Yoga Teacher How-to Video

  • 16 years ago
Bikram Yoga – There are easier ways to get flexible quickly. If you struggle with stiffness even after stretching and yoga classes, than you need to try some dietary and yoga pose practice changes. Click at the URL above to start my free, 7-day emails course now.
"A desire arises in the mind. It is satisfied immediately another comes. In the interval which separates two desires a perfect calm reigns in the mind. It is at this moment freed from all thought, love or hate."
(Swami Sivananda)

"Always do good to others. Be selfless. Mentally remove everything and be free. This is divine life. This is the direct way to Moksha or salvation."
(Swami Sivananda)

"Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves."
(Swami Sivananda)

"Crave for a thing, you will get it. Renounce the craving, the object will follow you by itself.
(Swami Sivananda)

"Desire is poverty. Desire is the greatest impurity of the mind. Desire is the motive force for action. Desire in the mind is the real impurity. Even a spark of desire is a very great evil."
(Swami Sivananda)

"Desire nothing, give up all desires and be happy."
(Swami Sivananda)

"Do not love leisure. Waste not a minute. Be bold. Realize the Truth, here and now!"
(Swami Sivananda)

"Forget like a child any injury done by somebody immediately. Never keep it in the heart. It kindles hatred."
(Swami Sivananda)

"Go beyond science, into the region of metaphysics. Real religion is beyond argument. It can only be lived both inwardly and outwardly."
(Swami Sivananda)

"God is all-full. He is self-contained. He is eternal satisfaction."
(Swami Sivananda)

