Texter Au Volant C'est Se Foutre Des Conséquences

  • 8 years ago
If my keyboard wouldn't let me type !%stuff + $like & @this, it would be impossible to code in Perl.
[]Organic or gtfo
[]Yes for 1. Unsure and unlikely for the second one. How would you know?
[]Real spider silk... it's very difficult/expensive to farm spider silk.

There are companies out there spinning synthetic silks, but from my knowledge it's no where near the capabilities of natural silk yet.

Even then, if it doesn't cost you your house and firstborn child, I would highly doubt that it's real.
[]It's brave take credit for work done by a dude named /u/motherfuckingjesus
[]That cats expression is like "stop it mom, you're embarrassing me"
[]She is?! sikhh
[]This isn't what this is about mate. We already have laws protecting against that.

I work in tech, and I can tell you that many British techs companies would not be what they are without European and other foreign workers.

In some of these companies, including the one I currently work for, 50% of the staff is not from the UK. The UK simply doesn't produce enough qualified tech workers. There already is serious talk about opening an office on continental Europe after Brexit...

As far as Finance and Tech goes, the UK is shooting itself in the foot.
[]Brutal Doom w/Starter Pack + Project Brutality.

Also, working out helps a lot.
[]that's great about what your mother accomplished. but sorry, living frugally is not the same as being poor. poor means you spend no money because you have none to spend.
[]Used to work at Petsmart in college.

Had a guy come in with a super cute 10 week old pitbull puppy. He didnt have anything prepared so I had to help him get everything for this pup; cage, bowls, etc.

After about 30 minutes we get to food. I recommend a brand, then he leans in asks me, "What about gunpowder? I heard if you mix it in their food they really bulk up."

Apparently this is an actual rumor that people believe
[]Well alright. He made a mistake, big deal.
[]I was under the impression that the drug had serious after affects that continued even to this day, or at least that's what the headline had me thinking.

That was a really really shitty situation. Easy to condemn the Russian authorities for their actions but God only knows what could have happened had they launched an assault on a theater full of hostages when the terrorists were out and about.

The only poor decision in the authorities planning of this operation was their neglecting to inform emergency personnel of what they were planning. That's what really caused problems in the end.
[]Because they suck.
[]Let's Not Meet moderation is useless. They moderate nothing.
[]Love of my life by Queen
Maybe it is. But you can't just ignore the government which ruled (no matter if good or bad) for a long time a country and say its not the only government in the country anymore.

The government lost the capacity to not rule of their own borders and 75% of their territory. Yes they can. Its not a matter of emotional empathy towards the government. This is exactly why Syria lost its sovereign status.

You have to keep in mind that these "Rebels"/moderate terrorists are backed by the US. Without all this backing it would have never achieved all this.

Very flawed. ISIS would have dominated territory the rebels are now.

If the US want to bomb the IS they can could coordinate with Russia and the Syria gov. But that's not they won't obviously. It's a proxy war between Russia and the US in the end with Russia having the stronger hand atm.

Why US. Its the coalition forces including US and they do coordinate. Perhaps not to the level everyone is expecting.
[]Thank you, but you know, the face the car driver was making never let me think it was my fault. I just wish I had been somewhat 'prepared'.
[]It has begun
[]Dude, dude don't ever open a defense of Russia with whataboutism. It makes you sound like a shill.

Yes, if other nations do that their integrity will be in question as well.

I don't know about you, but I personally cannot verify a picture of dudes being circled means that turkey's intelligence agency is aiding isis. I need a few sources to all confirm it. I'm no dope. I know how important and integral propoganda is to war efforts. That's why I said it's important to not make amateur blunders, like Russia did. Your faked need to be consistent with each other.
[]Man, the new Thor movie looks great.
[]I live in a little geographic anomaly known as Point Roberts, WA... You wouldn't believe how many people have asked directions to Seattle from here... They took the nearest exit to the US, and failed to realize that we aren't even connected to the main land. Apparently a few of these questions came from people who drove around for about an hour looking for the freeway. (Takes about 10 minutes at most to go anywhere from anywhere here.)
[]Are you offering?


