• 6 years ago
The Democrats will do anything to protect their illegals. Apparently, they care more about criminals who break our laws, than Americans who suffer as a result. Shouldn’t that be the other way around? Why aren’t democrats defending the rights of the citizens they claim to represent?

Lawmakers should want legal immigration and crack down on those who break our laws. Instead, the desperate and pathetic democrats do everything in their power to protect criminal aliens.

Jeff Sessions has had enough. He is not backing down on his promise to end sanctuary cities. And those “sanctuaries” are about to pay.

From Political Insider:

President Donald Trump’s administration is not backing down against the unlawful actions of so-called sanctuary cities. On Wednesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions threatened to subpoena 23 sanctuary cities across the U.S. if they fail to provide documents showing whether local law enforcement officers are sharing information with federal immigration authorities…

Sessions adds, “Protecting criminal aliens from federal immigration authorities defies common sense and undermines the rule of law. We have seen too many examples of the threat to public safety represented by jurisdictions that actively thwart the federal government’s immigration enforcement—enough is enough.”

Unsurprisingly, mayors across the country responded to the news by throwing a fit, with several opting not to attend a previously scheduled meeting at the White House…

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio went a step further by flat-out calling the subpoena threat “racist.”

Wow, following the law is now racist. What else do you expect from a con-artist like de Blasio? He is like all the other liberals who run sanctuaries for criminals. They’d rather defend the rights of illegals than make sure their citizens are protected.

This is only because the left needs illegals in order to win elections. They’ve lost so much support among actual Americans, they need to import new voters. Democrats think by letting in millions of illegals, giving them government benefits, and promising “amnesty” that these people will vote for them.

There’s just one problem: it’s all illegal.

But since when has the law gotten in the way of what the left wants? They have had a history of breaking the law to push their agenda. Sanctuary cities are just a part of that storied tradition.

Now, finally, we have a DOJ that is cracking down. But make no mistake, it will be a battle. The left has been building up this strategy for years. They’re not going to give up without a fight.

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