The Mystery Of the Loch Ness Monster

  • 8 years ago
There is a dark and mysterious loch, buried deep within the highlands of scotland. a lake of gigantic proportions, with depths as black as night, many say this vast cold and mysterious body of water, protects a living beast. a monster of jurassic proportions. the lake is known as Loch Ness, it is a long, narrow lake, southwest of Inverness. It is the second largest loch in Scotland by surface area and the largest by volume of water, Loch Ness actually holds more water than all of the other lakes in Great Britain combined. Because of its depths, most of the water stays at a steady temperature of about 44 degrees Fahrenheit. Only the top 100 feet or so varies in temperature, it will never freeze. a world lay within this loch, out of reach but never changing, landlocked but once connected to the vast oceans of earth, an astounding 755 feet at its known deepest point. The water is so dark due to high levels of peat in surrounding soils, The breadth, depth, low visibility, and constant temperature make it a prime environment for an elusive monster, standing on the shore, the deep colours of the water conjures feelings of the abyss, it appears bottomless. rumours of a monster on the loch stretch back many years, sightings and a belief in the serpents existence has even led to A scientific name being given to Nessie, in 1975. Nessiteras rhombopteryx, or “the Ness monster with the diamond shaped fin.”


