• 9 years ago
Mature (in the sense of "boring old fart"). Been enjoying childhood for many decades now, see no urgent reason to stop.

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[] I wish you nothing but the best.
[] Nah. Thats just a bullshit philosophy that idiots believe in because they're worried about their own mortality, and it makes coming to terms with it a bit easier. Supposedly, at least. Also, tuberculosis and smallpox were a part of life, until they weren't. But hey, enjoy the diseases of old age!
[] Godzilla?!
[] this irritates me too bc its like, girls put a lot of work into their nudes, and dudes just stick their phones down their pants. like i've got nothing against sexting but come on, make an effort.
[] Kinda ugly.
[] Bastard.
[] I used to deal with home medical equipment. This included delivering equipment to the patients. One day I was showing a patient how to use her rental manual wheelchair, and my phone started ringing. It was the iPhone ringtone that's just an obnoxious alarm. So the patient says "Oh? The chair has an alarm on it?" I at first thought she was kidding, until I looked up and saw the most genuinely puzzled look on her face. I then had to explain to her that it was my phone.
[] Oh, the steampunk spin-off? Yeah, that one was awesome!
[] So you're looking for people that don't talk about politics? Ummm I think you need to be more specific
[] He invented a practical jetpack eg. the ones from 1984 literally used their max flighttime in the performance.
[] Ah okay
[] Weyland-Utani, Umbrella Corporation, and Cyberdyne Systems. You will get Alien Terminator Zombies.
[] What the fuck are turtles?
[] Nobody throws good food in the bin, especially if it was their roommates. Fake story OP try harder
[] Danbury here, I love Bethel. I need donuts from Blue Jays
[] Yep, I also thought of the canary thing when I learned of it.
[] But they aren't. That's my point.
[] It's the processing method of the transaction- not the card type itself.
[] Clerks was pretty good.
[] I know the feeling, a housemate of mine passed away in a car crash at Christmas and not long after, his ex said he was drink driving (I don't believe) and others say he wasn't wearing a seatbelt and went out the window. Hearing all those just made it a thousand times harder to believe.
I'd highly suggest going to counselling, it will help in the long run. I didn't get to go the my housemates funeral because it was the other side of the country and we all moved out a week after the car accident so I didn't get closure I needed and I don't believe it's a coincidence that I started having panic attacks this summer.

Sorry for your loss and take care of yourself.
[] Acidic juice is and especially dangerous type of juice.
[] And because the cars behind you will start to mutiny if you take the time to read the menu.
[] A costumer once approached me, while i was standing below a Big Ass Sign saying "eggs here" and asked this:

"sooo uhm excuse me, Do you even sell eggs? Cuz....I cant find any"


