 the Attic and and look at what we did
00:22 we're gonna take videos we're gonna take
00:24 pictures we can email them to you we can
00:27 text them to you add them to your file
00:28 on our computer system and they're
00:30 always there for you to look at because
00:32 you have access to it as well
00:33 it's really important that you see that
00:36 before and the after because the duck
00:38 works not something that you look at all
00:39 the time like a like a picture on the
00:41 wall right you walk past it every day
00:42 you know what it looks like you know if
00:44 it's crooked you know if it's got dust
00:46 on the top the duct system is pretty
00:48 much out of sight out of mind you don't
00:49 think about it until something comes
00:51 disconnected or a rodent gets inside
00:53 there then you start thinking about it
00:55 so yes please get pictures before so you
00:58 know what you're doing get pictures
00:59 after so that you know what you got so
01:02 it's really important and yes of course
01:03 we do all of that
01:04 [Music]
