A City and a River

  • 16 years ago
The city-state of Singapore is one of the few city-states left in the whole world. The dazzling city of Singapore is located in the south of Malaysia and north of Indonesia. Located 137 kms north of the Equator, this enchanting island-nation is the smallest existing country in South-east Asia.

The story of Singapore cannot be told without the mention of the Singapore River. This 11 km long smallish river holds currents of immense historical importance. In the nascent days of Singapore, the old port of Singapore besides this river happened to be the business hub of this erstwhile trading post. Sir Stamford Raffles, the founder of ‘modern Singapore’ first landed on the north bank of Singapore River where he founded his colony, which slowly snowballed into Singapore.

The river is a witness to the steady evolution of a fishing village to a glitzy nation-state. Once the trade artery of the colony, even today the Singapore River happens to be the heart of Singapore city. It can precisely be called as the central channel of the heavily populated Central Business District of Singapore. The Downtown Core area, besides the river, is the most important area of Singapore from the economic point of view.

Singapore, which attained its independence from the Britishers on 9th August 1965, has come a long way in the path of growth and development. The population of Singapore is around 4.68 million. After becoming an independent nation, Singapore city-state started rapidly climbing on the ladder of development. Today, the standard of living of people in Singapore has increased a lot over the last four decades, and Singapore has emerged as the prime shopping and entertainment hub of Asia, and also an exotic tourist destination.
