• 5 years ago
BalconyTV Cairns Sponsored By//

Venue// Stratford Bowls Club
Sponsor// Travel Beats At Elixir Bar
Partner// Entertainment Cairns
Partner// Nq Music Press

ELI performs the song "GIVE ME A SECOND" for BalconyTV.

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From an early age, Eli's fascination with words was evident, (he was an insatiable reader) and after first picking up a guitar at the age of 15, he knew instantly that he would play this instrument for as long as he had breath in his body. At this time, Eli was living in Julatten with his mother, after spending his earlier years moving and attending over a dozen different schools across the East Coast of Australia.

Living on acreage in the middle of nowhere twenty years ago could be pretty isolating, but was also a great chance to develop a pretty wild imagination and spend as many hours as possible learning his instrument.

Early interaction with people from all walks of life lent way for a broad and eclectic social education in music. These interactions encouraged Eli's obsession with his guitar and after writing his first song at 16 he began to fall in love with singing and more so, singing his stories.

Eli has performed in venues all over Australia and now, having come home to the Queensland tropics, hopes to release his first album this year. Spanning genres blues, funk, soul and roots he puts emotion into his fretboard and writes the stories of human connection, and maybe disconnection.



Presented by// Aleta Tulk
Sound & Video by// Kris Hutchinson

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