• 7 years ago
Sex, Love, & Bodybuilding will premiere on FRIDAY, JAN 26 only on the Generation Iron Fitness Network.

Akim Williams and Margarita Ventura dissect sex, love, and relationships in the world of bodybuilding in new upcoming GI Original.

Bodybuilding is a lifestyle. This statement has been made time and time again. Bodybuilding is not a hobby. It's not just going to the gym every few days a week. It's a transformation of how to live your life. Being such - bodybuilding can also be a very consuming part of a person's life. Do you know what else is a time consuming part of a person's life? Relationships.

Any pro sport career can be time consuming and taxing to athletes in relationships and this is especially true of bodybuilding. You've probably heard the general statement claiming that it is near impossible to hold a relationship and also be a champion bodybuilder. Or maybe that it's impossible for a non fitness person to handle dating a bodybuilder. But is this true? That's where our new show comes in.

We are proud to announce Sex, Love, & Bodybuilding - a new Generation Iron original series starring Akim Williams and Margarita Ventura. Both being bodybuilding and fitness lifers - Akim and Margarita dig deep and dissect everything about sex, love, and relationships for fitness obsessives. Often touching upon the most taboo topics that are never discussed on the surface of bodybuilding. Case in point - in this sneak peek preview clip, Akim and Margarita recount the strangest sexual encounters they have ever seen in the gym.

Check out the preview clip above and stay tuned for the full episode this Friday!
