300 Million Year Old Iron Pot Found In Coal

  • 7 years ago
We recently covered the astonishing discovery made deep within a coal mine under Rostov in Russia.
Fortunately photographed by Mr Kasatkin, an experienced safety engineer who discovered the prints of what clearly appears to have been left by a chariots wheels, a chariot which once traversed the sand when it was soft, over time becoming fossilized, cast into solid rock, sandstone aged at over 300 million years old.
From Mr kasatkin’s keen interest in unexplained artefacts, he had suspected that the finds could in all possibility be hidden from the public, and indeed the shafts where these clearly important finds are located, was Subsequently flooded, blocking off any possible retrieval attempts.
However, these seemingly impossible prints, are thankfully, not the only unexplained artefacts to have been found deep within the mines of earth.
In 1912, workers shovelling coal in the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Oklahoma, would make an equally important discovery.
As they were breaking up the large lumps of coal in preparation for the furnaces, to their surprise, a small iron pot would be ejected from one of the chunks.
Obviously mystified by the pots sudden appearance into reality, they would preserve the pot along with its accompanying lump of coal, which had remained its tomb for an unimaginable amount of time.
Several experts would examine the iron pot over the following few day, all declaring it to be genuine.
Apparently, the imprint of the pot could also still be clearly seen in the broken chunks of coal that had encased it for in all possibility, millions of years.

According to Robert O. Fay of the Oklahoma Geological Survey, the Wilburton mines coal, in which the pot was found is an incredible, 312 million years old.
The cup is now displayed at a private museum in southern Missouri, it was fortunately photographed by Robert Nordling, who sent a copy to Frank Lewis Marsh, emeritus Professor of Biology at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, on 10 January 1949, He forwarded the images to Wilbert H Rusc in 1971 Rusch was a Professor of Biology at Concordia College, and a founder of the Creation Research Society, for which he once served as President.
Although over the years since the pots discovery. Several attempts to discredit its authenticity has been attempted, numerous said individuals, along with their accompanying explanation, all avoid, or forget to mention, the fact that the certificate of authenticity exists, a certificate confirming the story as accurate.
This means that we now have several artefacts we know to be in existence, which, according to modern understanding as to the age of coal, are over 300 million years old.
The pot is still within a private collection, of an unknown collector.


