• 5 years ago
Not Rated | 30min | Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, TV Series | Episode aired 10 March 1959

A young girl has a terrible vision of herself being killed by a chandelier falling on her from the ceiling of her home's ballroom. Growing up, she never sets foot in the room, but when her engagement is to be announced, both her father and fiancé insist that she set aside her foolishness for the party.

Director: John Newland

Writers: Paul David, Merwin Gerard, Lawrence B. Marcus

Stars: Pamela Lincoln, Paul Langton, Beverly Washburn
00:00The amazing drama you're about to see is a matter of human record.
00:07You may believe it or not.
00:10But the real people who lived this story, they believe it.
00:14They know.
00:16They took that one step beyond.
00:26Where's that petite?
00:27Oh, mon dieu, mon dieu, mon dieu.
00:29It is time for your ballet lesson.
00:30Come on.
00:31Beat, beat, beat, beat, beat.
00:32Where is that child?
00:33Oh, this is terrible.
00:34Look at your face.
00:35This is certainly not ladylike.
00:36Ivy has been looking for you.
00:37Annette is waiting for you.
00:51Oh, mon dieu.
00:52Annette is waiting for you.
00:53Mais qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?
00:54C'est terrible.
00:55On ne peut pas compter sur vous du tout.
00:59Lisa Garrick, age 11, reluctant ballerina.
01:05How nice to be 11 in the wonderful world of 1901, a world of peace and security and for
01:13little girls, fun.
01:15No reason for it to ever change.
01:19No reason that Lisa knew of.
01:22Un, deux, trois, quatre.
01:26Higher, Lisa, higher.
01:28That's better.
01:29Un, deux, your hands soft.
01:33That's it.
01:34Un, deux, trois, quatre.
01:39Un, deux, trois, quatre.
01:43Oh, oh, Mr. Garrick.
01:45Oh, I didn't mean to pry.
01:47I was only passing.
01:48That's all right, Abby.
01:49I don't blame you for watching.
01:51Oh, she's a picture.
01:53She's so lovely.
01:55I can close my eyes and almost see her mother.
01:58Yes, she has the same grace.
02:00The same love of life.
02:02Un, deux, trois, quatre.
02:06And stop.
02:08Now let's dance.
02:09Mademoiselle Guerreau, I'm tired.
02:11Can I rest for a minute?
02:13We just started.
02:14A ballet dancer tired?
02:15That is not possible.
02:17Come on, come on, come on.
02:21Oh, that was pretty good, wasn't it?
02:24Catching that leap that way.
02:25What do you think, Mademoiselle Guerreau?
02:27Would I make a good partner for this prima ballerina?
02:29Or do you think I'm starting a little late?
02:31Daddy, don't party with me.
02:33You can do it.
02:34Come on.
02:35Stop, stop, stop, Lisa.
02:36Your father is much too old for that kind of foolishness.
02:38Mademoiselle Guerreau is quite right.
02:40As a ballet dancer, I'm afraid I'm past my prime.
02:42Now you go right ahead with your lesson,
02:44and I'll watch from over here.
02:46Make sure the turns to your father.
02:48Annette, please, la grande valse brillante.
02:50Go to the center of the floor, please.
02:57Faster, faster.
03:00That's better.
03:02Faster, faster.
03:06Good, good, Lisa.
03:11Good, good, good.
03:12Bravo, ballerina, bravo.
03:14Oh, il était merveilleux, elle fait vraiment des coups.
03:17C'est pas vrai, n'est-ce pas?
03:18Stop now.
03:19That is enough.
03:20Très bien.
03:25Stop, Lisa.
03:26That is enough, I say.
03:31Stop, I say.
04:31Has she ever suffered from vertigo,
04:33dizzy spells, faintness, that sort of thing?
04:36Never, Dr. Parsons.
04:37She's always been a healthy child.
04:39She's never been sick.
04:40She doesn't seem to have struck her head when she fell,
04:43or sustained some kind of shock.
04:45Probably some infantile hysteria.
04:49But I tell you, Dr. Parsons, she isn't the sort of child...
04:57Lisa, darling, what is it?
04:59It fell.
05:00It fell on top of me.
05:02What did, young lady?
05:03The chandelier.
05:05It fell out of the ceiling on top of me.
05:08On top of me.
05:09Lisa, the chandelier didn't fall.
05:11It did, Daddy.
05:12It did.
05:13It fell on top of me.
05:15Honey, you just imagined it.
05:17Daddy, you've got to believe me.
05:20Please listen.
05:22It came out of the ceiling.
05:24Last year, the wood cracked all to pieces.
05:26Honey, I saw the chandelier only a few moments ago.
05:29It's right where it's always been.
05:31Daddy, I saw it.
05:33Please listen.
05:35It came out, and it smashed, and it jangled,
05:38and I was under it.
05:40Daddy, I was under it.
05:41All right, all right.
05:42Now, now, now, young lady,
05:44I think we've heard enough of that, don't you?
05:46You had a dizzy spell, and you've fainted.
05:48Now I want you to rest and sleep.
05:50And when you're all calmed down,
05:52you'll see that it was just your imagination.
05:55Here we are.
05:57It came out of the ceiling.
05:59Thank you, Abby.
06:00Last year, the wood cracked all to pieces.
06:02Honey, I saw it.
06:03I saw it.
06:05All right, honey, I believe you.
06:07Here, Lisa, let me see you take this.
06:09Now get up and get up your rest.
06:18Get some sleep now.
06:20You promise?
06:21I'll try, Daddy.
06:23Good girl.
06:30Give her another one tomorrow if she has trouble sleeping,
06:33but I don't believe she will.
06:35After a good night's rest, it'll be gone from her mind.
06:39Come on.
06:53I saw it.
06:55I saw it.
06:59Abby, I saw it.
07:08I saw it.
07:38I saw it.
08:03Oh, there, Mr. Garrick!
08:05Oh, darling, I didn't mean to frighten you.
08:07What are you doing up at this hour?
08:09I wanted to look.
08:10I just had to!
08:12I just had to!
08:14Lisa, darling, what's the matter?
08:16I looked in to see if she was sleeping, and I found her down here, sir.
08:19Oh, Daddy!
08:21Daddy, I had to see her!
08:22I just had to!
08:24Why, of course you did, darling.
08:27Now let's have a real look, shall we?
08:31Come along, Lisa.
08:40Nothing's going to happen, you see.
08:43No, Daddy, no!
08:45It wasn't you, it was me!
09:08I'm sorry.
09:15Eat a little breakfast, honey.
09:17You'll feel better.
09:19I'm not hungry.
09:21What is it, darling?
09:23Still upset about yesterday?
09:27You'll forget about it soon.
09:30No, I won't.
09:32You know how when you get dizzy, everything kind of spins around?
09:38Well, it looks like you got so dizzy doing those turns yesterday
09:42that things not only went around like this, but up and down, too.
09:47Only down.
09:49All right, only down.
09:52But it happens to everybody.
09:54It's just kind of a trick our imagination plays on us.
09:58Daddy, it wasn't my imagination.
10:00It was real.
10:04But how could it be?
10:06The chandelier's still there, isn't it?
10:09And you're here with me, aren't you?
10:11Yes, but it was real.
10:16Well, all right.
10:23That's better.
10:25I'm working home today,
10:27so maybe we can spend a couple of hours together this afternoon.
10:31How about it?
10:33I'd like that, Daddy.
10:36Come on, Abby, throw them to me.
10:38I'm sending them, Rod.
10:40It just doesn't go where it has a mind to.
10:43Oh, Abby, no, that's all wrong.
10:45You've got to throw it over him.
10:47Well, all right, I'll try.
11:09Lisa, did you find it?
11:14Lisa, what's taking you so long?
11:45Would you call Miss Lisa for me, please, Abby?
11:47To come in here, sir?
11:49Yes, please.
11:50Why, she won't come in this room, Mr. Garrick.
11:52You know that, sir.
11:53She hasn't been in this room in more than ten years.
11:55Abby, please.
11:56Call her.
11:58Well, what do you say, Ed?
12:00She's as sound as a dollar, Mr. Garrick.
12:03It would take an earthquake to move her.
12:05She's as strong as the day she was put in.
12:07If she'd moved at all, there would have been cracks in the plaster.
12:10And there isn't any.
12:11And there's no rust on the metalwork.
12:16She's as sound as a dollar, Mr. Garrick.
12:19You're absolutely sure?
12:20Yes, sir.
12:21There's a little trap in the ceiling that leads to where she's anchored.
12:24I inspected all the fittings, and there's no rust on the metalwork.
12:27She's as strong as the day she was put in.
12:30If she'd moved at all, there would have been cracks in the plaster.
12:33And there isn't any.
12:34I'd say it would take an earthquake to move her.
12:37All right, thank you, Ed.
12:39Do you want to see me, Daddy?
12:40Yes, Lisa.
12:41You remember Ed Matthews?
12:43Of course.
12:44How are you, Mr. Matthews?
12:45I'm fine, thank you.
12:47You look lovely every time I see you, Miss Garrick.
12:50Ed has gone all over the chandelier from top to bottom.
12:52Daddy, please.
12:53Oh, the chandelier was put up there to stay, Miss Garrick.
12:56It would take an earthquake to move it.
12:58Thank you very much.
12:59I'll talk to you later.
13:00Oh, sure, Mr. Garrick.
13:02Excuse me, Miss.
13:03You see, darling, you believe me now, don't you?
13:07If anything were wrong, Ed Matthews would have found it.
13:11Lisa, listen to me.
13:12You're not a child any longer.
13:13Daddy, please.
13:15Lisa, may I come in?
13:18Certainly, Daddy.
13:21George is downstairs.
13:24Golly, I'd better hurry.
13:26Where are you going?
13:27To the opera with Louise and Melissa.
13:31Why don't you all come back later?
13:33I've got to go.
13:34I've got to go.
13:35I've got to go.
13:36I've got to go.
13:37I've got to go.
13:38I've got to go.
13:39I've got to go.
13:40I've got to go.
13:41I've got to go.
13:42I've got to go.
13:43Why don't you all come back here afterwards for a late supper?
13:46I'm sure Abby and Mrs. Wilson would be happy to prepare something for you.
13:50Maybe we will.
13:51Could you fasten me, please?
13:54Oh, you look perfectly charming.
13:58Darling, I have a request to make of you.
14:02I'm not going to demand it because I respect your feelings.
14:05I know you do, Daddy.
14:06You always have, and I'm very grateful.
14:09I know for generations the women of my family have made their debuts in the ballroom.
14:14This is a special occasion.
14:16Not only your debut, but the announcement of your engagement as well.
14:21It just wouldn't seem right to have it any place else, would it?
14:23No, I suppose it wouldn't.
14:27I know it's childish, but I just can't help it.
14:30I can't.
14:31I just can't.
14:33It's still so vivid to me.
14:37Lisa, darling girl.
14:40Do you think for one moment I would contemplate the possibility of endangering the life of my child?
14:46Not to mention my guests.
14:48Of course I wouldn't.
14:50In the ten years since your experience,
14:54the chandelier hasn't budged in its moorings a fraction of an inch.
14:58If there was the slightest sign of weakness, Ed Matthews would have found it.
15:01Yes, I'm sure he would have.
15:04If he could see it.
15:06But how do we know?
15:08We don't, of course.
15:09We don't know where the horse will run away.
15:11We don't know where lightning will strike.
15:14We don't know what deadly germs are in the very air we breathe.
15:18But we can't very well organize our lives around such fears, can we?
15:26Darling, it means a great deal to me.
15:29Have you spoken to George about this?
15:36Belle, you don't have to give me your answer now, but...
15:40will you think about it?
15:43Yes, Daddy, I'll think about it.
15:47That's all I ask.
15:58I'll try.
16:00I promise.
16:02Good girl.
16:06Good girl.
16:32You're a rat, miss.
16:36I'm sorry, George.
16:40I have been for years.
16:44Daddy talked to me tonight about having the engagement party in there.
16:50What did you tell him?
16:52I told him I'd think about it.
16:56You think I'm being very foolish, don't you?
16:59I think you're beautiful.
17:04Just a little foolish.
17:07Well, maybe I am.
17:10I don't know.
17:14I really don't know.
17:27Are there any more potatoes?
17:29I'll see if I can find you some more, sir.
17:34Not again, Martha.
17:36Don't you realize there's a limit to the capacity of the human body?
17:39Yes, but that's exactly what I'm trying to find out, the limit.
17:42Now, don't sulk. This is in the nature of a scientific experiment.
17:45Well, at the rate you're going, your life will become a martyr to science.
17:49You are prepared, I assume, to die, if need be, for the service of your cause?
17:53Of course. And what a glorious death that would be.
17:56The victim of a final filet mignon.
17:58Or of an innocent but lethal brook trout.
18:01That's ridiculous, dying from overeating.
18:04I should think it would be very untidy.
18:06Oh, not a bit. At any rate, that's just the way I want to go.
18:09Indulging myself to the very last.
18:12How about you, Evan? Wouldn't you like to die like that?
18:14No, no, not me.
18:16I want to go in my sleep when I least expect it.
18:19And then all my relatives will be shocked,
18:21particularly when they read my will and find I died penniless.
18:25How about you, Melissa?
18:27Oh, I want to go in great style.
18:29Painlessly, of course.
18:31In a great silken bed, with all my grandchildren around me, weeping softly.
18:35Oh, I know. And with muted strings playing softly in the background.
18:39That's better than dying with your stomach full.
18:43How about you, Lisa?
18:47How would you like to die?
18:51I know how I'm going to die.
18:54How is she going to die?
18:56How in the world can she... How in the world can she...
19:01Lisa rightfully believes that at the appointed time,
19:03a special deputation of angels and archangels...
19:05Please, George.
19:07Well, don't you think that's just as likely to come from on high
19:10as something falling from a...
19:12Please, George, please.
19:26Well, did I say something wrong? I was only joking.
19:39Of course you were. There was no reason to take it so seriously.
19:42Why did you get so upset?
19:44It hasn't anything to do with us.
19:46Please believe me, it's something that...
19:49Well, it's hard to explain.
19:53I think... I'm sorry, but maybe we'd better leave.
19:57Lisa's, well, she's trying to work out a problem.
20:00You know, one of those things.
20:04If you think so, George, far be it from us to intrude.
20:08Well, anyway, it's getting late and Father will be furious
20:11if I don't come home soon.
20:13Thanks, Lisa.
20:16Tell Lisa I hope she feels better tomorrow.
20:18Oh, I'm sure she will. It's just...
20:20At least we could have finished eating.
20:22Really, Martin, you're always thinking about your stomach.
20:25Good night, George.
20:26Good night, George.
20:27Good night. I'll say your goodbyes to Lisa for you.
20:51I can't.
20:53Lisa, wait.
20:57I can't.
20:59Oh, darling, I tried.
21:01I tried for him.
21:03I tried.
21:05I can't.
21:07I can't.
21:09I can't.
21:11I can't.
21:13I can't.
21:15I can't.
21:17I can't.
21:19I tried for Father for you.
21:21I can't. I just can't.
21:23We're going to announce our engagement right here.
21:28And I'm going to dance a waltz with my own beloved Gerrick woman
21:30from one end of this room to the other.
21:32George, I beg you not to.
21:35Dance with me.
21:36No, George, no.
21:37Dance with me.
21:38Please, I beg you not to.
21:40Listen, Lisa.
21:42Was I in your vision?
21:44Did the chandelier fall on me too?
21:47As long as you're in my arms, it can't fall.
22:18Look up, Lisa.
22:19I can't. I can't.
22:21Look up.
22:23Look up, Lisa.
22:25Look up.
22:27Look up, Lisa.
22:33It cannot fall.
22:37It can't fall.
22:40It can't fall.
22:47It can't fall.
23:20That's Lisa.
23:22But it's no longer 1901.
23:25Now it's 1947, June 12th.
23:29And this wonderful party is for Lisa's granddaughter,
23:32who tonight is making her debut.
23:35So Lisa's premonition of disaster was all wrong.
24:03All wrong.
24:06As her namesake danced beneath it,
24:08the great chandelier fell,
24:11just as Lisa had seen it fall many years ago.
24:16The premonition came true two generations later.
24:22To whom it happened, we know.
24:24Where it happened, we know.
24:26How or why it happened.
24:31But I'm not quite ready to say goodnight.
24:38Reading from left to right,
24:40Jennifer, Rose, and Mary.
24:48But not nearly so innocent as they seem.
24:52Next week, they take over the life of a lonely little girl,
24:56with devastating results.
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