I managed to get a pretty serious electric shock from something that wasn't plugged in...
[] Well I guess it's clear you're a) presumptuous and b) wrong, because I know a ton of people in the same boat and we're not stupid nor uninformed.
The vast majority of Clinton supporters I speak to have no idea about the toppling of Libya, though, for example.
[] You won't get any arguments from me on that one.
[] "I forgot my wallet. Can I just leave now with my items and pay you guys later?"
Reading all these responses fuels my inner rage for dumbass customers.
So glad I left retail.
[] Sounds great. They can over-extend themselves and be laughed at for being weak and indecisive.
[] Not at all. Someone told me the reason why it "works" was because the stars energy was affecting you when your were born. They had no answer when I asked why none of the other constellations affect you the rest of the months of your life.
[] ^ teenager
[] That's great but then don't call yourself a vegetarian. Say "I don't eat red meat."
"Vegetarian" means something, and that ain't it.
[] Running
Also I know a lot of idiots have decided that it's ok to constantly talk shit about the kardashians but do you REALLY think they need publicity? Literally every family member is a huge celeb.
Jesus, I know I said some cringey things when I was 14 but I hope I wasn't this bad
[] White male teens are aids.
[] To be fair to him, we don't have a before picture.
[] So?
[] Like.. getting high or smashing people's heads in with rocks.?
[] Best additive manufacuring technique for printing tissues and organs. I swear there are screaming matches somtimes.
[] While I was a student, best from fellow students :
1 - Teacher proceed to plug 114% in an equation and instead write 1,14... a student had to raise his hands and tell the professor he made a mistake, and then he was having a rough time understanding the professor explanation that 114% and 1.14 are the same thing (keep in mind it was in a master's level economics class... not middle school)
2 - A fellow student asking the director of the pharmacology department what a receptor was (a very VERY VEEEEERY basic concept in pharmacology)... it was right before our last final of the whole bachelor degree, she went through 4 years of school without knowing what a receptor was...
[] Nice piece. I wonder who the people in white are... Expected him to look at the emperor rather than people in the audience.
[] You can provide a well thought out and detailed argument, but if it supports the "wrong" side, it will get downvoted to the point that no one will even read it.
[] What is the wildest conspiracy theory pertaining to Pakistan?
"Osama bin Laden was a US agent, who perished long before the raid in Abbottabad three years ago. Malala Yousafzai is also an American agent. Most of the country’s troubles and travails are, in fact, not homegrown, but the result of an omnipotent Jewish lobby — also known as a yahoodi saazish. And if it’s not the Jews stirring up trouble, it must be the Indians."
However, the article gives too much credit to the USA.
For example, "The US is behind all terror attacks in Pakistan". This is simply inaccurate. India is the first one to be blamed for any terrorist attack on Pakistani soil. It's a Pavlovian response by the people there.
[] In their defense, I don't know where I am before ive had my coffee either.
[] Probably meant "store" and not "room".
[] No preservatives or artificial flavours.
[] Do you know that rebels don't permit Aleppo civillians to leave the city?
[] Can confirm I have done that at least once...
[] Poon and flannel everywhere.
[] Well I guess it's clear you're a) presumptuous and b) wrong, because I know a ton of people in the same boat and we're not stupid nor uninformed.
The vast majority of Clinton supporters I speak to have no idea about the toppling of Libya, though, for example.
[] You won't get any arguments from me on that one.
[] "I forgot my wallet. Can I just leave now with my items and pay you guys later?"
Reading all these responses fuels my inner rage for dumbass customers.
So glad I left retail.
[] Sounds great. They can over-extend themselves and be laughed at for being weak and indecisive.
[] Not at all. Someone told me the reason why it "works" was because the stars energy was affecting you when your were born. They had no answer when I asked why none of the other constellations affect you the rest of the months of your life.
[] ^ teenager
[] That's great but then don't call yourself a vegetarian. Say "I don't eat red meat."
"Vegetarian" means something, and that ain't it.
[] Running
Also I know a lot of idiots have decided that it's ok to constantly talk shit about the kardashians but do you REALLY think they need publicity? Literally every family member is a huge celeb.
Jesus, I know I said some cringey things when I was 14 but I hope I wasn't this bad
[] White male teens are aids.
[] To be fair to him, we don't have a before picture.
[] So?
[] Like.. getting high or smashing people's heads in with rocks.?
[] Best additive manufacuring technique for printing tissues and organs. I swear there are screaming matches somtimes.
[] While I was a student, best from fellow students :
1 - Teacher proceed to plug 114% in an equation and instead write 1,14... a student had to raise his hands and tell the professor he made a mistake, and then he was having a rough time understanding the professor explanation that 114% and 1.14 are the same thing (keep in mind it was in a master's level economics class... not middle school)
2 - A fellow student asking the director of the pharmacology department what a receptor was (a very VERY VEEEEERY basic concept in pharmacology)... it was right before our last final of the whole bachelor degree, she went through 4 years of school without knowing what a receptor was...
[] Nice piece. I wonder who the people in white are... Expected him to look at the emperor rather than people in the audience.
[] You can provide a well thought out and detailed argument, but if it supports the "wrong" side, it will get downvoted to the point that no one will even read it.
[] What is the wildest conspiracy theory pertaining to Pakistan?
"Osama bin Laden was a US agent, who perished long before the raid in Abbottabad three years ago. Malala Yousafzai is also an American agent. Most of the country’s troubles and travails are, in fact, not homegrown, but the result of an omnipotent Jewish lobby — also known as a yahoodi saazish. And if it’s not the Jews stirring up trouble, it must be the Indians."
However, the article gives too much credit to the USA.
For example, "The US is behind all terror attacks in Pakistan". This is simply inaccurate. India is the first one to be blamed for any terrorist attack on Pakistani soil. It's a Pavlovian response by the people there.
[] In their defense, I don't know where I am before ive had my coffee either.
[] Probably meant "store" and not "room".
[] No preservatives or artificial flavours.
[] Do you know that rebels don't permit Aleppo civillians to leave the city?
[] Can confirm I have done that at least once...
[] Poon and flannel everywhere.