Hatha Yoga: Thailand Demonstration

  • 16 years ago
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"You know that our breathing is the inhaling and exhaling of air. The organ that serves for this is the lungs that lie round the heart, so that the air passing through them thereby envelops the heart. Thus breathing is a natural way to the heart. And so, having collected your mind within you, lead it into the channel of breathing through which air reaches the heart and, together with this inhaled air, force your mind to descend into the heart and to remain there."
(Nicephorus the Solitary)

"Mountain pose teaches us, literally, how to stand on our own two feet.... teaching us to root ourselves into the earth.... Our bodies become a connection between heaven and earth."
(Carol Krucoff)

"Warrior pose battles inner weakness and wins focus. You see that there is no war within you. You're on your own side, and you are your own strength."
(Terri Guillemets)

Learn Yoga Headstand

"If I'm losing balance in a pose, I stretch higher and God reaches down to steady me. It works every time, and not just in yoga."
(Terri Guillemets)

"By embracing your mother wound as your yoga, you transform what has been a hindrance in your life into a teacher of the heart."
(Phillip Moffitt)

"Yoga in Mayfair or Fifth Avenue, or in any other place which is on the telephone, is a spiritual fake."
(Carl Jung)

"For me, yoga is not just a workout - it's about working on yourself."
(Mary Glover)

Hatha Yoga

