Waffle Rock ~ Piece of Ancient Spaceship?

  • 7 years ago
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In a small place once known as mineral county, in west Virginia rests a very special rock.
Known as waffle rock, it is a huge piece of something very ancient, lodged in the ground where it must have struck many thousands of years earlier.
No longer visible to the public, due to it being several metres below the water level of a dam built in the area, which forced the residents of mineral county away forever.
After a petition by many of the locals, 2 pieces of waffle rock were thankfully preserved for future study, one stayed relatively local to the area while the other is preserved within the Smithsonian institute.
Research conducted by a Ms. Webster Bishop, provides a small insight into official investigations of the rock prior to its submersion.
In response to a letter-to-the-editor she wrote in the December of 1984, to the Saturday Evening Post, Colonel Martin W. Walsh, wrote back in response, quote,
“Speculations range from the impressions of the skin pattern of a giant reptile, to evidence of space travellers on earth. Upon examination by geologists from the U. S. Corps of Engineers and other agencies, it was concluded that the rock is a natural geologic formation.”
End quote,
Apparently Col. Walsh went on in his letter to describe the process by which such patterning could form naturally, suggesting that sand deposited by ancient streams consolidated into sandstone layers with rock above and below being compressed into the large folds that make up the pattern. Dating the rock to between 250 and 300 million years ago…
However, these conclusions can be found to be incorrect if one is aware of the original, complete rocks structure.
The rock on display at the West Virginia Outlook on Jennings Randolph Lake is but a small piece of the original rock, and yes this rock could indeed be explained away is such a manner, and of course this has been attempted on several occasions.
However, the entire rock is something entirely different and incredibly more complex in design.
Additionally, Photographs of the whole rock show clearly that the pattern, or the structure of the pattern does not run all the way through the rock, but rather can only be seen on one side.
Dr. Jack B. Epstein Of the U S Geological Survey,

Said quote,
“Four sets of joints are apparent in the waffle rock. Sets a and b are roughly perpendicular to each other; sets c and d are at an acute angle to each other. The stress that formed the joints, as well as the folds in the rocks, bisects the angle between joints c and d…”
Just what could have made waffle rock clearly remains a mystery, and any hypothesis that links it to possibly having been a part of a larger artificial craft, quickly shouted down as absurd.
The truth is, no one really knows what waffle rock is, but such hostility directed towards any extra terrestrial possibilities is something we always find interesting.

Waffle rock appears to have a metallic gridding which runs through some of its form, interestingly, a case we cover in another video, regarding another less mentioned find of a very similar, strange suspected rock formation, was found very nearby. were these fragments once pieces of an ancient spacecraft? We find it highly suspicious that the powers that be chose to submerge such a curious thing, subsequently hiding it from the world.


