Palestine: Stolen Lands... Stolen Lives !!!

  • 16 years ago
Warning: This video contains images that are not suitable for Children.
Viewing is recommended for ‘Mature Audiences’ only !

This video endeavours to highlight the far too many Israeli Atrocities against the People of Palestine… Atrocities which go far beyond mere Self-Defence.

I support Israel’s right to live in peace and harmony with her neighbours.
I cannot and will not support Israel’s massacring of the People of Palestine and Lebanon; the bulldozing of Palestinian homes; the stealing of Palestinian land; the possession of Nuclear Weapons; or the total ‘disrespect’ shown toward the People of Palestine, through acts such as spitting at them; calling them ‘whores’; or blocking their access to ‘God-Given Land’.

Yes… The People of Israel do have a right to ‘defend themselves’ !
They have a right to respond in equal proportion to acts of violence against them.
The simple fact is, that Israeli responses are totally disproportionate to threats against them, and they have clearly crossed the line from ‘Self-Defence’ to ‘Murder’ !

If we are to respect Israel’s right to self-defence… that same ‘respect’ must be afforded to the People of Palestine.

Peace for the People of Israel and Palestine is possible… but first, we need to tear down the ‘Barriers to Peace’ that have been built in the form of ‘Separation Walls and Barriers’… we need to ‘respect each other, and be tolerant of each other’s beliefs… we need to return lands to their rightful owners, and rebuild homes that have been destroyed. Whilst we can’t ‘bring back the dead’… we can, and we should, prevent further deaths !

I call on the International Community to take whatever action is deemed necessary to put an end to ‘the shameful treatment of fellow human beings’ wherever it occurs !!!
