Angry Arab Lawmakers Erupt In Violence As Pence Drops TRUTH BOMB On Muslims Everywhere

  • 6 years ago
Vice President Mike Pence is currently in the midst of a historic visit to Israel in celebration of President Donald Trump’s decision last month to recognize Jerusalem as the Jewish nation’s capital. It was there that angry Arab lawmakers erupted in violence on Monday when Pence dropped a brutal truth bomb on Muslims everywhere.

On Monday, Mike Pence became the first sitting American vice president to address the Knesset in Israel. The highlight of his speech was the announcement that President Trump had put plans to move the US embassy to Jerusalem on a fast track. The embassy is now expected to be moved by 2019.

“Jerusalem is Israel’s capital — and, as such, President Trump has directed the State Department to begin initial preparations to move our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem,” Pence told the lawmakers, vowing that the “United States Embassy will open before the end of next year.”

The announcement that Trump was fast-tracking his plan to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem immediately angered Palestinians. Shortly after Pence began speaking, several Arab lawmakers erupted in protest, raising signs that read, “Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine,” and heckling the vice president. They had to be forcibly removed from the room.

Pence, who is always calm, cool, and collected, reacted with total grace, noting the “vibrant democracy” before him. Indeed, the vice president can always be counted on to respond to situations with class and dignity, no matter how tactless other parties may act.

The American vice-president, Mike Pence, said in a speech to the Israeli parliament that the US embassy in Israel would move to Jerusalem by the end of 2019. Pence’s speech was briefly disrupted by Israeli Arab parliament members who held up protest signs in Arabic and English, reading “Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine” before being ejected by ushers. Pence responded by saying with a smile: “It is deeply humbling for me to stand before this vibrant democracy.” [Source: The Guardian]

In an interview with the Associated Press following his speech, Pence said, “Our message to President (Mahmoud) Abbas and the Palestinian Authority is: The door’s open. The door’s open. President Trump is absolutely committed to doing everything the United States can to achieve a peace agreement that brings an end to decades of conflict.”

He added that the Trump administration was “exploring a range of options” regarding where to locate the embassy.

The embassy is to be opened in an existing U.S. facility that will be “retrofitted” to meet safety and security requirements, Undersecretary of State Steve Goldstein told reporters in Washington. He said Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had yet to sign off on the safety plan for the new facility but would do so in coming weeks.

The most likely location is in Jerusalem’s Arnona neighborhood, in a modern building that currently handles U.S. consular affairs like issuing passports, birth certificates and travel visas, said a U.S. official, who wasn’t authorized to discuss it publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity. The U.S. consul-general works out of another Jerusalem facility that handles political affairs and diplomatic functions.

The retrofitted building had been originally envisioned as an interim plan that would allow Trump to quickly fulfill his vow to move the embassy.

Yet it was unclear after Pence’s speech whether Trump still intended to break ground later on a new embassy elsewhere in Jerusalem or to use the retrofitted one permanently. [Source: WISHTV]

President Donald Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem has sent a strong message to the Middle East, and it’s one which was sorely needed after former President Barack Obama spent eight years corroding our relationship with Israel, our only true ally in that turbulent part of the world. The sooner our embassy is moved, the better.

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