The University Of Georgia

  • 8 years ago
Ok then the animated series which came out after the movie...jeeze
[] relatable bro. i dont smoke but fuck me thats relatable fuck it all live life to the fullest
[] I got food poisoning from 711 twice, never, ever, ever again.
[] wow this is actuqlly a very depressing thought. id have like...£180k
this is really not good.
wow i waist money!
[] Friend of a friend of a friend is apparently a prosecutor who developed severe mental health issues after decades of never being able to pin down people he knew were utter scumbags.
[] Ah yeah, confusing heavy doses of snarky sarcasm for serious intellectual discussion. You seem to understand context.
[] "Does the cheeseburger come with cheese?"
[] During a major money stress I started saying to myself, "Money can't make you happy, but it sure as hell can make you sad."
[] I'm a bit late to the party but here goes...

When I was 16 I worked at a large department store. A customer stopped me and immediately began yelling at me because he had been looking around the store for half an hour for a lawnmower that was on sale. He was going on and on telling me how it was "false advertising". Finally it went like this:
Me: "Turn around."
Him: "What?"
Me: "Look behind you."
Him: "I don't know what you're-"
Me: points "Look!"
He was literally standing in front of the thing he was yelling about. He just said, "Oh" and shut up.
[] Depends on management; if they are often involved with customers hands on and don't have a complete us vs them attitude towards employees, you're good.
[] Sort by "controversial" and it gets a lot funnier!
[] I just want you to tell me what you think "pedantic" means..
[] For those that don't: Hasidic Jews.

It's a branch of Judaism.
[] Stevie Wonder said he'd drive them all home? How does that work
[] Nah, you might think you found the American, but what you really found was a Canadian who has first hand experience doing dumb things.

Common error, we blend right in by being basically American, but about 25 kilometers to the north of America.
[] /r/Im14andthisisfunny
[] Let's just blame the iPhone...
[] The problem isn't lack of competition. The problem is that they are competing on how high they grade products, not how accurately.

Adding more agencies wouldn't help in the slightest. As long as they compete for the wrong metric then the problem would remain.

To fix the system, the ratings agencies need to be strongly incentived to only award high ratings to highly secure products. Perhaps, for example, they could experience major fines if a product they rated highly subsequently failed.
[] While working for a very large department store I mentioned the Black Friday sale that we'd be having in a few weeks to the customer.
Her resonpse: "So do a lot of black people shop on Fridays then?"
[] It seems like on the picture they use there is no twig/grass in the goat's mouth, I'm not sure if that is a meaningful enough difference to classify it is an entirely different image or not.
[] FTA it seemed like it was people attending the church that complained, not the church itself. Worried about themselves and their "small children." Get over yourselves and fuck your kids; these people just want a hot meal ffs.
[] Yeah, they're request is satisfied and the custome dies at the end and leaves you alone for the rest of your life. Two birds!
[] Come on /u/theoutlet and /u/Blirup we're waiting, what were you wearing? Location? We need to know if Blirup is an idiot
[] What do you call a professional reposter?

[] Well I wont be able to sleep tonight....