• 6 years ago
OMELETTE performs the song "BE KIND FOR REAL" for BalconyTV.
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“We are Omelette - Dez, Alin and Vali. We make great music and wonderful atmosphere. We only have 4 songs, but we already have 5 contracts for lots of money and candies. We sing and dance.”

Omelette is a Bucharest-based Synthpop Duo (Trio, if you count in Vali , in charge of visuals) and this is their first live performance!

“It’s one of those projects that pop up over night, without even noticing, and after two or three weeks they obsessively rape your ears or your personal playlist, and you start wondering ‘who the f**k are these guys anyway? How and when did they got here, in the first place?’. It’s one of those new-wave bands that gives you, as Romanian native, the hope in a brighter homeland musical future.” Cultartes Magazine

They have already released 4 songs, with official videos: “With a Rose, with a Fire”, “Hello”, “Be Kind For Real” and “Kissing” . We can’t wait to see where will they go from here!
On the balcony we've had Dez Chincișan and Alin Zăbrăuțeanu!

You can find out more about Omelette here:

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This summer, Omelette will be playing at Spellground Festival.

"Spellground is the newest festival in Romania. A land that comes to life this year for 72 unforgettable hours to mix the four main elements, Earth, Sun, Wind and Water with a 5th one: Your Good Vibe.
There will be live music, art performances, workshops, great food and lots of WOWs in front of the 3 Spellground concert stages: Main, Electro & Newcomers, all happening under the amazing view of Capidava. It's right on your way to the sea. And it's taking place on 12-14 August.

Find everything you need to know about Spellground here:


Călina Curticăpean - Producer & Host
Alex Purje - CoProducer & Director
Dan Damian - Sound Engineer / Mix&Master
Răzvan Leucea - Videographer
Lazăr Enescu - Photographer
Anastasia Dumitrescu - Photographer
Maria Predica - Assistant

Sound Equipment - Green Sound Team (https://facebook.com/GreenSoundTeam)
This episode was shot on top of "Media One" Building (http://www.mediaone.ro, http://www.facebook.com/mediaonesrl), with the help of the Creative Director Mihai Arghiropol.
Special Thanks to Aequilibrium Foundation (http://www.aeq.ro, https://www.facebook.com/fundatia.aequilibrium/)

" Media One este o agenție de publicitate full-service, cu peste 20 de ani de experiență activă în piaţa de publicitate din România, ce oferă servicii de comunicare integrată pentru proiecte vizionare.
Media One are o cultură dinamică și pozitivă, bazându-se pe o echipă de profesioniști inventivi, dedicați și cu simțul umorului. De-a lungul timpului, agenția a dezvoltat concepte şi campanii pentru numeroşi clienţi ce activează în domeniul public sau privat. De fiecare dată a încercat să dea un plus de valoare brandurilor pe care le-a promovat şi a reușit să construiască abordări proaspete, creative, strategice şi, mai ales, eficiente."

"Fundaţia Aequilibrium, înfiinţată în 2012, susţine iniţiative şi proiecte sociale, educaţionale şi de mediu, prin diverse programe şi prin acţiuni menite să contribuie la responsabilizarea societăţii româneşti în ansamblul ei. Încă de la început, Fundaţia Aequilibrium a fost implicată în activităţi educaţionale pentru tineri, de consiliere şi de formare profesională, colaborând permanent cu entităţi private sau publice, comunităţi locale şi regionale şi cu organizaţii nonguvernamentale."

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