Peace... through Education !!!

  • 15 years ago
This video features the song 'The Answer Is' by Jeremy Threlfall, and goes a long way toward expressing my feelings toward what we need to do in order to achieve 'a peaceful future for our children'.

With all the 'turmoil' currently in the world, particularly in regard to the War on Terror, and the potential it has of becoming a conflict of international proportion... I believe it is important to focus our attention on the world's children, particularly from the perspective of 'education'... as it is 'children' who will hopefully be carrying 'the message of peace' to future generations.

Tolerance and Respect are the key to a peaceful future... and if we can teach the world's children to understand and appreciate the value of respecting each other for who and what they are... they will be able to achieve what we of the current and past generations have failed to achieve... a world where people of all walks of life are able to live their lives in peace and harmony, and where 'caring for each other' takes precedence over greed and selfishness !!!
