My advice- How to become successful in life and business

  • 5 years ago
The most common question I'm asked on Instagram, and Snapchat..."what advice do you have for me? What tips can you give me? What suggestions can you give me?” It’s so generic that I have a hard time answering them because, I mean, how am I actually supposed to answer that? To any of you watching this who have asked me this - THANK YOU for asking, because you’ve inspired this video.

Because I hate clickbait bullshit, here are my suggestions:

1. Save as much money as you can. In my opinion, it doesn’t really matter how much you make, it’s how much you save and invest. The guy saving $50,000 per year on a $100,000 income can be much, much wealthier than the guy making $500,000 and spending $500,000. Don’t spend money on useless crap, either. Often it’s the small things that add up - those $8 beers, those $5 Starbucks drinks, the monthly porn subscriptions…it gets expensive ;) Live frugally, save while you can, and invest. It’ll put you in a very financially comfortable spot and when you hit a certain point, you’ll start doing things because YOU want to do them…not because you need the money.

2. When you’re first starting out in business, WORK WITH EVERYONE. You can’t afford to be selective or picky with your clients. Even the really bad, nasty clients are the best to work with in the beginning - this is the best training you’ll ever receive. You need to learn to deal with everyone. Patience is your friend.

3. Surround yourself with people who are better than you. During the day, I’m probably one of the least accomplished people I’m around. Seriously. I’m around people making MILLIONS of dollars per year…my clients are buying $2,000,000-$7,000,000 houses. You think I’m on their level? Hell nah…well, not yet ;) But seriously, compared to them I’m a chump. I learn from them, see what works, and incorporate that into my own style.

4. Don’t let people get to you, don’t let them discourage you. People will always want to give their thoughts, play victim, tell you how hard something is…usually it’s not coming from a healthy mindset. Realize this and move on.

5. Be open to criticism though. I REALLY value the people who give me honest advice, even if they dislike what I’m doing. I take it to heart and see if I can make changes to better myself and what I’m doing. Sometimes it’s a difference of personal preference and that’s totally cool, and sometimes it’s on me to make a change for the better. Sometimes you can learn a thing or two.

6. Trust yourself! Don’t second guess yourself. I do it too much…I’ve had things I’ve wanted to do, but haven’t, and later looked back and thought “I should’ve done that.” So if you have an intuition telling you something, DO IT. But if something sounds too good to be true, trust that instinct as well.
