8. I want a bigger system

  • 5 years ago
http://bit.ly/HVAC-Questions - To learn the 10 questions you should be asking click the link to access all the videos.

00:08 this is the one that I love the most
00:11 being a technical minded person I get
00:14 this question usually from my more
00:16 mature audience
00:17 I want you to put a bigger system in so
00:20 we'll go to a 1,500 square foot house
00:22 and they'll say I want a big five ton
00:24 unit and usually I find that these are
00:26 my hot dog guys they took a Camaro that
00:28 had a six-cylinder in it and stuffed a
00:30 big ol v8 in it with a supercharger to
00:32 try to make it go faster
00:34 well in the world of cars it's it's
00:36 better to go faster than the more faster
00:38 the more fun essentially but when you're
00:40 heating and air conditioning the home
00:41 bigger is not better we actually have
00:44 certain rules and guidelines that we
00:46 need to follow to heat and cool the
00:47 house dumping a ton of heat into the
00:49 house is actually less efficient than
00:51 heating it slowly trying to remove the
00:54 heat from the house in a slower fashion
00:57 works better than just trying to dump a
00:58 bunch of air in the house without any
00:59 heat so it's very important that when
01:02 you get a new system that you don't go
01:04 bigger you want to get the proper size
01:06 that matches your heat load your duck
01:08 calculations and something that's going
01:10 to be energy efficient for you bigger is
01:12 not always better in the HVAC world
