Q1 Why Do I Need Maintenance

  • 5 years ago
http://bit.ly/Maintenance-Questions To learn the 10 questions you should be asking click the link to access all the videos.
00:00 [Music]
00:08 first question that we get frequently
00:11 asked is why do I need maintenance the
00:14 system works just fine and the answer is
00:18 kind of in the statement on that one the
00:19 system works just fine right now so
00:22 let's think about a car engine and an
00:23 oil change for a second if you don't
00:27 change the oil in the engine of your car
00:29 after it runs and runs and runs for so
00:31 many miles the oil starts to break down
00:33 and turn into a sludge that sludge then
00:36 gets into the internals clogs things up
00:38 damages things so you want to take the
00:41 family to Disneyland you hop in the car
00:44 you haven't changed the oil ever and you
00:46 start driving you get to the grapevine
00:48 you go to put your foot in it to get up
00:50 over the grapevine in the engine breaks
00:52 down leaves you stranded on the side of
00:54 the road taking the mechanic the
00:56 mechanic says hey you never changed the
00:59 oil it's full of sludge we got to do a
01:00 complete engine rebuild or quite
01:02 possibly replacement as the worst case
01:04 scenario the same thing happens with
01:07 heating and air conditioning you get
01:08 these high-efficiency units they produce
01:10 water the water grows different algie's
01:14 inside of it when it's sitting still and
01:16 we don't want to run those things
01:17 through the drainage system we don't
01:19 want to run them through the pressure
01:20 hoses so on and so forth so doing your
01:22 annual maintenance will not only keep
01:24 the assisting system running but it
01:26 won't leave you stranded on a hot day in
01:28 the middle of the summer when
01:29 everybody's over or even worse on a
01:31 really cold night when it gets below
01:33 freezing around here that's when you
01:35 wind up having the panic phone call my
01:37 system doesn't work we need heat we need
01:38 cool whatever it may be and all the good
01:41 companies are gonna wind up being booked
01:42 out and you know the the quick company
01:45 that can get out there immediately
01:46 probably isn't gonna do you the best
01:48 service that's why being proactive
01:49 getting your maintenance done is way
01:52 better than reactive waiting for it to
01:54 bring about fourth of July its 100-plus
01:57 degrees outside all the families over at
01:59 the house you turn on the air
02:01 conditioner you're trying to cool the
02:02 house the doors opening and closing
02:04 people are running around
02:05 and now you're barbecuing you're having
02:07 a great time and their conditioner
02:10 breaks now everybody's miserable because
02:12 not only is it hot outside it's hot
02:14 inside you're panicking you're calling
02:16 whatever HVAC company you can to get out
02:18 to try to fix it immediately and
02:20 realistically when that happens the good
02:22 HVAC companies are going to be booked u
