A Mother's Love

  • 14 years ago
Trillions of dollars spent each year on Weapons of War... Yet we don't allow sufficient money to be spent feeding, clothing, housing or educating the beautiful children of the world...
How 'insane' we humans are !!!
If it isn't bad enough that our countries are spending enormous amounts of money on Weapons of War (supposedly in the pretense of protecting ourselves from perceived threats)... We are also selling Weapons of War to other countries... and in some situations, we are selling our Weapons to both sides of a Conflict !
And if that isn't bad enough... are countries are contributing to the starting of Conflicts in other parts of the world (particularly throughout Africa), merely to fill the pockets of War Mongering Profiteers !!!

We are all members of the one human family... Children of God (irrespective of what you view God to be !)... and it is well past time for us to put an end to the stupidity that is threatening the future of the world's children !