食料自給率 23年ぶりの低水準に|ニュース 動画 News24h

  • 7 年前
The low level of food self-sufficiency rate of 23 years





The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries announced that the food self-sufficiency rate in 2016 was 38% on a calorie basis. Low level for the first time in 23 years.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry announced that Japan's food self-sufficiency rate last year dropped by 1 point from the previous year and it was 38% on a calorie basis based on food calories. It is the lowest level in 23 years, following the 37% in 1993.

This is due to the fact that consumption of rice is continuing to decrease, the production volume of wheat and other products decreased by about 20% due to the typhoon and heavy rain in Hokkaido. However, since the price of vegetables such as carrots and radishes rose, the self - sufficiency rate as seen in the production value rose by 2 points from the previous year to 68%. The government aims to set the food self-sufficiency rate to 45% on a calorie basis by the year 2025, but achievement becomes considerably difficult.

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