• 6 years ago
RIOTMONK performs the song "FEEL THE SUN" for BalconyTV.
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RiotMonk - alternativ pe bune din 2014!

Ne-am format din dorinta de a ne exprima pasiunea pentru muzica si de a readuce in spotlight sound-ul rough al metalului alternativ intr-o lumina noua si fresh.

Influentele noastre se regasesc in genurile cu care am crescut, Metal, Grunge, Groove, pe care le-am prelucrat intr-un sound nou dar care isi pastreaza radacinile. Experienta muzicala a fiecarui membru in diferite trupe din trecut ne-a ajutat sa ne inchegam si ne-a determinat sa ne construim drumul comun - drumul RiotMonk.

In 2015 am sustinut numeroase concerte in cluburi din Baia Mare (Route66, Rock’n Road, Logout), Satu Mare (Lokomotiv), Oradea (Abyss), Cluj Napoca (Jaxx Pub, Flying Cyrcus Pub), dar si in Ungaria la Debrecen (Kaptar Club), am participat la concursuri (Jaxx Rock Battle – locul II, GBOB Romania – formatia cu cele mai multe premii obtinute in Romania), dar si pe scene mari ca si Plopstock Satu Mare, Dust Riders Moto Fest Satu Mare, Impreuna Rezistam Colectiv Baia Mare si Christmas Rock Satu Mare.

In Ianuarie 2016 am lansat primul Single care anticipeaza primul material discografic ce va fi lansat in primavara aceluiasi an. Mai multe detalii in curand!

In 12 Martie am lansat la Cluj-Napoca primul material discografic - 1EP.

Riot Monk - Alternative Stoner since 2014

We got together with one goal in mind: to express our passion for music and to bring back in the spotlight the rougher sound of alternative metal.

Our influences come from the music we grew up with, metal, grunge, groove. We reforged these sounds into something new but still remaining true to their roots. Each member having a roster of bands under their belts allowed us to choose a common path, knowing what we want to do, the path that is Riot Monk.

In Juanuary 2016 we released our first single, This Tune, that prepared the launch of our first EP. The EP was eventually launched in the Spring of 2016.

On the 12th of March we launched the said EP - 1EP - in Cluj-Napoca.

Riot Monk - This Tune Lyric Video (Single):



Producer: Stanik Bence
Talent manager: Halmen József
Project manager: Nagy Hunor Györk
Camera: András Gábor
Recorded by: Radu Boanca
Mixed by: Dóczy Áron

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