New Poll Shows 2 Out Of 3 Americans Say Trump Has Accomplished ‘Not Very Much’ Or Less

  • 7 years ago
Most Americans don’t believe President Trump has achieved much during his presidency thus far, according to a new ABC/Washington Post poll.

 Most Americans don't believe President Trump has achieved much during his presidency thus far, according to a new ABC News//Washington Post poll. 
The survey, conducted October 29 to November 1,  asked 1,005 American adults, among other questions, "Trump has been president for about nine months. Would you say he has accomplished a great deal during that time, a good amount, not very much or little or nothing?" 
Nearly two-thirds--or 65 percent--responded negatively, with 22 percent answering "not very much" and 43 percent choosing "little or nothing." 
According to the Washington Post, the aggregate figure is "up from 56 percent last spring."
Meanwhile, just 12 percent and 23 percent said he has accomplished "a great deal" and "a good amount," respectively. 
The Trump administration has faced a number of notable challenges relating to overhauling Obamacare, building the border wall with Mexico, and filling numerous vacant positions, among others. 
The president's current effort to reform the nation's tax system is also reportedly facing difficulties due to disagreements within the Republican party.
When White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked about Trump's successes during a briefing late last month, she said he has helped defeat ISIS, reduced unemployment in the U.S., and "created over 1.7 million jobs since being elected." 
A CNN fact check of her statement concluded that while Trump has played a role in fighting against ISIS, that trend and the positive economic indicators appear to have started during the Obama administration. 
The president has nonetheless continued to tout his achievements.
"Unemployment is down to 4.1%, lowest in 17 years," Trump tweeted Saturday. "1.5 million new jobs created since I took office. Highest stock Market ever, up $5.4 trill." 


