Takashi Yoshimura, Michael Tomoka and "Summer of only men!"
お笑いコンビの「平成ノブシコブシ」が3日、東京・お台場のシンボルプロムナード公園で行われた「MONSTER Slide the City」のオープン記念イベントに出席した。
スマホ向けゲームアプリ「モンスターストライク」とウォーターフェス「Slide the City」がコラボした、水上アトラクションや音楽フェスが楽しめるイベントで、同所で4〜6日まで開催。
会場には、メーンアトラクションとして「夢の大橋」の傾斜を利用した約200mのウォータースライダー「モンスターダブルスライダー」が設置され、ひと足先に勢いよく滑走した吉村崇(37)は「いろんな意味で滑るのが得意なんだなと(実感した)。30(歳)超えてからずっと滑りっぱなしというか 私以上に滑るのが得意な人がいますか?」と得意の“スベり芸”と絡めた感想を伝え、笑わせた。
A comedian's "Heisei Nobushikobushi" attended the opening memorial event of "MONSTER Slide the City" held at the Symbol Promenade Park in Odaiba, Tokyo on the 3rd.
It is an event that you can enjoy water attractions and music festivals collaborated with the game application for smartphone "Monster Strike" and the water festival "Slide the City", held at the same place from April 6th.
In the venue, the water slider "Monster Doubles Rider" about 200 meters using the slope of "Dream Bridge" was set as the main attraction, and Takashi Yoshimura (37), who slid ahead ahead of the other, slipped in various ways (I felt it was good) 30 (years old) Do you have a person who is good at slipping more than I am or has been slipping more than 30 years ago? "And impressions related to" suberi "that I am good at It made me laugh.
In case of
When asked about the schedule of this summer, Yoshimura said, "There was a great encounter this year, Michael Tomoka san, but let him tell you summer" and Kiriri. "Since Michael said that we are going to attend all the events of this summer (event of the summer), I'm looking forward to doing various things on the theme" Summer only for men ".
Meanwhile, Kenta Tokui (36), who is known for idol love so much to host an idle event himself, said, "Since there are many idol events in summer, what kind of child will come out this year, I'm looking forward to it" I made it excited.
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+Dailymotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/24h-news
+ Goo : http://blog.goo.ne.jp/24h-news
お笑いコンビの「平成ノブシコブシ」が3日、東京・お台場のシンボルプロムナード公園で行われた「MONSTER Slide the City」のオープン記念イベントに出席した。
スマホ向けゲームアプリ「モンスターストライク」とウォーターフェス「Slide the City」がコラボした、水上アトラクションや音楽フェスが楽しめるイベントで、同所で4〜6日まで開催。
会場には、メーンアトラクションとして「夢の大橋」の傾斜を利用した約200mのウォータースライダー「モンスターダブルスライダー」が設置され、ひと足先に勢いよく滑走した吉村崇(37)は「いろんな意味で滑るのが得意なんだなと(実感した)。30(歳)超えてからずっと滑りっぱなしというか 私以上に滑るのが得意な人がいますか?」と得意の“スベり芸”と絡めた感想を伝え、笑わせた。
A comedian's "Heisei Nobushikobushi" attended the opening memorial event of "MONSTER Slide the City" held at the Symbol Promenade Park in Odaiba, Tokyo on the 3rd.
It is an event that you can enjoy water attractions and music festivals collaborated with the game application for smartphone "Monster Strike" and the water festival "Slide the City", held at the same place from April 6th.
In the venue, the water slider "Monster Doubles Rider" about 200 meters using the slope of "Dream Bridge" was set as the main attraction, and Takashi Yoshimura (37), who slid ahead ahead of the other, slipped in various ways (I felt it was good) 30 (years old) Do you have a person who is good at slipping more than I am or has been slipping more than 30 years ago? "And impressions related to" suberi "that I am good at It made me laugh.
In case of
When asked about the schedule of this summer, Yoshimura said, "There was a great encounter this year, Michael Tomoka san, but let him tell you summer" and Kiriri. "Since Michael said that we are going to attend all the events of this summer (event of the summer), I'm looking forward to doing various things on the theme" Summer only for men ".
Meanwhile, Kenta Tokui (36), who is known for idol love so much to host an idle event himself, said, "Since there are many idol events in summer, what kind of child will come out this year, I'm looking forward to it" I made it excited.
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+Dailymotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/24h-news
+ Goo : http://blog.goo.ne.jp/24h-news