Approved | 1h 4min | Drama, Romance | 25 March 1936 (USA)
The daughter of rich socialites meets a French woman at a party. The woman reveals that the girl is adopted and that her birth mother was a murderer. Ashamed, the girl runs away from home and falls for the wrong man.
Director: Phil Rosen
Writers: Ursula Parrott, Paul Perez
Stars: Joan Marsh, Ray Walker, Hugh Marlowe
The daughter of rich socialites meets a French woman at a party. The woman reveals that the girl is adopted and that her birth mother was a murderer. Ashamed, the girl runs away from home and falls for the wrong man.
Director: Phil Rosen
Writers: Ursula Parrott, Paul Perez
Stars: Joan Marsh, Ray Walker, Hugh Marlowe
Short filmTranscript
00:07:11I'm sorry too, Dick.
00:07:13Because I am fond of you.
00:07:16You don't mind if I keep proposing once in a while, do you?
00:07:18Certainly not. As often as you like.
00:07:22Dick, let's dance. Come on.
00:07:30Hiya, Gary.
00:07:31Oh, Dame. Hurry up with that yarn of yours.
00:07:34What yarn?
00:07:35On the Allison reception, of course.
00:07:38You got it, didn't you?
00:07:39Oh, that. Oh, sure I got it.
00:07:41What there was of it.
00:07:43Say, why don't you give me some decent assignments?
00:07:45Let Sally here handle this type. You know perfectly well...
00:07:47Oh, I know, I know. You used to be a big shot war correspondent.
00:07:51Meanwhile, you confer a great favor on our paper
00:07:54by parking that globe-trotting carcass of yours,
00:07:57that yarn typewriter,
00:07:58and knocking out about three sticks on the Allison reception.
00:08:10That's quite all right, Miss Patrick.
00:08:24Go ahead. Use it.
00:08:39Say, you weren't at the reception. Where'd you get this list of guests?
00:08:41From the social register. Mostly guestbook, of course.
00:08:44Put two and two together and make 400, my pal.
00:08:46Sally, if you could only cook.
00:08:48How come you couldn't get in?
00:08:49Say, did you ever try to get past an English butler?
00:08:51A real English butler, I mean.
00:08:53I thought you had a way with women.
00:08:55Why didn't you try one of the maids?
00:08:58Why, darling, you know I never look at another woman but you.
00:09:04I tell you, you call me tomorrow if you feel like a game of golf.
00:09:07Great. You know, I've been so busy of late,
00:09:09I wouldn't know what a golf club looks like.
00:09:11Well, good night.
00:09:15Good night, Nick.
00:09:16Good night, Nick.
00:09:20Oh, it's been marvelous.
00:09:22Had a good time, dear?
00:09:23Oh, the grandest time of my life.
00:09:25I don't know how I'm going to thank you two, darling.
00:09:27I know an awfully nice present you could give me.
00:09:29What's that?
00:09:31You couldn't mean Dick.
00:09:49Is this the residence of Monsieur and Madame Allison?
00:09:53Yes, ma'am.
00:09:54But the party is over.
00:09:55All the guests have gone.
00:09:57A skeleton at a feast may arrive when he chooses.
00:10:01I beg your pardon, ma'am.
00:10:03Will you tell them that Madame Duval is here?
00:10:07From Saint-Lazare.
00:10:09Very good, ma'am.
00:10:18A Madame Duval to see you, ma'am.
00:10:22We don't know anyone of that name, do we, dear?
00:10:26The lady said she came from Saint-Lazare.
00:10:30Why, Dad.
00:10:33What is it?
00:10:34Oh, it's nothing.
00:10:35Nothing, dear.
00:10:37Good evening.
00:10:40You'll pardon my disturbing you at such a late hour, no?
00:10:44Of course.
00:10:47This is the daughter.
00:10:49You are very like your mother.
00:10:52Yes, very like her.
00:10:54Couldn't be better.
00:10:57Yes, very like her.
00:10:59Couldn't we perform this conference until some other time?
00:11:03She must know some time.
00:11:06I must know what?
00:11:08Simply this, my dear.
00:11:10If she must know, I'll be the one to tell her.
00:11:15Madge, my dear.
00:11:17Yes, Mother.
00:11:22That's just it.
00:11:25I'm not your mother.
00:11:29Not my mother.
00:11:32But I don't understand.
00:11:34It's true, Madge.
00:11:37You see, your mother and I share the same cell at Saint-Lazare.
00:11:43You knew, Madame, that Justine had died last year in prison.
00:11:47Yes, I know.
00:11:50She was your mother's sister.
00:11:53They adopted you when your mother was sentenced to life imprisonment.
00:11:58My mother?
00:12:00Life imprisonment?
00:12:02For complicity.
00:12:04How do you say?
00:12:07For accessory to the murder of her husband?
00:12:11You see, she was surprised by her husband.
00:12:14There were high words.
00:12:16The other man had an eye then.
00:12:20Oh, but I have the proof.
00:12:22You see, the adoption papers signed by this lady and gentleman.
00:12:27Some photographs, trinkets, and a ring.
00:12:38You needn't have been so brutal about it.
00:12:40Surely you might have spared a sensitive girl's feelings.
00:12:45When one has lived for 20 years in a steel cage,
00:12:50one forgets there are such things as feelings.
00:12:52No matter how much you suffered,
00:12:55was it necessary for you to come here
00:12:57and revenge yourself on an innocent girl who has never harmed you?
00:13:02Why, I do not understand.
00:13:04I came here as a friend.
00:13:05Do you see, I am a stranger without fans.
00:13:08You are the only people of whom I knew, to whom I could turn.
00:13:13Go on.
00:13:14Well, I said to myself,
00:13:18I shall go to those so very kind Alisons.
00:13:22If they cannot help me, I must earn my own living.
00:13:27I shall become a writer, I said to myself.
00:13:30Maybe some big newspaper might be interested in my,
00:13:33what do you say, reminiscences of Saint-Lazare.
00:13:38Of course, it makes me very sad
00:13:41when I remind myself of those unhappy years.
00:13:45To recall those faces, names and histories
00:13:49of those poor unfortunates whom I knew so well.
00:13:54Still, I said to myself,
00:13:57newspapers pay very well for such stories.
00:14:01One must live.
00:14:03Don't you think so?
00:14:16How much?
00:14:18Oh, you Americans are very understanding.
00:14:23You are very generous.
00:14:26Very, very kind.
00:14:28How much?
00:14:30Well, you see, your bags are so inquisitive
00:14:33when one presents a cheque.
00:14:35Perhaps cash would be better, no?
00:14:38As you wish.
00:14:41I will be at your office tomorrow morning.
00:14:44Well, bonsoir, madame, monsieur.
00:14:48Thank you very much.
00:14:50It's been a great pleasure.
00:14:52I'm sure.
00:15:15But darling, nothing's going to happen.
00:15:18No one will ever know.
00:15:20Everything's being taken care of by Rodney.
00:15:25If a skeleton can get out of a closet once,
00:15:28it can do it again.
00:15:30Well, at least we can keep the closet closed until...
00:15:33What I mean to say is, dear,
00:15:35after you're married,
00:15:37you'll be able to see your husband again.
00:15:41What I mean to say is, dear,
00:15:43after you're married,
00:15:45what people say isn't quite so important.
00:15:48You mean not tell Dick about what happened last night?
00:15:51Why, I...
00:15:53I couldn't marry him or anyone else with that hanging over my head.
00:15:56Could I?
00:15:59This sounds as though I were encouraging you to be deceitful.
00:16:03But you've everything to gain
00:16:05and nothing to lose by keeping quiet.
00:16:08It's you he loves.
00:16:10And he knows as Matt Allison.
00:16:13That's just why I couldn't play a shabby trick like that on him.
00:16:20Mr. Taylor is downstairs, miss.
00:16:22Tell him Miss Allison will be right down.
00:16:25But I don't want to see him.
00:16:27Now, do be sensible, Madge, dear.
00:16:29Don't you understand?
00:16:31What happened in the past to my sister
00:16:33needn't affect you and Dick.
00:16:35All right.
00:16:43Sorry to have kept you waiting.
00:16:45Oh, you've been doing that for years.
00:16:47Say, Madge, you know they won't let you in on the greens and those high heels.
00:16:51I'm not going.
00:16:52But darling, last night you said...
00:16:54I know, but I've gone off my game.
00:16:58How about some tennis, then?
00:17:00No, I... I don't feel very well, Dick.
00:17:03As a matter of fact, you don't look very well.
00:17:07Sort of.
00:17:08I've got it.
00:17:09How about a nice restful weekend aboard the yacht?
00:17:11It's evening, it's head off, doing nothing.
00:17:13We'll take your mother with us.
00:17:14My mother?
00:17:17No, it's impossible, Dick.
00:17:19What's got into you, Madge?
00:17:20You used to be keen on golf and tennis.
00:17:22I thought you liked yachting, too.
00:17:24Oh, I'd be such rotten company for anyone.
00:17:28Some other time, then.
00:17:29Rain check?
00:17:31We'll see.
00:18:08Well, my dear, all I can say is if you don't approve of her going out so much and so late,
00:18:29why don't you speak to her about it?
00:18:30What can I say to her?
00:18:31After all, she's of age.
00:18:32We have a suggestion in a nice way that she bring her friends here, so that we can meet
00:18:38Oh, don't you see how difficult it is to say that?
00:18:40It sounds like a parent who insists on first-passing approval on her daughter's young man.
00:18:46And we've no longer that right.
00:18:48Ordinarily, I shouldn't worry about Madge.
00:18:51But lately, she's been so, how shall I say it, so feverishly active that...
00:18:56It's almost funny.
00:18:57A month ago, we were worried because she was despondent and didn't go out enough.
00:19:01Now we're worried because she goes out too much.
00:19:04Personally, I'd rather she stay to recluse than getting about the way she's been doing.
00:19:21There it is.
00:19:26Not good, but loud.
00:19:27Mustn't jeer at Greenwich Village talent, darling.
00:19:29They're very sensitive.
00:19:32Not a scoff and a call.
00:19:41Don't mention Mendelssohn to me.
00:19:43He stole my friend.
00:19:45Where does she get off?
00:19:46She's got an old passion.
00:19:47But she doesn't know the first thing about the industry.
00:19:50The trouble with him is, when he paints a tree, it looks like a tree.
00:19:54Well, it must be my picture.
00:19:56So I went.
00:19:57How did I know that it was a picture?
00:20:00Well, here's to you.
00:20:01Well, here's to you.
00:20:09What is it? Liquid razor blade?
00:20:11It's called Oongape.
00:20:12I got the recipe from a Malay pirate.
00:20:14Well, for the love of Mike, give it back to him.
00:20:17You never told me you'd been in the Malay and Archipelago, Gary.
00:20:20Fire, kid.
00:20:23I'll tell you, it's like this.
00:20:24When I'm with you, darling, I can't even say Archipelago.
00:20:27Hello, Brenda.
00:20:28How's everything on Park Avenue?
00:20:30Oh, swell.
00:20:31I brought some of the presents.
00:20:36Mr. Danes.
00:20:44Welcome to our slum.
00:20:46What a very nice slum.
00:20:51Cheap little gadget, that.
00:20:53What is it, this African 1936?
00:20:57That's an African witch doctor's headdress.
00:20:59Quite a story attached to it.
00:21:01It may sound silly,
00:21:02but I wore that thing escaping from a Swahili stocking.
00:21:05Good headdress.
00:21:06No, good disguise.
00:21:10You should tell me more about yourself.
00:21:11You sound marvelous.
00:21:12What do you mean, sound marvelous?
00:21:13I am marvelous.
00:21:18Miss, uh...
00:21:19I don't think I caught you in there.
00:21:22But I thought you knew me.
00:21:23You told our butler you did.
00:21:26Say, you're not mad, Allison, are you?
00:21:28Don't you remember?
00:21:29You had an appointment with me.
00:21:31By the way, whatever happened to you?
00:21:33Oh, we won't go into that.
00:21:36I'll say this much.
00:21:37I'm a better host than you are.
00:21:38When I go to a party at your house, you have me...
00:21:40That's probably because you tried to crash my party,
00:21:43and I was invited to yours.
00:21:45Maybe it's on account of I can't afford to hire
00:21:47an imported flunky to slam the door in your face.
00:21:51Let me see.
00:21:52I think a face like yours would take about a number 7 door.
00:21:56Or maybe even a 6A.
00:21:59Next time, I'll be sure to let you in.
00:22:02That is, if you still want to come in.
00:22:05What do you mean, if?
00:22:06I'll be there tomorrow.
00:22:29Where should we go?
00:22:30Why go anywhere?
00:22:31You have plenty of scenery for me, baby.
00:22:41You work fast, don't you?
00:22:43Well, if I didn't, somebody else might grab you off.
00:22:45I thought newspaper men asked questions.
00:22:48You seem to know all the answers.
00:22:50You seem to know all the answers.
00:22:52Maybe I'm a good reporter.
00:22:54And that's the trouble with being a good reporter.
00:22:56You can't give the girls a play.
00:22:58Tough on them, too.
00:23:01He should have only one love.
00:23:03His paper.
00:23:07Oh, I never said I was a good reporter.
00:23:10And I never said I wanted to be your second love.
00:23:13Or your first.
00:23:14Oh, well.
00:23:15In that case, I guess I just better be a good reporter.
00:23:18Seriously, what is a good reporter?
00:23:22A guy who can smell out a story and print it, regardless of everything.
00:23:29Well, nearly everything, yes.
00:23:31And nearly everything I've ever done has been routine.
00:23:33Exciting, dangerous, perhaps, but routine.
00:23:35You've done one thing I'll never be able to do.
00:23:37What's that?
00:23:38Eat with those.
00:23:39The Chinese say food tastes better this way.
00:23:41It's really very easy, look.
00:23:49Like this?
00:23:51Not quite.
00:23:53Here, let me show you.
00:24:02There you are.
00:24:08Never mind, I'll stick to my fork.
00:24:12And you'd better stick to your globetrotting.
00:24:14All right.
00:24:15Tell me, where else have you been?
00:24:17Oh, Ethiopia, the Rift Country, Vienna, during the riots.
00:24:21Siberia, Manchukuo.
00:24:23Every place I've wanted to go, everything I've wanted to do, but one.
00:24:27What's that?
00:24:28Hop a tramp and spend a year in the South Sea.
00:24:30Oh, not the tourist spots, but places like Bora Bora, Tonga, Rarotonga.
00:24:34Little coral islands that white men have never spoiled.
00:24:38Blue lagoons, gleaming white beaches, and cocoa palms waving lazily in the breeze.
00:24:44Oh, it sounds lovely.
00:24:46It is lovely, but you'd hate it.
00:24:49The grandest scenery in the world, but between stops, they're jouncing up and down,
00:24:53cooped up on an evil-smelling tramp.
00:24:55And as for the grub?
00:24:57Oh, it'll be fun.
00:25:17Well, it may be romantic, but it's no picnic for a woman,
00:25:20especially if she has Park Avenue in her blood.
00:25:22Oh, I'd love it.
00:25:23Yes, you would.
00:25:24Anybody else, maybe, but not the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Allison.
00:25:31What's the matter?
00:25:32Nothing, I'm going home. I'll drop you on the way.
00:25:39Hello, dear.
00:25:40Hello, there.
00:25:45You're just in time for tea.
00:25:47No, thanks. I don't care for any tea.
00:25:49Oh, what's the matter?
00:25:50Got off your feet?
00:25:52I do wish you wouldn't use those expressions, Rodney.
00:25:54After all, that isn't a horse.
00:25:58Mrs. Richard Taylor.
00:26:02May I?
00:26:03Of course. You are always welcome.
00:26:05You know that.
00:26:06Why, Dick, you haven't been here for ages.
00:26:09Well, not through one of trying, I assure you.
00:26:12I just dropped in to ask if you'd care to come to concert tonight.
00:26:15They're doing dealio.
00:26:17Oh, that's awfully sweet of you, Dick.
00:26:19I'm all in.
00:26:20I've been shopping all day.
00:26:25Bargain hunting?
00:26:28I've barely been off my feet since breakfast.
00:26:31Oh, I'm sorry.
00:26:32Some other time, perhaps.
00:26:34Well, I must be off.
00:26:36Dick, have some tea.
00:26:37Oh, I'm sorry I can't. I promised to drop Mother at the coffee.
00:26:40Well, I'll see you to the door.
00:26:42I've some work to do in the study.
00:26:48Madge, dear.
00:26:50I do wish you'd be a little nicer to Dick.
00:26:52After all, you've known each other for a good many years.
00:26:55I've known lots of people for a good many years.
00:26:58But that doesn't mean I have to go leaping out with them every time they ask me.
00:27:01Well, you go leaping out, as you put it, with a man you've barely met.
00:27:05A man about whom we know nothing.
00:27:08I know this much.
00:27:09He's got colour and glamour.
00:27:12He's been places.
00:27:13And he's done things.
00:27:16He's evidently done things to you.
00:27:18You sound as if you were in love with him.
00:27:20Suppose I am in love with him.
00:27:22Suppose I marry him.
00:27:24Suppose I don't.
00:27:25Madge, you mustn't say things like that.
00:27:27I'll say what I please.
00:27:29And I'll do what I please.
00:27:32What business is it of yours?
00:27:34You're not my mother.
00:27:37Oh, Madge.
00:27:42Oh, I'm sorry.
00:27:44Truly I am.
00:27:45I didn't mean it.
00:27:48It's all right, dear.
00:27:50I understand.
00:28:07I'm sorry.
00:28:28And you mean try to cut me off by saying that thing?
00:28:30Honey, I tell you I've been on an assignment all afternoon.
00:28:33I give you my word.
00:28:34Your word?
00:28:35What's the paper it's written on?
00:28:36What do you take me for, anyway?
00:28:38A very sweet kid.
00:28:39Honey, I'm crazy about you.
00:28:41I've heard that before.
00:28:43Well, I mean it.
00:28:45And someday, honey, I'll prove it.
00:28:47We'll hop a tramp and spend a year in the South Seas.
00:28:50Bora Bora, Tonga Baratonga, little coral islands.
00:28:54That white men have never spoiled.
00:28:56I've heard that before, too.
00:28:58If you think you can two-time me with that uptown Alice and Damien,
00:29:01you're mighty much mistaken, and don't forget it.
00:29:03But, honey, I never two-timed you in my life.
00:29:06You've been chasing her for weeks and giving me the runaround.
00:29:08I'm not an idiot.
00:29:09I'm a newspaper woman.
00:29:10And a very good one, too.
00:29:12Shut up.
00:29:13You've stepped on a line just once too often,
00:29:15and I'm not going to take it sitting down.
00:29:19Hey, wait a minute.
00:29:20What are you going to do?
00:29:21Sure, and if I knew, I wouldn't tell you.
00:29:24Hey, wait a minute.
00:29:25What are you going to do?
00:29:26Sure, and if I knew, I wouldn't tell you.
00:29:53Well, this is a surprise.
00:30:09Oh, Gary, I'm so miserable.
00:30:13What's the matter, honey?
00:30:14Don't talk.
00:30:15Just hold me tight.
00:30:17It's a pleasure.
00:30:24I'm sorry.
00:30:25Oh, don't stop on my account.
00:30:26It isn't very often I get a chance to hold a park athlete.
00:30:28Oh, don't you look that way.
00:30:31I'm not.
00:30:38What is it, Mads?
00:30:39Gary, do you love me?
00:30:40Why, of course I do, honey.
00:30:42The real me, I mean.
00:30:43Say, what is this, 20 questions?
00:30:45I'm not playing a game.
00:30:46I'm serious.
00:30:48I know a better game.
00:30:49One question.
00:30:50Will you marry me?
00:30:51I'm serious, too.
00:30:52Gary, there's something I must tell you.
00:30:54My father died in a French prison.
00:30:57I'm only the adopted daughter of the Ellisons.
00:30:59My real mother was convicted of murder.
00:31:01Now that I've told you that, do you still want to marry me?
00:31:04Why, yes, I think I do.
00:31:06In fact, I know I do.
00:31:07Oh, Gary, never let me go.
00:31:09Oh, you poor kid.
00:31:10Now, listen.
00:31:11I guess I'd better put my cards on the table, too.
00:31:13I warn you, I'm no bargain.
00:31:15I've knocked around a lot and done considerable chasing.
00:31:17Oh, let's not talk about the bargain.
00:31:19Oh, everybody knows what I've been.
00:31:20My past is no secret as yours is.
00:31:22Gary, I haven't told anyone about this but you.
00:31:25Not even Dick.
00:31:26Dick who?
00:31:27Dick Taylor, an old friend.
00:31:29The family would like me to marry him.
00:31:31Oh, but you're not having any.
00:31:33Is that it?
00:31:34Why, I am.
00:31:35What do you think?
00:31:39What do you think?
00:31:52Hi, Sally.
00:31:54Double whiskey for a single lady.
00:31:56Coming right up.
00:31:57How's the world been treating you?
00:31:58Rotten, thanks.
00:32:09I always thought Jenny Lynn was Swedish.
00:32:15That one can slap it up in any language.
00:32:17The only one she doesn't know is Finnish.
00:32:34Another hundred ring for my dear public.
00:32:38And then after that, I shall reward them with another sword.
00:32:43Don't you think they've had enough?
00:32:45Say, today is the farewell of Yvette Duval.
00:32:51Tonight, she sails for La Belle France.
00:33:01Hey, take it easy, sister.
00:33:03The bells don't go on trees.
00:33:05But they do, my friend.
00:33:07They do.
00:33:11Family tree.
00:33:15Oh, this is very funny.
00:33:17Oh, Monsieur Addison would enjoy that.
00:33:27Oh, I make such funny jokes.
00:33:32Another brandy.
00:33:34Napoleon brandy.
00:33:35I wouldn't, if I were you.
00:33:38Say, if I want your advice, I ask for it.
00:34:03Who's your friend?
00:34:05Search me, but boy, what a roll.
00:34:07You don't suppose she's over here to pay the war debts?
00:34:09Fat chance.
00:34:10A month ago, she was buying beer.
00:34:12And now, hundred dollar bills.
00:34:14She must know where the body's buried.
00:34:33Courier, give me the morgue.
00:34:40Eddie, Sally Patrick.
00:34:42See if you've got anything on a woman named Yvette Duval.
00:34:49I'll wait.
00:34:54Nothing, eh?
00:34:58Oh, no, no.
00:34:59Just a hunch.
00:35:09Come on, Billy.
00:35:21Come on, Billy.
00:35:22Up you get now.
00:35:23How can I get a light?
00:35:24Call a taxi somewhere.
00:35:25I'll get one.
00:35:26Do you know where she lives?
00:35:27I don't know.
00:35:28Hey, I'll take her with me.
00:35:30Come on.
00:35:31Say, why don't you dump her in the cab and just let her go?
00:35:33Would that role be yourself?
00:35:34You know what those taxi pirates are.
00:35:35Come on.
00:35:36All right, give me a hand here.
00:35:52Come on.
00:36:49Oh, it's you!
00:36:58What am I?
00:37:01Who are you?
00:37:02Don't you remember what happened?
00:37:03At the cocktail bar?
00:37:08Oh, another thing.
00:37:10This is my apartment.
00:37:12I brought you here when you got a bit merry.
00:37:14You know, talkative.
00:37:18Did I, say, talk too much?
00:37:21You were charming.
00:37:23Told us all about going back to France.
00:37:29My ticket!
00:37:30My bag!
00:37:32I've been robbed!
00:37:34Here you are.
00:37:36Safe and sound.
00:37:39You are very kind, mademoiselle.
00:37:42Skip it.
00:37:44I can help you a lot more, if you play ball with me.
00:37:48Play ball?
00:37:50Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, what is that?
00:37:54Just a good old American custom.
00:37:56You help me, and I'll help you.
00:38:01I want to know what you've got on the Allisons.
00:38:06The Allisons?
00:38:09I never heard of them.
00:38:11They are total strangers to me.
00:38:15Total strangers don't pay out
00:38:16thousands of dollars for nothing.
00:38:20Especially to ex-convicts.
00:38:24Why, I don't know what you are talking about.
00:38:28Oh, you don't, eh?
00:38:29No, I don't.
00:38:30I can tell you something else you don't know.
00:38:34Where your money is.
00:38:37My money?
00:38:41Where is my money?
00:38:43Now, don't get excited.
00:38:45It's quite safe.
00:38:46Well, give it to me.
00:38:48Just as soon as you give me the lowdown on the Allisons.
00:38:53I told you I don't know what you are talking about.
00:39:02Hey, where are you going?
00:39:05To the police, of course.
00:39:08I'm going with you.
00:39:11They'll make you give it back to me.
00:39:15Your word's as good as mine.
00:39:17Maybe better.
00:39:18I'm only an honest newspaper gal.
00:39:21You're an ex-convict on parole.
00:39:27You will tell them who I am?
00:39:32Come in.
00:39:37You will not reveal my identity
00:39:40to anyone?
00:39:42Of course not.
00:39:47And not to Vision Story until the boat she sails?
00:39:54Say, what do you take me for, a double-crosser?
00:39:57Oh, no.
00:39:58No, of course not.
00:40:03Now, come on with the story.
00:40:33Well, come on.
00:40:34Be a good fellow, will you?
00:40:36I would only want to ask her a few questions.
00:40:37Well, what a couple of pictures.
00:40:38We'll take some of you, too.
00:40:39Tell them I'm from the news.
00:40:40My editor said...
00:40:41Just a minute, please.
00:40:42Are all you gentlemen of the press?
00:40:44Of course we are.
00:40:46You're not what I'd call gentlemen.
00:40:51Come on, let's go.
00:40:56You're quite sure you haven't said anything to anybody?
00:40:59No, I haven't.
00:41:00Then how did it get in there?
00:41:02There's been a leak somewhere.
00:41:04You don't suppose that woman...
00:41:05She wouldn't dare.
00:41:07Good morning.
00:41:09Breakfast ready?
00:41:13You haven't been talking to any of our friends, have you, about that Duval woman's visit?
00:41:18Why, uh...
00:41:20Of course not. Why?
00:41:34Come in.
00:41:39Oh, good morning.
00:41:41Good morning.
00:41:46It's a nice story, kid.
00:41:48Thanks, glad you like it.
00:41:49You know what else I'd like?
00:41:51What's that?
00:41:52To give you a good swift punch in the nose.
00:41:55Oh, I wouldn't do that.
00:41:57I need it to smell our dirty linen.
00:41:59Exhibit A.
00:42:00You think you're funny, don't you?
00:42:02Well, it's not so funny taking a decent girl's name and kicking it around in the gutter.
00:42:05Listen, Luno, you've two-timed me once too often.
00:42:08I said I'd get even.
00:42:09Well, I have.
00:42:10Well, you don't think you've queered me with Madge, do you?
00:42:12Why, all I've got to do is call her up and square myself.
00:42:14Like that.
00:42:15There's the phone. Use it.
00:42:16I wouldn't even talk to a decent girl on that same phone that you've used.
00:42:20I'll use a payphone.
00:42:21You better save your nickel, Sonny.
00:42:23She's going to be after you for a long, long time.
00:42:35Mr. Taylor is calling, Miss.
00:42:38I don't want to see him.
00:42:41I don't want to see anybody.
00:42:44Tell him I'm out.
00:42:51Not to an old friend, surely.
00:42:58Evidently, you didn't see today's paper.
00:43:00That's why I'm here.
00:43:02The Dane person is calling again, Miss.
00:43:05Tell him I'm still out.
00:43:07Very well, Miss.
00:43:15Be out to everyone else, Madge, if you want to.
00:43:17But never be out to me.
00:43:20Even after what's happened?
00:43:22Nothing's happened.
00:43:23You're still the same, Madge, as far as I'm concerned.
00:43:26I'm afraid to trust anybody.
00:43:28Old Dick to think he'd do such a thing.
00:43:31Who do what?
00:43:32Gary Dane, the fellow who just phoned.
00:43:35He's a reporter.
00:43:37I told him all about me.
00:43:39You told a reporter?
00:43:43Because I loved him.
00:43:44Oh, I thought I did.
00:43:47I confided in him, and then he let me down like this.
00:43:51I don't care who let you down, as long as I'm here to catch you.
00:43:55Why can't people play on the square?
00:43:58Why aren't they on the level?
00:44:00Very few men are, Madge.
00:44:01Well, you are.
00:44:04Oh, Dick, what an idiot I've been.
00:44:06Believe me, I've learned a lesson.
00:44:08Never again, no more.
00:44:09No more, no more what?
00:44:11No more romantic Romeos.
00:44:13Give me a nice, substantial person.
00:44:16I don't care if he's homely.
00:44:18Wait a minute.
00:44:19If there's any proposing to be done, I'll do it.
00:44:21Of course, I may be a bit out of practice.
00:44:23It's been so long since I've asked you.
00:44:31Where we live?
00:44:32Well, let's see now.
00:44:34The firm's just finished a subway.
00:44:36Maybe they'd rent us one at the station.
00:44:38Oh, much too romantic.
00:44:39Well, how about a nice bridge?
00:44:42I know one that's got a self-contained tool shed
00:44:44and a grand view of the river.
00:44:47And I'll climb to the top, and I'll shout to the world
00:44:49that I'm Mrs. Richard G. Taylor III.
00:44:52You stay in your tool shed.
00:44:53I'll do the shouting for both of us.
00:45:01And you know what I'm going to do tomorrow morning?
00:45:03No, what?
00:45:04I'm going to take you down to the fanciest jewelers in town
00:45:06and buy you the fanciest engagement ring you've ever worn.
00:45:09Oh, that's easy.
00:45:10It'll be the first one I've ever worn or ever will wear.
00:45:13And you know what I'm going to do now?
00:45:15I'm going straight home.
00:45:17And I'm going to tell Mother I'm engaged
00:45:19to the swellest, prettiest, loveliest, finest kid I know.
00:45:24I've wanted to marry her for years.
00:45:27And now I'm going to do it.
00:45:29I've already phoned the mountains evening papers.
00:45:32In that case, there's nothing left for me to say
00:45:34except I wish you luck.
00:45:36Now you're talking.
00:45:38As a matter of fact, I was a bit doubtful how you'd take
00:45:40the good news after, well, you know what I mean.
00:45:44How else would you expect your mother to act
00:45:46when her son tells her he's going to marry a girl like you?
00:45:50After all, it's your happiness that counts.
00:45:53My son's happiness and my son's future.
00:45:57That's all I'm concerned with.
00:46:01If you go through with this marriage, my dear,
00:46:03you'll be making things difficult.
00:46:06Making things difficult?
00:46:08But I, I don't understand.
00:46:10My husband left his entire fortune to me.
00:46:13Now you couldn't expect me to leave it to my son
00:46:15if he marries against my wishes, now could you?
00:46:18But I'm not marrying Dick for his money.
00:46:21I'm marrying him because I think he's the finest person
00:46:23I've ever known.
00:46:26I love your son, Mrs. Taylor.
00:46:28And I'll do anything to make him happy.
00:46:31Or to help.
00:46:32Have you thought of his career?
00:46:33What would happen to it?
00:46:34Married to the daughter of a, of Justina Lamont?
00:46:38His friends snubbing him?
00:46:39His professional associates sneering at him behind his back?
00:46:42Losing contract after contract
00:46:44because every decent home and club in town would be closed to him?
00:46:48Is that how you'd help him with his career?
00:46:50But I...
00:46:51A moment ago you said you'd do anything to help him,
00:46:53to make him happy.
00:46:55Why, yes, I, I did.
00:46:57Very well, then.
00:46:59Give him up.
00:47:03And if I don't, then what?
00:47:07Well, you wish you had.
00:47:11Both of you.
00:47:13That's all.
00:47:43What are you doing here?
00:48:10I've been trying to get you on the phone all day.
00:48:12I wanted you to know that I didn't spill that story.
00:48:15One of the bunch at the office stumbled on the yarn.
00:48:17I didn't know a thing about it, Madge, and that's the honest truth.
00:48:19I sort of figured I was in the doghouse,
00:48:21judging by the way you were ducking my phone calls.
00:48:24I'm sorry.
00:48:26I see by tonight's papers you're engaged to the old sweetheart.
00:48:31Well, good luck and all that sort of thing.
00:48:34Thanks, Gary.
00:48:36Well, that's all, I guess.
00:48:38I just didn't want you to think ill of me after I'd gone.
00:48:43Boy, am I smart.
00:48:44I promoted a job writing publicity for a line of freighters.
00:48:47You know, cabin boats, only three or four passengers.
00:48:50Oh, you're going, then.
00:48:52And what a trip.
00:48:53Free passage.
00:48:54Tahiti, Bali, French Indochina.
00:48:57Every place I've ever wanted to see.
00:48:59And they don't know it yet.
00:49:00But if I find someplace I like, little Gary's gonna jump ship.
00:49:03Let him whistle for their publicity.
00:49:05I'm gonna find me a coral island with swaying palm trees
00:49:09and just lie there and dream, a million miles from anywhere.
00:49:12No worries, no cares, no fears of the past, present, or future.
00:49:16When are you leaving?
00:49:17Tomorrow noon, on the tram to Beeston Star.
00:49:21Too bad you're not going with me.
00:49:25Perhaps I will go.
00:49:29It doesn't particularly matter where I go or what I do.
00:49:33Yeah, but what about Dick, Dick what's-his-name, Dick Taylor?
00:49:36I'd rather not talk about it.
00:49:39I get it, you couldn't love a guy like that.
00:49:43It happens that I do love him, only I'd rather not go into it.
00:49:48Well, it's okay with me, baby.
00:49:49If you want to go to the devil, you couldn't go in better company.
00:49:52Where do we leave from?
00:49:54Pier 10, at noon.
00:49:55It's a date.
00:49:57I'll be seeing you.
00:50:19Mr. Taylor is downstairs, miss.
00:50:25Tell him I'll be right down.
00:50:27Thank goodness.
00:50:47Hello, darling.
00:50:49Not ready yet?
00:50:50I thought you'd be up at the crack of dawn to help me select the ring.
00:50:53I'm not going.
00:50:54Okay, then I'll go down and pick it out myself for you.
00:50:56Any preference?
00:50:57No, Dick.
00:50:58I'm not going to marry you.
00:51:00All right, then I'll marry you.
00:51:03I'm not joking.
00:51:04I'm not going through with it.
00:51:06But, darling...
00:51:09I'm sailing at noon for Tahiti with Gary Dane.
00:51:12What did you say?
00:51:14I said I'm sailing at noon for Tahiti with Gary Dane.
00:51:17Madge, you don't realize what you're saying.
00:51:19I realize perfectly well what I'm saying and doing.
00:51:22I'm in love with him, I always have been and I always will be.
00:51:25Yesterday you promised...
00:51:26Dick, I've never cared for you the way I have for Gary.
00:51:32I'm sorry.
00:51:34It's the way it is.
00:51:37And yet it's better to know before than after it's too late.
00:51:44Isn't it?
00:51:47You really mean to go away with him?
00:51:49And nothing I can say or do would stop you?
00:52:05I guess there's no point in my hanging around here.
00:52:11And good luck.
00:52:13Thank you, Dick.
00:53:19Good morning.
00:53:22Don't tell me you're going domestic all of a sudden.
00:53:25I always thought neatness was one of the first requisites of a husband.
00:53:28You, a husband?
00:53:31I wouldn't have you as a gift.
00:53:33Ah, but there's them as would me, proud beauty.
00:53:35Name one.
00:53:37Madge Allison.
00:53:41Oh, you thought you'd gum our little romance by running that yarn, huh?
00:53:44Well, sister, because that's all you can ever be to me now, you'll play right into my hands.
00:53:48Oh, but Gary, I...
00:53:50Gary, you thought you'd clear me with her or her with me.
00:53:53Well, you cleared her all right, but not with me, with that stuffed shirt Taylor.
00:53:56Taylor? Taylor who?
00:53:59Dick Taylor, her former boyfriend.
00:54:02Where are you going now?
00:54:04Oh, just on a little honeymoon to the South Seas for a year or so.
00:54:07Don't wait up for me.
00:54:10So long.
00:54:21Hello, girlie.
00:54:24Get me the Star Steamship Company.
00:54:27I want to speak to the passenger agent.
00:54:33Has a Mr. Gary Dane booked passage on the, uh, uh, uh, Eastern Star?
00:54:38Oh, a lady too.
00:54:41Oh, a lady too.
00:54:44Oh, a lady too.
00:54:48Oh, a lady too.
00:54:50How nice.
00:54:52Sailing at noon, eh?
00:54:57That's what he thinks.
00:55:17But, Mr. Taylor, the boat sails in less than an hour.
00:55:20But, Mr. Taylor, the boat sails in less than an hour.
00:55:23But, Mr. Taylor, the boat sails in less than an hour.
00:55:26I repeat, Miss Patrick, it's hardly my place to interfere
00:55:29if Miss Allison chooses to go abroad.
00:55:31But with a chiseler like Gary?
00:55:33Of all the low-down, double-crossing heels,
00:55:35he's the all-time all-American champ.
00:55:38Where do you suppose he got the money to pay for this trip?
00:55:41His salary and savings, I should imagine.
00:55:44His salary and savings, I should imagine.
00:55:47Savings? Him?
00:55:49He's blown every nickel he's ever made on liquor and women.
00:55:53I'll tell you where he got it.
00:55:55From me.
00:55:56That's where he got it.
00:55:58Well, I hardly think that's sufficient grounds for me to interfere with her marriage.
00:56:07You don't kid yourself he's going to marry her, do you?
00:56:10He's already got one wife.
00:56:13Yeah, and a kid too.
00:56:15Deserted them when he first came to New York.
00:56:18You wait here.
00:57:13You in a match, Allison?
00:57:23Why, yes.
00:57:24Captain got a message for you.
00:57:26Let me go tell him, huh?
00:57:27Oh, good bag in cabin?
00:57:29Yes, please.
00:57:39Uh, Miss Allison?
00:57:42What do you do, Captain?
00:57:43Could you tell me if a Mr. Dane has come aboard yet?
00:57:46Well, the young man just phoned to say that he'd be temporarily delayed.
00:57:49But supposing he isn't here by sailing time?
00:57:52Well, in that case, we'll just have to wait for him.
00:57:54Oh, that's awfully kind of you.
00:57:57Shucks, on an eight-month voyage, what's a couple of hours?
00:58:00It'll all be the same a hundred years from now.
00:58:03That's my motto.
00:58:05And now if you'll excuse me, Wong will show you to your cabin.
00:58:11Yes, sir?
00:58:11Take the lady to her cabin.
00:58:28Can't say as I set much store for that young man of yours,
00:58:31keeping a pretty girl like you waiting.
00:58:33The truth be told, I can't say as I set much store by myself.
00:58:37What's this?
00:58:38Panning your future husband already?
00:58:40My dick!
00:58:41I'll take those.
00:58:42Never try to do two things at once, that's my motto.
00:58:45But I... I don't understand.
00:58:48Well, you wanted romance, didn't you?
00:58:50And here I am as advertised.
00:58:52Come on, stop rubbering and stow it even in the gentleman's cabin.
00:58:55You'll see lots of that kissy-wissy business for the next eight months.
00:59:11What about Gary?
00:59:36Oh, yes.
00:59:37Yes, of course.
00:59:39Well, did you see he couldn't make it?
00:59:41He's kind of tied up.
00:59:57What's the idea?
00:59:58Trying out a straitjacket?
01:00:11Boy, when will I get my hands on that rat?
01:00:13Rats don't tie people up.
01:00:14They know I'm free.
01:00:15Don't you remember...
01:00:16I'm talking about Taylor.
01:00:17Richard G. Taylor III.
01:00:18Boy, what I won't do to him.
01:00:20Nobody can break into my room and trust me up.
01:00:22Of course not.
01:00:23It's all done with mirrors.
01:00:30Hello, operator?
01:00:44Oh, never mind.
01:00:49I see Mr. Taylor left his calling card.
01:00:51Polite young man, isn't he?
01:00:52He'll need that perverted sense of humor of his before I get through with him.
01:00:55I wish he'd play a few practical jokes on me at a thousand bucks a throw.
01:01:06Oh, that.
01:01:08That's to pay for the steamship ticket.
01:01:09I gave him mine.
01:01:11Steamship ticket?
01:01:13Oh, yes, of course.
01:01:15Your honeymoon.
01:01:17Where were you going?
01:01:18None of your business.
01:01:19How do you like that?
01:01:22Hey, wait a minute.
01:01:23That's mine.
01:01:24Arr, my pet.
01:01:25It's going into a joint bank account.
01:01:27And if you want your half, you'll have to marry me to get it.
01:01:31Say, have you gone nuts?
01:01:33Oh, I know you're a two-timing double saucer.
01:01:36But I love you just the same.
01:01:39So I guess it's the gypsum in me.
01:01:42Gypsy, not gypsum.
01:01:45A female gypsy.
01:01:47Some kind of sap.
01:01:51OK, have it your own way.
01:01:55I intend to.
01:02:11Lady O'Gram, for Mr. Richard Taylor, aye, aye, aye.
01:02:15Aye, aye, aye?
01:02:17It's say that, see?
01:02:18Richard Taylor, aye, aye, aye.
01:02:21Oh, well, that must be for me, then.
01:02:27It's for Mother.
01:02:29Your radiogram just received.
01:02:31Since you have persisted in defying your mother's wishes,
01:02:34you need not come back.
01:02:36She kept her word, didn't she?
01:02:38Kept her word?
01:02:39What do you mean?
01:02:40She said if I married you, she'd disinherit you.
01:02:46So that's why you put on that act about being in love with Gary.
01:02:50Oh, Dick, I should have made you go back.
01:02:53Now I've ruined your career.
01:02:54I wish you'd ruined it years ago when I first asked you to.
01:02:57I'm terribly sorry.
01:02:58Say, will you please wait until you've heard the rest of this?
01:03:03You need not come back until you've had a wonderful honeymoon.
01:03:06Love to you both.
01:03:09For as much as Richard and Madge have consented together in holy wedlock
01:03:15and have witnessed the same before God and this company
01:03:19and thereto have given and pledged their troth each to the other,
01:03:23I pronounce that they are man and wife.
01:03:28And that ought to hold you for a while.
01:03:30Leave that to me.
01:03:32Of course, it wasn't like one of those fancy Fifth Avenue weddings
01:03:35with flowers and everything
01:03:37and no one had ever mistaked them for bridesmaids.
01:03:41Hardly what I'd call a brilliant marriage.
01:03:44Don't you dare say it wasn't a brilliant marriage.
01:03:47It was the nicest wedding I've ever seen.
01:03:50You know why?
01:03:52Can't say as I do.
01:03:54Well, because it has romance.
01:04:00Come on out.
01:04:01We're going to work.
01:04:03Come on out.
01:04:04We're going to work.