• 7 years ago
Here’s a quick rant for y’all about what really brings long lasting happiness, from my experience. It’s not money and fancy things (although a Lotus helps, a little). But seriously, from my experience, it’s the the adventures you have along the way that brings the most enjoyment and fulfillment in life. It’s the doing and not the receiving. It’s the memories and experiences and not the things. This is how to be happy.

Buying things is cool, and it’s nice - but it’s just a quick “fix” rather than a lasting solution. Inevitably, we all build up a tolerance to things and outer stimuli that creates our new baseline of what we need to be happy again. Much like a drug, we continue needing more to get the same level of excitement as we once did. Understanding this helps put things into perspective that there will never be enough, there will always be more, and chasing the dragon won’t lead to future happiness. With this in mind, enjoy the moment - be grateful - and have fun with the process.



