• 9 years ago
Wait does this mean that thick air is trees?
[] Maybe her son was addicted to drugs and she did it to look in on him and make sure he wasn't using.
[] im so glad I don't work in womens lingerie and clothing anymore. most customers were so polite and nice but then youd get people like this that would make me want to quit on the spot.
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[] I walk by this shit every day. If I had known it'd give me 5k karma, I would've just taken it. Missed opportunity
[] Tis better to drown as captain of the ship than help row those lifeboats like a commoner.
[] Username checks out, strangely enough
[] It might have been - sorry I don't know.
[] Chris Chriscat
[] have to stop the cord cutters somehow.
[] My birthday is tomorrow and so is the next lottery drawing. If the stars AND the planets align, I could potentially win 88 million SEK (bit more than 10 million dollars).

I can imagine the odds, but hey, people do win sometimes.
[] Like From Dusk till Dawn except that was awesome.
[] Had a customer show up 5min to closing at a bbq restaurant I worked at asking for a full order of fried chicken (we're not there yet, we serve that). I had to explain that we need 15min to batter and fry it because we didn't have 15pieces of fried chicken ready so close to closing. She ordered anyway, so we told her 15min.

We closed, locked our doors, and she waited in the parking lot for her chicken. Seven minutes go by and she's honking at the drive thru window. I answer her and she says, "It's been 15 minutes!" I look and show her the timer we have set on the wall and tell her no, it's only been 7-8min. She shows me her car radio and the time on the receipt, which is a 15min difference. I explain her radio clock is faster than ours and I read off my computer time, which is 7-8min after the original order, which matches the timer on the wall.

She wants to know why it takes so long. So I re-explain why we don't have 15 pieces of fried chicken this close to closing. But she wants to know why it takes so long to fry chicken. So I explain the process to her:

"Well ma'am, we have to batter the chicken, drop them for 15min to both cook the chicken and fry the batter, and then box it for you. It's about half way done cooking."


Demanded to see the manager, and we were already closed and known for having fresh everything, so we gave her a pie we would have originally thrown away for the "inconvenience". She got a free pie for being fucking stupid.
[] Brilliant first post! Well done. :)
[] Either like that or by typing "1m26s" also works with h, have not tested d or y.
[] Bust Buy would be a more accurate store name.
[] You should check these out. Can be seasoned however you like. Pretty tasty.
[] MRW - I read it as me right when - and I still find it hard not to
Do I pay for Netflix, Spotify

Those two both give you access to more than Amazon Prime does in their respective field. And they're not that expensive, to be honest. If you're a student, spotify is $5 a month, also it 15 for a family subscription, which 5, maybe even 6 people can use. A very similar thing exists for netflix.
[] At best buy, two different occasions, same part in question, back in 2004/2005.

After showing a couple all the features of a computer they were interested in, including a cd/dvd drive, the wife asked if it had a CD player.

Next one was my favorite. Guy came in asking if we carried any brains to a computer. I told him "no, sorry. We do not carry peripherals." Bummed out, he turned and walked down the far aisle. He comes back a minute later visibly mad and asking why i lied to him. I asked what did he mean by lied and he goes "You have one right here!" ..... He held up a DVD drive.
[] That man... was Albert Einstein.

Sorry, couldn't resist :)
[] Like From Dusk till Dawn except that was awesome.
[] Tex
[] Yer outathere!

Bumblebeetuna. Bumblebeetuna.
[] Worked at a restaurant, customer orders Fish and Chips (it says right on the menu that it comes with fries)

"where are the chips?"
"what? oh it's just what the British call it"
"but it said chips"
